Saturday, 2 May 2020

On Feeling Sorry - Or Not

A friend has accused me - in a friendly manner - of not trusting my ‘heart’/intuition when I pointed out, in response to an email from said friend, that the figures that the two California dctors who questioned the ‘official’ figures on the cv pandemic were themselves based on faulty evidence, and threw up my hands regarding “the mess,” hoping for greater clarity on the matter.  I think the attitude generated here is ‘Come on - what more do you need?’  My response: I need facts, which can be trusted.   Yes, I get the gist of the argument: that we are being done in by some very devious people.  But the point of the whole scenario, I would submit, is to drive us honest souls further into the camp of Truth - the whole truth, and nothing but.  That nothing less will, should, suffice.  Which attitude will bring about a sea change in civilization on this planet.  With The Play thereby over.  And the beginning of The Real Thing  Signifying our graduation out of the 3D elementary school classroom, and into the first of the higher grades.

I went further into this idea in my response to this latest email from said friend, in which the subject of “Something’s not right about this whole Covid scam” was broached, my friend feeing  that “it’s too big” and obvious “to fit the ‘conspiracy’ definition," so that something doesn’t smell right about it.  I would agree.  And chose to respond thusly:  

It is at the least a wakeup call for a lot of people who have been, er, dead asleep, to get them to make some decisions, not have them made for them.  'Now listen up.  Between this virus, an especially-structured vaccine for it, and the 5G rollout to exacerbate things, we are going to put the entire planet under our lock and key, including getting rid of millions - billions - of you useless eaters.  That is our plan, if you let us get away with it.  We have to tell you this.  We have done so, enough for any dolt to get it.  The rest is up to you.  Wake up, or you are ours.' 

“I think David Spangler was on to something when he talked, in one of his lectures that got included in one of his early, Findhorn Press-published books ('Refections On The Christ'??), about how Lucifer was the prince of Involution and The Christ was the prince of evolution, ergo they both had a role to play in The Drama.  The sentiment/insight fit with something that I had come across years before in my constant search for 'leads' to the Purpose for this whole show-and-tell, when I discovered that Quetzalcoatl - according to the Aztecs, or whomsoever it was down in Central America - had a dark-side brother, name of (as I recall) Tezcatlipoca, whose name apparently meant something like Smoking Mirror.  Smoking Mirror?  'Brother" - not 'antagonist'??...I think them aborigines were on to something that we have yet to figure out.

“Anyway - fings seem to be coming to a head.  And not before time, I reckon.  Having had enough of The Process.  And wanting to get to The Real Thing / Conclusion.  One can be entertained by a story only so long.”

A story.  Like the 9/11 one.  And so forth and so on, about the telegraphing of activities which has allowed the awakened an opportunity to change the timeline, for the Good.  Or suffer the consequences.  In this classroom for learning lessons.

For apprentice gods.

As to this element in all this, I am aware that another email response of mine to a different friend today has relevance here.  I forwarded this friend a mailing from a guy called Zingdad, of a video of his on the subject of ‘Healing & Supporting Planet Earth’s Awakening Souls,’ and made the following comment:

“I've never been able to fully buy into Zingdad and his channeling of Adamu, but in this video 'he' has some good insights to offer.  Especially the idea of our learning from this pandemic to take self-responsibility for our good health, which is the best answer to the pandemic virus.  This is his no. 1.  His no. 2 is v. good advice, too: Set a "daily (meditation) practice of unity consciousness recreate your reality".

I can buy that.  Basically, it's all about awakening.”

May you feel a wake-up call in all that is going on in our time, as well.

It is all getting very real.

P.S. This same friend also asked me about my internet access, in the context of wondering about disconnecting from WiFi during the night.  My response:

This house is equipped with WiFi, so that is how my computer works.  I am actually not happy about that, from all that I have read about WiFi; but it is what it is, my new reality. 

“I would think that disconnecting from WiFi during the night would be a good thing.  But I'm no expert.  But I think you're on the right track.  And ESPECIALLY fight against installation of 5G in your area.  There is plenty of evidence already out and about that not only is it dangerous per se, but that it figures into a lot of the deleterious effects of the cv pandemic, in somehow exacerbating its effects on one's body.  

“We are surrounded by madness.  The madness of those who want Power Over Others.”

But how does that old saying go?  ‘They’ve got us surrounded.  Boy, do I feel sorry for them now.’ 


P.P.S. And to close: This same friend has sent me a newspaper’s report on “lots of protests in California Friday…people are really fed and not buying the media stories”.  My response: 

“Yes, I read where a lot of people went to the beaches in Orange County last weekend, with the advent of very sunny weather, and the CA governor, who seems to be part of the NWO crowd, has issued an order for them, not just to practice Social Distancing but to stay at home. (CA is one of those overly dictatorial states keeping everybody locked up in their homes.  And thus, a) having weakening immune systems, and b) not gaining immunity by being exposed to the virus.  But to continue.)  Quite a few of 'his' sheriffs are refusing to go along with his order, citing what they feel is its unconstitutionality.  In response, he is using words like 'CA is a nation-state' - meaning: ‘The federal government does not tell me what to do in MY state.'  CA has been making 'noises' about cutting off from the Union for some time now, and declaring itself to be its own republic, under the auspices of the UN.  (It's part of a larger scheme, promoted by La Raza, called Aztlan, with 7 of the Southwest states to secede, and fall under the control of their heavily Hispanic residents; both legal and illegal.) 

“We are coming to crunch time.”

Well; that’s what happens when one is surrounded…

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