In the first of my blogs the day before yesterday - Sunday - I referred, somewhat offhandedly (without much further comment, or even context), to ‘money’ - more specifically, interest-bearing money. Let me explain more fully where I come from on this matter, for I do not mean to discount the role of personal initiative in humanity’s progress out of ‘the Stone Age,’ as it were. Only to point out the dangers of an over-reliance on opportunity for personal gain to motivate human progress.
I’d like to start this sharing by recounting an experience - or rather, more specifically, an event in my life in the early autumn of 1961. After dropping out of my pre-Med studies at university in 1955, as a consequence of having had something of an ‘awakening’ experience (a better use of the term ‘experience’), I spent the ensuing years looking for total-t Truth - of a spiritual nature, but also including what all was going on in the world, socio-economically and politically. I wanted earnestly to know what was behind the facade, the ‘screen;’ for such life seemed to me to be, at that time. And continued to be, as my search unfolded. Kind of like a picture coming out of its developing bath. What was behind this ‘scene,’ I wanted to know. As in a film. Or rather, as in ‘film’ itself. A medium. And what was my role in it?? Or I thought of it as a kind of puzzle, for us - all, of us; working together, via a Process, of education (of ‘drawing out from within,’ the essence of the word) - to fit the pieces together, and see the result by.
I started with the ‘spiritual’ aspect of the search, figuring that that was where my answers would ultimately lie. And so I engaged in a sort of personal Contemporary Religions course. (Beginning with ‘my’ religion - the religion that I had been born into. Which was what is called Mormonism.) Christianity gave way to Buddhism; not only because I came across, early in my research,(1) serious questions regarding the legitimacy of the New Testament - and so its message of a belief in one ‘crack’ at life, to be ‘saved’ or not by the blood sacrifice of a/the Son of God; a notion which just didn’t ring a bell for me (We all had to be in this together. Didn’t we?? All of us incarnates being parts of our Creator, and all???) - but because the Buddhist’s notion of reincarnation seemed to me to make good sense. (How could we parts/aspects of our Creator ever become more precisely like our Source from just one go in a realm of Choice?? Wasn’t this where we learned our lessons; to have ‘Evil’ - an Opposition - to hone ourselves against???…)(2)
Anyway: That stage of my Journey concluded inconclusively, and I continued on my Path, keeping my eyes open to what all came my way along that Way; when one day, while living in Hollywood (another story) and on the bus going to work (as a clerk typist in an insurance office), it just came to me (and ‘came to me,’ I realize): The answer to all our aches and evils. It was money. Specifically, interest-bearing money. Which has caused humanity to be distracted, and to start doing things, not out of a sense of alignment with the Will of our Creator Source. But ‘for the money’ involved. In the initiatives. In a state of fundamental Scarcity. But if we got rid of money - which was keeping us from seeing the larger picture…
It all came to me, on that bus ride, not so much ‘in a flash,’ but tumbling out. One thought after another. This, this, therefore this… and I saw
the answer.
The Light dawned.
The - or at least a major - piece of the puzzle. And with it ‘in hand,’ I started making plans to go on a trip to the White House, “to see the President and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money,” as I would end up putting my message to Letters to the Editors of newspapers all across the country,(3) from my starting point in Los Angeles (thereabouts; in that area) and ending up a month later at a side gate to the White House, where a Secret Service guy was pleasant enough to take my message before putting me back on My Way.
What exactly was I proposing? The (so-called) Bible makes a good point, about the love of money being the root of all evil. How, concentrating on ‘making money,’ rather than the primary motive being engaging in services to the Body - and being incentivized in life with that in mind, i.e., in Service to the One, rather than simply in and for oneself, as a (seeming) separate entity - is really the essence of Life. Of ‘giving back’ in gratitude for Life. For the Opportunity it affords us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ to grow, and develop to our full potential. Which is to be AS our Creator. Identifying with the I AM of several spiritual traditions. Thus, in our earlier stage of experiencing Life, we discover our potential, through Service to Self; but now - i.e., in the later stages of the Life experience - we grow in consciousness into our more adult identities, as parts of a/the larger Whole. And that is where the Collectivists have a handle on the Truth, albeit couched in terms of atheism. Because we are all - all - part of a Drama, in which the various parts are played by Us - and interchangeable; now a prince, now a pauper; now a male, now a female (or something in-between, in terms of ‘identity’); now of one race or religion or nationality, now of another...In order for us to GROW. In consciousness. Not to get stuck in our parts, along The Way. Which is now - collectively - coming to
an End. Because we have reached
a Turning Point. Wherein and whereby we of the West see that both West and East have pieces of the picture.
