Wednesday, 25 July 2018

On The Sweet Mystery Of Life

Posting yesterday, now, to a friend across the pond about a particularly intriguing facet of Life In These United States:

I have realized that you over there in the Auld Country may well not know of a fascinating phenomenon going on over here in The New World Same As The Old One.  It has to do with a poster on the Internet, stage name of 'Q,' who purports to be involved deeply in the Trump administration, with many bits of evidence coming out to that effect, and who drops curious breadcrumbs in his/their posts that lead often to events that come true in 'real' time, and keep his/their followers believing that beyond all the dark stuff going on, all is well, that the Deep State is being taken down, that it is all a matter of right timing, and "power will return to the people".  But that isn't the half of it.  He has/they have left clues that lead to the startling conclusion that he - as very possibly one of a few people posting under that handle (with one having access to the Oval Office; I suspect that it is Donald J. Trump Jr.) - is none other than JFK Jr.  

That background: In 1999, when JFK Jr. - a very charismatic guy, w/great looks, and an easy and sincere style much like his father - was a few months short of 39, he was being touted for political office, and a position as federal senator for the state of New York was coming up in 2000 (with who knows what beyond that; a run for the presidency itself???).  But in looking at life beyond the Oval Office with partner Bill, who was finishing his second and constitutionally last term in the presidency at that time, Hillary was apparently looking to go for that seat as well.  And so, of course, were the Powers That Be considering her for that office, and possible stepping-stone to the Oval Office for herself, as one of the Cabal, Illuminati, take one's pick of names for the Dark side's erstwhile rulers of this planet.  By then, JFK Jr. would have known of such a group of The Big and Powerful who were behind the assassination of both his father and his uncle, Robert.  What to do?  (His decision very possibly enhanced by the fact that his first love was acting; but which he was discouraged from following by his mother, as a poor career choice.)  'I know!' he thought - and, apparently, did: Stage his fake death, in a (private) plane crash.  And with his wife and her sister to boot.  

He was flying them to a family wedding off the coast of Massachusetts one evening when his plane went off the radar, and, when nothing more was heard from the plane, the authorities instituted a search; which took quite a few days to get organized, and activated.  Whereupon the plane was found on the ocean floor some five or six days later, and their bodies were taken to the county medical office and autopsied (cause of death: instantly in the crash), and then transferred to the place where they were cremated.  All, as we were told.  Nineteen years later, evidences begin to appear on the alt media that he, and his wife (and some evidence that the sister figures into the picture, too), can be seen directly behind Trump in a couple of his campaign appearances, whooping it up for him.  (JFK Jr. in a clever disguise.)  

The link: They were friends in the 'old days'.  They would have talked about what all was going on in the country, and the world.  Result: DJT started talking about running for the presidency even back then.  A long shot; so, nothing for TPTB to worry about.  All was still well, in their NWO attempts to take over this country, as the key to taking over the whole world.  With, apparently, a couple of buddies determined to rain on their parade.  God moving in mysterious ways, and all...

This doesn't do all the bits of evidence to this conclusion justice.  But at least it should act as a good taster.  For more to come, from over here on this side of the pond.  But just to say, and conclude for now: If this is true.  As it very much seems be.  We are in for some fascinating times on the old - well; whatever this Earth is.  In its truth.  


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