Our grandparents knew personally of a time when there were what were called ‘measles parties’ whereby, when some child came down with a case of measles, the mothers of the child’s school classmates would bring their children over to the child’s house to play in that child’s presence, in order for their children hopefully to catch said infectious disease, and get that ‘rite of passage’ over with, thus for those children as well to obtain lifelong immunity; and thereby as well for the female children to be able to pass immunity on to their own offspring, until the baby’s own immune system could kick in and take over the job. But with the advent of a vaccine for measles, this traditional rite of passage has been interfered with. And society has never been the same since; with irrational fear having taken over the norms of social activity.
Parents: Wake up. And if your child ‘contracts’ (a good word for this context) measles, treat him or her with vitamin A, rest, liquids, and the rest of the aspects of a loving and understanding parent, whose primary job it is in life (hint, hint) to give their children a healthy start in life; for them, then, to take over the job, and pass it on to their own offspring.* And so it goes, in the pageantry of life. When allowed to.
What am I getting at in this blog. I am getting at the point that we can no longer trust ‘the authorities’ who are ruling over us; as, on the one hand, the Marxian ‘long march through the institutions’ has brought them into those positions of power, and, on the other, there has been the naked lure of profit. The Powers That Be need to become The Powers That Were, as we wake up further and further to how our Wannabe Masters have slowly slowly taken over control of our society. It is precisely what happened in Russia, culminating there in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and in Germany in the 1930s, culminating, after a period of econo-political tumult there, in the rise to power of Adolph Hitler. After that stage had been set by the application of arbitrary power, in the insidious legitimization of ‘emergency decrees’ to deal with various social conditions.
As in our day and age, now, with various states under the control of the Democrats applying the very same sort of ‘emergency decrees’ - prompted by the enabling ‘crisis’ of the novel coronavirus - which led to the rise - and ultimate fall - of Nazi Germany. The far Left in this country obviously hoping to set the stage for their own Hitler to take over; once they can get the infuriating Donald Trump out of the way. Who (in large part from his extremely successful economic measures; that factor being collapsed by the reverse quarantine going on, and which is as well blocking herd immunity from kicking in) is raining on their parade into their totalitarian New World Order. Which is the reverse imago of
The Real Thing. As humanity in general wakes up, out of their long slog in the equivalent of elementary school. A faux reality in which to learn lessons.
The hard way.
Now, to give way to
the higher reaches of the curriculum.
For apprentice gods.
The Course.
For those who can stay
* See a good naturopath or holistic allopath/‘Complementary Medicine’ practitioner in all of this ‘medical’ advice.. But more like common-sense advice.
And besides vitamin A for measles, there is: large dosages (including intravenously) of vitamin C for even the likes of polio; colloidal silver for the DPT triad; vitamin D3 (and its cofactor vitaminK2) for general viral protection; and on it goes, for the childhood and other diseases. And thereby, you can avoid the damnable side effects associated with the vaunted, er, modern medical modality of the vaccines. Which include the whole spectrum of what can be called subclinical encephalitis.
But as I say…
...and as the founder of the Veterans for Child Rescue said on a documentary on the multi-billion-dollar industry of child sex trafficking: "Who are we if we can't look after our own children." Who, indeed.
Part of the problem.
But to continue.
Part of the problem.
But to continue.
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