Saturday, 14 July 2018

On Our True Identity

(I forwarded an interview by Collective Evolution w/David Wilcock to a friend who is into all these subject areas. This is the same person who just recently expressed some admiration for Karl Marx, and forwarded me an article on a recent biography on him, which email I made some comments about back - as I posted here yesterday - including my take on a factor in such matters: that “Any philosophy that rests on the principle that The end justifies the means is doomed to failure.  As it should be.”  This person replied, denying that that was his “principle”.  My latest correspondence with this person, including this specific issue:)

“Not sure if you have come across this [i.e., the Wilcock iv].  Highly recommended iv.  It's from 2016, but invaluable 'filler' to what will be coming our way, in the not too distant future.


“P.S. You were talking about Marx: There was an excellent article on him in the May 21 edition of The New American magazine.  I don't know if you can access that through some kind of periodical service at your library.  If you are interested enough in the subject, I could send my copy to you.
     “You said, in response to my point of concern, that he was/is not responsible for how people took his ideas and 'ran' with them.  But my point is deeper than that: Once the state is given so much power over the people, as he and his circle of socialist acquaintances envisioned (no private property, etc.), unless you are dealing with a theocracy - with a system that acknowledges that we are, as I said, 'spiritual beings having a human experience,' and so would/will be working with the consciousness/idea of Power With and Within, rather than Power Over Others (or POO for short, as I call that approach to life) - you will run into trouble.  Big trouble.  'The state' should never be given such power over the people, unless and until it is the right 'state'.  To say: With the right state of consciousness, as well.  No mere human model is going to be able to do the job.  We are being forced ineluctably to own up to our true identities.  Or we're going to end up in a transhumanist virtual reality, with our access to our true identity not only blocked but ‘bred’ out of us.  By some very Dark-side characters; who are deep into their plotting as we speak.
     “David Icke's latest book 'Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told' summarizes the agenda, and its 'state,' quite nicely.  If that’s the proper word to describe such diabolical and depraved plotting.” 

All of this has a lot of relevancy as to where we are at today.

Which is on a cusp.

With things about to move.

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