Wednesday, 3 June 2020

...And On The Other Hand

A friend has just sent me a link to an article by Pres. Trump’s former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis (who resigned over Trump’s Syria policy), just published in The Atlantic magazine wherein the retired Marine general takes Trump to severe task for threatening to step in to restore order in the country if those state governors and city mayors who aren’t doing it won’t do the job.  The article is headed ‘James Mattis Denounces Trump as Threat to Constitution’.  My response to my friend:

...And on the other side of this coin is the fact that Democrat governors and mayors are deliberately letting the rioters keep on doing their thing, by not calling in the National Guard, because it plays into the Left's agenda, to keep Crisis = Opportunity going until they can steal the November elections with their plans for Mail-in Voting, Early Voting (to vote early and often), etc.  Trump is absolutely right to warn such governors and mayors that if they don't act, he will, under the legitimate power given him by the Insurrection Act.  In the meantime, all those citizens whose businesses have been ruined and lives brutalized because their political leaders have failed to quell the rioting should sue said leaders.  And I stand with them in that response to wickedness in high places.” 

As understanding of a Process going on as I am, and apparently a necessary Process, I am incensed at this brutality and wanton destruction being engaged in, that is going far beyond the igniting event of the picture of a white cop brutalizing a black arrestee, as atrocious as that act appeared to be.  This is a ‘shot’ from the New World Order crowd in their putsch for power, as part of their attempted takeover of the American Republic.  It needs to be met with firmness, to put a stop to the civil war that has already commenced from going any further, into total anarchy.

We can learn our lessons an easier way, than descending any further into this Dark hole, threatening to engulf us.

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