'Why Is Antifa Demanding the Release of Dangerous Criminals?’
And in the same breath, agitating for cities to eliminate their police departments?’ No, that last sentence is one that I added to the first, which is the title of a blog posted yesterday abyDave Hodges at his site The Common Sense Show. But it’s a corollary to Hodges’s point. Which is essentially that Antifa is acting like the Communists in Germany in the ’30s - from which organization they took their name and flag - who played into the hands of the fascist-minded National Socialists by agitating for the same sorts of society-altering things there, which allowed the Nazis the Opportunity to strike hard against them and their pseudo-anarchic ways, and take over the country, under the banner of Law und Order. The same nest of vipers behind both sides of that confrontation. The better to take you over with, my dears.
In case you missed it the first time around, and to emphasize the point: You did know that the Antifa name and flag of today are precisely like the name and flag of the Antifa/anarchic elements in Germany at that time, didn’t you? And if not, why not??? It’s a critical mark of Life In Our Times. History repeating itself, because of those who fail to learn from it.
Other things that we should be learning from our current history:
* Vitamin D is intrinsically low in ‘people of color’. Because their melanin blocks sunshine. Thus, ‘blacks’ and ‘browns’ may well be more susceptible/vulnerable to infection by the so-called novel coronavirus, on average, than whites. Why? Because vitamin D figures in a number of vitally important biological systems, including the healthy operation of the immune system; thus, people who are deficient in vitamin D should concentrate, first of all, on beefing up their intake of that nutrient, as a preventative. An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure.
And as to that principle, we all should be employing it. Western medicine, with its emphasis on treatment over prevention - and thus, better known as the medical-pharmaceutical complex (and even better known as the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex) having gotten us off the track to properly healthy living. Which is to ‘Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food’.
Oh. That’s right. That’s supposed to be the basis for Western Medicine, isn’t it. Funny, how that principle got overlooked, in the curriculum of Western medical schools.
* The whole point of the Lockdown was three-fold: a) to get us accustomed to regimentation, by our Wannabe Masters, with their belief in and passion for a totalitarian New World Order, run by them as its El-ite; wherein all are equal, and some are more equal than others, is all; b) to stretch it out as long as possible, in order to bring on line a vaccine, which would have additional properties of a people-controlling - and -culling - nature;* and c) that stretching-out to include measures of such as Mail-In Voting and Ballot Harvesting, in order for these power-crazy junkies to steal the November elections, and finally get rid of their nemesis, in the rather formidable form of Donald J. Trump.
And speaking of that election:
* Joe Biden - unless he is just a staking-horse for another candidate, in the potential ‘form’ of ‘Crooked’ Hillary (and thus the reason why she will never be indicted for her numerous crimes; being too valuable for the Cabal/Illuminati) - to be ‘elected,’ with his VP, most probably Michelle Obama, to take over, as he is paid off to step down by TPTB. Michelle in there, not only for the ‘Obama’ name, but for the ‘Women’ vote. The whole thing orchestrated as a payoff to the Black bloc, the Women’s Lib bloc, and the LGBTQ bloc, for acting as their cannon-fodder ‘mercenaries’.
And - history being what it is - very possibly one or all of said blocs to be thrown under the bus, like the Brownshirts of old, once they have done their battering-ram job. Because this whole scenario is about cynicism and hypocrisy. Crowning qualities of the Dark forces.
Just doing their thing.
So that those of the Light can do theirs.
Those, that is, who wake up to what is going on.
And thus, graduate. From
the Course. Aka
the Play that we are all in. Having taken roles in. For our edification. As ’spiritual beings having a human experience’. On our Way to our highest potential. As apprentice gods.
Or our lowest. As those who flunk -
altogether now:
the Course.
Having overcome a huge propaganda barrage to the contrary.
The better to test us.
My dear fellow souls on
The Path.
* You did know that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was primarily designed for Depopulation, didn’t you? And if not, why not?? You are alive at this time. Aren’t you???
P.S. I note that Facebook is ’allowing’ - featuring?? - photos of dead cops. Can you say, Copycat Enticement???
Zuckerberg et al at work for the Revolution.
P.P.S. In indicating that everything that has gone on on this planet of Choice is part of a/The Plan, I don’t mean to belittle the horror of what has gone on here, especially regarding the recent history of thousands upon thousands of children and babies - and generations who had never seen sunlight - in the hands of people who have turned away from the Way of the Light. But experience, apparently, is the only way that incarnate souls learn. Of their potential. To do harm, as well as to do Good.
Hopefully, the majority of such souls can now move on, and Up, from the elementary stage of their development. As gods in the making.
Or rejects.
Their choice.
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