Friday, 19 June 2020

The Great Awakening

We are experiencing the collapse of the old paradigm; which needs to occur, in order to make way for The New.  Some aspects of that collapse:

The Electoral System in this country

‘Let me count the ways…’  There are many ways that some very dedicated people are conspiring to take over this country, on their way to taking it down, and replacing it with their idea of the Ideal State; which is one run by them, with an iron fist.(1)  I’ll start with the voting process.  Which is an absolute - well, I’ll use the word for it that I have used before, in these pages: crime.  

As I have put it, after encountering the voting process in L.A. County (upon returning to my old home town, of Long Beach, after having lived most of my adult years overseas): It is a crime to vote in the state of California.  More specifically put: It is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  No photo ID required to vote.  No cleaning of the Voter Reg rolls.(2)  Illegal aliens and other non-citizens not only being automatically registered to vote, by the ‘Motor Voter’ Law, but IAs specifically now allowed by law to apply for a driver’s license.  (‘So get out there and vote, amigos.  Do we have to spell it out for you?  And stick with us and we’ll get you all sorts of goodies.’)  An article in the most recent issue of The New American biweekly magazine (this one out early, dated for June 22; the article entitled ‘Infecting Election Integrity’) goes into the myriad ways that corruption is being expressed in the country regarding this electoral issue.  Simply summarized: It is a racket.

Disgusting stuff.

If It Were Up To Me…I would:

First of all, from the point of view of the Overview, I would clarify to one and all:

‘You will not be able to progress on The Path if you are corrupt.  You wouldn’t be able to withstand the Light anyway.  See you later.  The rest of us have a rendezvous now with Destiny.’

Then, as to the particulars, I would:

Send an army of CPAs, backed by National Guard forces, into all the states, to clean up all the voter reg rolls, and to conduct consequent elections.(3)  However, this brings up an additional issue, along these lines.  To wit:

The Republican Party has been corruptly remiss in not calling the Democrat Party on the illegal presidential candidacy and election of Barack Hussein Obama, who was not eligible for that office - and that particular federal office only, testifying to its special nature - for not being a ‘natural born’ citizen; not just any kind of citizen.(4)  So it, along with the Democrat Party, needs to be dissolved, and its officials brought to a court of law - and make that a Court of American Common Law, or Natural Law; not one of these Maritime/Admiralty Law courts (another, though related, story) - on RICO Statute charges, found obviously guilty, the organization fined heftily (for the ‘weight’ of the crime), and said officials sent to prison, for a good long while, of reflection on their terrible deed, in weakening, and in consequence breaching, the wall of The Law.

As to the court system; briefly: Since the judicial branch of our federal government failed to allow legitimate challenges to the eligibility of BHO for the presidential office to proceed through its system, it needs to be dissolved as well.  Which would be drastically in upheaval in any event, from the bringing to justice - that is to say, constitutional justice; rule-of-law justice - of BHO for his illegal occupancy of that particular federal office, due to his ineligibility for that office; and thus, all of the appointments that he made while in that purloined office - including to the SCOTUS, and all inferior courts (not to mention all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued) - go with him.  Into the dust bin.  For it to be as though he had never been in that office.  For, he was never there legally.  

Now, here is a legitimate practice of ‘airbrushing’ someone out of the history books.  Unlike that practiced by the likes of the Bolsheviks.  

This one to have a footnote attached to it.  For the record.  That all to come after us will be able to see an example -

and a particularly telling, and major, example -

of how not to do things.

For the consequences thereof.

Sometimes, the very major consequences.  

P.S. And just to note, here, a final point in all of this.  As also brought up in the issue of TNA referred to herein, in an article entitled ‘Lethal Lockdowns: The WHO-CDC Global Genocide’.  In its pointing out how so many of our current ‘authorities’ are engaged in a plot to take over the world.  A plot from their point of view.  Of collectivists, with a secular, basically atheistic bent of mind - like the current leaders of Communist China - to control the whole world with an iron fist.  The fist of Force.  And are well on their way to accomplishing their goal.  Of what is called Communism.  
     Why are they doing this?  Because they have, are championing, part of the picture, which the ‘novel coronavirus’ has given us to see.  To have part of
     The Answer, to The Play that we are all in, are part of: 
     that we are all in this 
     That condition now coming to
     For those who have eyes to see.  And are ready to move on.  From The Play.  Into
     The Real Thing.   
     Leaving the rest of us incarnate souls to figure it out
     for themselves.  With clues that we have left them
     The Way.      


(1) No more Constitution; nada, but raw power.  The Power of The People.
   Well. at least some of them.  Whites, and conservatives, and Christians, need not apply.  They are, or at least will be, under the New Management, officially non-People.  Ideally to be done away with.
   ‘But don’t tell them that to their ugly white faces.  It’s a secret. That they are too stupid to understand.  So, smile at them, and say Hello.  And stick daggers in their backs when they pass by.  Only so to speak, of course.  Of course.’  (Snicker.  Snicker.)

(2) When I got concerned enough about all this to start checking out the details of the electoral process in my county, and was ultimately given the phone number of the L.A. County Voter Registrars Office to answer my in-depth questions, I was told by a representative of that office - with a Supervisor listening in, ‘for training purposes’ - that they don’t check the citizenship of those who register to vote, “because they would commit perjury if they weren’t a citizen”.  
   I kid you not.  That was what I was told, by a rep of that office.  That was the extent of their ‘because,’ and feeling of responsibility in the matter.
   Now, I understand that Judicial Watch has since taken that office to court, to get them to abide by the requirements of the appropriate legislation to make “reasonable efforts” to clean their voter reg rolls; but that apparently only involves cleaning it of inactive voter names.  Such offices are not required to do much more than that.  And so they don’t.
   Hey - with quantum computers what they are these days, and birth and death registrations available at the click of a mouse, and those of interstate voter registrations, and…
   oh well.  I’m not talking about people who would listen to such suggestions.  They aren’t doing what they are doing out of anything other than culpability.

(3) We are talking here of U.S. citizens, not just citizen residents of each state.  The civil rights of U.S. citizens are being violated by all of this electoral corruption.  It is, thus, a national issue, not just an individual state issue.

(4) What is a ‘natural born’ citizen?  According to the definition of such extant at the time that the constitutional Framers included it in their eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency of the new nation, it is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.  Their intent obviously to make sure - at least as far as they could do so - that the occupant of that office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces; a crucial piece of this picture -  had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
   a) And thus why many among the New World Order crowd are trying to move this country out from under the rule of law of its Constitution.  THEY KNOW that, sooner or later, justice on this issue would catch up with them.  So, do away with the Constitution, and thereby do away with any potential/lingering shoe to drop regarding its particulars.  Plus the value - to them - of thereby doing away with our basic rule-of-law rights in this country across the board, and subject us to the tender mercies of the equivalent of warlords.  Aka Bosheviks.  
   b) This definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  While one still can.  At the rate such things are being erased from the public record, that reference might not stay long; and thus, be available to any inquisitive researcher who may be motivated to look up such an ‘historical’ fact.

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