To share with each other (in putting The Puzzle together). Not dominate over
The Other. Because, in point of fact, there is no
Thus, there are no Chosen Ones to rule over the rest of
In sum: NESARA - in concert with its global aspect, GESARA - may not ever have been passed by the U.S. Congress. But its tenets are valid; and can be declared, at this time of the end of one Age, and the beginning of Another. As we move out of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. That Shadow being the Shadow of
a Big Brother. Of either the far Left or the far Right. Communism or fascism; both being forms of collectivism denying our birth status, i.e., our divinity. The false gods, of The Process, giving way to the Light of
The Real Thing.
And how will the real New Order of Things work? Simple. By our looking at each other as Who we Are, really. As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of
The One. Come into our inheritance. And sharing goods and services with One another - and giving of our best in the process, of the fulfillment of The Process - out of a higher motive than that of personal profit. Our of the highest motive that there could ever be:
out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Out of, in a word:
And to help that Stage - of Abundance; and Joy, and Harmony - along, we will be given all of the ‘money’ we need to make it work. As backed in largest part by gold. Until we really get into the groove of The End Stage. And understand, that we don’t even need that ‘crutch,’ as motive.(4) That all it takes is for us to
claim our inheritance. And ability to manifest. From our higher consciousness level. All that we need. Out of
the substance of our very ‘scene’. Which has been there, all along. And available to us. Once we woke up, to that fact. And claimed our basic
Right. As gods in the making.
And made manifest.
Now. A word about 'God' manifesting in such as the rioters tearing America down these dark days.
I watched with disgust and pain a cell phone 'report' of a bunch of black thugs beating an elderly white woman - just standing in the doorway of her shop, trying to be a calming influence - with long boards and their fists, then being persuaded briefly to leave off, but then quickly turning around and coming back for more of the same on her, and threatening her husband back into the couple's shop. They seemed filled with inchoate, uncontrollable rage. And my mind went to two memories. One was of remembering a report some years back, from an involved expert, that a certain vaccine - I think it was the basic MMR shot - had proven to have deleterious 'side effects' in particular on black male babies, having to do with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The other memory was of a very recent report, out of Italy, on the effects of a particular version of the MMR shot, containing both another attenuated virus to, er, help protect against, and the DNA of a particular cell line of aborted human fetal tissue, which is used in a number of vaccines to grow the viruses on. But as with other live-virus vaccines that have been cultured on animal cells, and have, in unintended consequence, passed on viruses contained therein as contaminants (think SV-40 in polio shots), there can be terrible consequences in such a 'scientific' procedure. The report out of Italy talked about some of those potential consequences from that procedure, with reports from that vaccine of having such side effects as cancer, autoimmune disorders, and autism.
Autism is a brain-damage 'disorder,' on a spectrum of deleterious effect. At its highest level it, er, 'manifests' in what is called the 'homicidal triad' profile of a number of sociopathic and psychopathic killers, who as children 'manifested' the symptoms of: excessive bedwetting; fire-starting; and cruelty to pets/animals. And many autistics have gut problems as well. And so, many incarnate souls on the autism spectrum strike out, in various ways, at this world that makes them feel bad; and after that ‘explosion,’ they feel better. In sum:
Our children are the subjects of a 'scientific' procedure gone mad, for the failure of both our medical/scientific profession and our political leaders to pay closer attention to the side effects of their vaunted medical modalities, in this case, that of vaccines. Which side effects can, very possibly, include these horrific activities that we are now watching break out all over this country, in the aftermath of that particular triggering event - which, itself, may be worth a closer look as well (as to what was really going on there). As some 'manifestations' of our Creator play out another aspect of the mayhem going on these days, here at the end of
The Process.
