Tuesday, 31 March 2020

How Dare You

So the NWO crowd has succeeded in getting the U.S.A. into a position for takeover.  And might well have sprung the trap already if it weren’t for Trump.  Thus, why those Players have been doing everything they can to take him down, get him out of the way of their takeover plot.  With some of them working on another front of that operation; e.g., House Speaker Pelosi, and her calls for both vote-by-mail - as if that weren’t signal enough of their intentions - and elimination of photo ID requirements to vote.  

Could their scenario be more obvious?

The country, and its supportive citizenry, are fortunate to have had some patriotic souls ‘aboard’ who have seen this current situation coming, and have planned accordingly.  With some evidence to support the notion, which has been remarked on online, that they have known the Deep State’s 'playbook’.  And not just from listening in to their conversations, on both phone and electronic devices, and/or from having pilfered copies of their written materials.  But from having had access to technology - called Looking Glass - that has allowed them actually to time travel, and see into the future of the timeline that this planet, and its inhabitants, are on.  Or at least, were on.  And thus, have known what the machinations of the NWO crowd have consisted of.  Knowledge that has allowed them to thwart those best-laid plans.

And override them.  And install their own.

Of the Light. 

And in consequence, as well clarify that 

there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in the philosophy of the atheists - and outright Satanists - behind this attempt to turn this planet into a global gulag, run by them.

In their arrogant assumption of total power.

Power Over Others.

Or POO for short…

Anybody else notice the recent display with the Empire State building bathed in red, and with a revolving light at the top, like a police car’s emergency lights blazing??  And how that relates to Q’s posting of the message: ‘Rig for Red’???  Which means: Ready to Surface. 

As Q has also posted; and a number of times, as though to emphasize the message:

'Enjoy the show.'

And be guided into the future on this planet

the Right way.

The Way

of Truth.

Error no longer.  As we enter a -

the -

Golden Age.

In alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.

With the little wills of men

no longer.


And that means the end of (the likes of) most Big Pharma medications, and a return to understanding the value and wisdom of the advice of the founder of Western/modern medicine, Hippocrates, who is reported to have said: ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.’

He is also reported to have said, to budding doctors: ‘First, Do No Harm.’

Both, points of advice that have been left far, far behind the current paradigm of Western/modern medicine.  And now, here we are.  For example, widely not knowing how a deficiency in zinc is causing a lot of patients testing positive for the cv to do so, and a treating for which deficiency could shorten their time in care.  (It blocks replication of the virus.)  Yes, along with a couple of drugs (the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin).  But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: A zinc deficiency causes the body to be susceptible to such as viruses.*  

It also causes a set of symptoms that could be mistaken for other illness conditions (like diabetes, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders; etc.)   Thus, treating for the underlying deficiency condition can clear up a whole host of problems.  And save people a whole lot of money; and pain.  That is the sort of business that we should be in.

And will be.  Once we start living in the shade of

the 'T' tree.  Aka the Truth tree.


* That's why (young) athletes, e.g, come down with this virus, and viruses in general: They lose their zinc stores when they sweat a lot.
   Check out the likes of the sites of Drs. Joseph Mercola and Mike Adams, e.g., for this sort of information, and advice.  Or any good holistic physician.

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