Thursday, 19 July 2018

On Daring To Call It Treason

“Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason?  Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”  
   - Sir John Harrington
(An epigram employed to good use by John A. Stormer in his book of the same name)

from ‘Mark Levin On Media Freakout Over Trump-Putin Summit’ - Rick Wells - July 18/19
(Levin talked a lot about ‘the left’ and its history regarding standing up to Russia, so they have no call to call Trump a traitor.  But he bought into some of the little intrigues of the left.
(P.S. It took me three tries to get the site to ‘accept’ my post.  I really have some serious gremlins at work in my equipment…)

Stan // July 19, 2018 at 2:46 pm // Reply (act. July 18 PDT)
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Some fair-enough points by Levin, but he is being disingenuous about “the annexation of Crimea” and “the invasion of eastern Ukraine”. Crimea, seeing ‘politics’ going on in Ukraine, voted overwhelmingly to associate with Russia; the same w/eastern Ukraine. Victoria Nuland and the CIA were up to their eyeballs in attempting a coup and takeover in Ukraine. The NeoCons were mad at Russia for ‘interfering’ with their best-laid plans. It’s the same with the 2016 elections. The only ‘Russian collusion’ going on was their financial support to Hillary, for her being involved in the Uranium One deal. (To the tune of $140 million; plus $500 grand to Bill for a Pay for Play talk.) There is a difference between American interests and NWO interests. Levin needs to clarify the difference.

Mark also referred to Obama’s failure to engage in “pushback from Russia’s criminal shootdown of flight MH117”.  I didn’t want to get into that subject there; but from my reading on that matter, there was serious question about who did it, with some good evidence pointing to the bad guys, not the Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainians, fighting to keep from being submerged into a coup-overtaken Ukraine central government.  Levin is playing right into the hands of the narratives-setters there, too, it would appear.    

It really is time to move on, and leave all these pieces of The Play behind.  Trump has major pieces to play.  He needs to put them into play.  The NWO crowd are getting just too arrogant, now, with this ‘traitor’ crap.  You want treason?  We’ll show you treason.


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