With a Point.
Characterized by a rise in consciousness.
The need for, learned
the hard way.
By us apprentice gods.
All. Of us
chips off the One block.
Sometimes, given to throwing bricks. Until we wake up from
The Drama.
Now. A word about 'God' manifesting in such as the rioters tearing America down these dark days.
I watched with disgust and pain a cell phone 'report' of a bunch of black thugs beating an elderly white woman - just standing in the doorway of her shop, trying to be a calming influence - with long boards and their fists, then being persuaded briefly to leave off, but then quickly turning around and coming back for more of the same on her, and threatening her husband back into the couple's shop. They seemed filled with inchoate, uncontrollable rage. And my mind went to two memories. One was of remembering a report some years back, from an involved expert, that a certain vaccine - I think it was the basic MMR shot - had proven to have deleterious 'side effects' in particular on black male babies, having to do with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The other memory was of a very recent report, out of Italy, on the effects of a particular version of the MMR shot, containing both another attenuated virus to, er, help protect against, and the DNA of a particular cell line of aborted human fetal tissue, which is used in a number of vaccines to grow the viruses on. But as with other live-virus vaccines that have been cultured on animal cells, and have, in unintended consequence, passed on viruses contained therein as contaminants (think SV-40 in polio shots), there can be terrible consequences in such a 'scientific' procedure. The report out of Italy talked about some of those potential consequences from that procedure, with reports from that vaccine of having such side effects as cancer, autoimmune disorders, and autism.
Autism is a brain-damage 'disorder,' on a spectrum of deleterious effect. At its highest level it, er, 'manifests' in what is called the 'homicidal triad' profile of a number of sociopathic and psychopathic killers, who as children 'manifested' the symptoms of: excessive bedwetting; fire-starting; and cruelty to pets/animals. And many autistics have gut problems as well. And so, many incarnate souls on the autism spectrum strike out, in various ways, at this world that makes them feel bad; and after that ‘explosion,’ they feel better. In sum:
Our children are the subjects of a 'scientific' procedure gone mad, for the failure of both our medical/scientific profession and our political leaders to pay closer attention to the side effects of their vaunted medical modalities, in this case, that of vaccines. Which side effects can, very possibly, include these horrific activities that we are now watching break out all over this country, in the aftermath of that particular triggering event - which, itself, may be worth a closer look as well (as to what was really going on there). As some 'manifestations' of our Creator play out another aspect of the mayhem going on these days, here at the end of
The Process.
With a Point.
Characterized by a rise in consciousness.
The need for, learned
the hard way.
By us apprentice gods.
All. Of us
chips off the One block.
Sometimes, given to throwing bricks. Until we wake up from
The Drama.
(1) Primarily, or at least at first, in the stacks of the New York City Main Public Library; which I figured - from my home in California - must be ‘the largest public library in the Western world,’ where I decided to start my search in earnest. And ended up spending many hours there; at first during the day as well, until my money ran out, and then, after getting a job or two, almost every evening, until the place - this depository of accumulated Information, for which I was grateful - closed for the day. Which investigatory activity went on for almost exactly a year, until the U.S. government ‘caught up with me,’ a college dropout, at the time of a Draft, and I went into the Army for two years. As - by then - a conscientious objector. My search, albeit inconclusive at the time, had led me at least that far, on my personal Journey. Back Home.
But first things first.
(2) This notion of mine at that time was similar, I came to realize later on in my Journey, with the Mormon’s concept that ‘As Man is, God once was; and as God is, Man may become’. Which notion (which I was not familiar with, either as a child growing up in that Church or early on in my search) caused me to ‘fall back’ into the Mormon faith (meaningfully, I felt, the faith that I was born into; for whatever all reasons) later on in my Journey, even if that religion didn’t jibe with my basic feeling of the truth of ‘the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma’. But as it turned out, my continual ‘movement’ on my Path ultimately led me out of that Church again. And I have been a Freethinker ever since.
