And so this country’s history is being erased. Like - very much like - the former Soviet Union’s despotic leaders ignominiously airbrushing out of their new country’s records the pictures of leaders who fell foul of the reigning mob as time went by.
This has all gone far enough; and especially in this country - my country - which champions, and for the world, the principle of free expression, and freedoms in general (and as in free will, and the right of expression thereof; our not being governed fundamentally by Force, and its handmaiden, of Violence). Which foundation would have led, unerringly, to the end of slavery in the country, if left to its own internal dynamics.
But before moving on to current time, let me say a few words about said Founding; and Life at that time. Yes, the Founding Fathers of this country were, by and large, slave owners. Were, that is to say, men of their times, who inherited their adult circumstances. But they were men of all times, too; as any legitimate reading of the founding documents of this nation will attest to. Who had to deal with life’s circumstances as they were at the time. And as to that factor: A read of history - which we are supposed to learn from, as sentient beings, capable of such thought, and awareness - will show that slavery was very widespread at the time, and including in Africa, as practiced by African kings of their (constantly warring) tribes, who sold their African slaves to Arab slavetraders. And which category of persons also included white Europeans, sold as indentured servants, needing to work off their sale, just like the Africans. And in any event, founding fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson freed their slaves upon their deaths. And undoubtedly would have done so before, if circumstances had allowed that sort of gesture. But they had their hands full, with getting A New Nation, Conceived in Liberty, off the ground. First things first.
And now we come down to our day; and looking at a similar New Day. Similar, to some extent. But far, far different in level of consciousness. A fundamental leap of such. Onto a whole new level of Being. And old ways of being - like vengeance, and revenge, and other low-consciousness qualities - just won’t cut it, in this dimensional shift. So, let’s look at some of the ramifications of that leap in consciousness; which Humanity as a whole is faced with, but taking the U.S.A. in particular.
For example. I would posit that a sign of one’s opening to that whole new level of consciousness would be that one would support the notion that all of the statues and monuments that have been torn down, involving leading figures of the Confederacy, be put back up, including, where possible, some degree of at least financial recompense by those who took them down by violence - by Force; for them to be taken down, if that be a chosen gesture, by the civic authorities, as representatives of their constituents, responsible for such a decision.
And let’s see what kind of men and women you really are. Those of you who have chosen to live by Force. And as egged on in that determination by insidious actors on the Stage of Life. Whose chosen roles have been characterized by a desire for Power Over Others. Rather than their living by the principle of Power With, and from Within.
The Power of our Creator Source.
The winning hand in the Order -
the true Order -
of this New Day.
Where we are all equal under
The Law.
As offspring of our mutual Source. On a Path to
Or not.
Your choice.
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