(3) Mostly on foot, having had my, er, money stolen, along with my pack, in the eastern part of Southern California (taking the southern route across the country, there in the fall of the year) when I left it alongside the road to go up to a house on an incline to ask for a refill of my canteen. I had just enough money in my pocket to buy a cheap sleeping bag in the next town, which the shop owner helped me strap on my back with an old bicycle inner tube. And with that, I soldiered on. Hey - if I was going to pass on a message about the value of doing away with money, I might as well start in on the ‘course,’ right???…
(4) Nor a beginning stage of credits and debits, to our personal accounts. On an international data base. Operated by the kind of quantum computer ability that we already have.
Nothing in such a system itself being dangerous, to our individual sovereignty, as divine beings experiencing the rigors of incarnation. As in many areas, it all depends on whose hands such a thing - mechanism. And power - is in. The Dark side lusting over that control. The side of the Light now taking over
The Process.
P.S. Let me make one point perfectly clear, that I may have left hanging in the air a bit. And that is that of course, there is another, simpler reason for the rioting going on. From ‘Man arrested for looting admits what it’s really all about’ - Joe Saunders, The Western Journal - June 1:
“Got to give the guy credit for honesty most Democrats will never show.
“A suspected looter arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department on Sunday gave an on-camera interview just after his arrest that confirmed what pretty much anyone watching television in the United States over the past few days has suspected:
“The “protests” racking the country have precious little to do with the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd in police custody last week -- and everything to do with the breakdown of law and order in a society that depends on them.
“The interview was captured by Bill Melugin of KTTV in Los Angeles, shortly after the man was arrested after a break-in at a New Balance footwear store. It speaks volumes.
“‘We saw you at the New Balance store,’ Melugin said. ‘Why are you out here?’
“‘Man, period, point-blank … just tryin’ to get some money,’ the man replied.
“When Melugin pressed on whether it had anything to do with ‘what happened in Minnesota,’ the reply wasn’t what the talking heads on MSNBC or in the Democratic Party wanted to hear.
“‘I mean, a little bit to do with that, too,’ the man allowed, ‘but not really. I’m out here for the dough.’”…
Now, I am not saying or even implying, in this or the previous blog regarding the monetary system that we have been laboring under, that the answer to all our problems on this Planet of Choice is to give everybody a lot of “dough”. Nor am I saying or even implying that vaccines are causing all or even the majority of the mayhem going on in our society (with some people like walking powder kegs, all primed and ready to be ignited). Neither of those factors is treating the matter on the causative level.* Both of these factors being contributing factors to a sense of dis-ease in the body politic. And the main causative factor to all of this -
to all of this -
is the fact that we have lost sight of one fundamental fact in particular. That being, that we are not only ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’. But that we are
gods in the making.
Not essentially ’poor sinners,’ needing someone - or something, like a religion - to ‘save’ us.
That we need save ourselves.
And we need to start living up to that basic potential
in us all.
In. Us. All.
As basic, integral parts of
The Whole.
Just waiting for Us
to get it.
‘It.’ The Point to the whole Process.
There being such a Process.
With that Point.
Get it?
Got it???......
* And, of course, there is the Illuminati/New World Order crowd and their machinations complicating the picture - those souls who have sold out to the Dark side.
At least for now.
N.B. And another, major factor in all this is the effect of fluoridation; which has proven to lower IQ levels. Thus causing frustrations, regarding this 'filter' through which incarnates experience and perceive their world. Our world, in which often others seem to be able to get along better than they do. A factor which can also cause feelings of rage.
* And, of course, there is the Illuminati/New World Order crowd and their machinations complicating the picture - those souls who have sold out to the Dark side.
At least for now.
N.B. And another, major factor in all this is the effect of fluoridation; which has proven to lower IQ levels. Thus causing frustrations, regarding this 'filter' through which incarnates experience and perceive their world. Our world, in which often others seem to be able to get along better than they do. A factor which can also cause feelings of rage.
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