Friday, 5 June 2020

Another Kind Of Convergence

Life is funny.  So to speak.  Example.

I take a couple of socio-econo-political magazines, one of which is the bi-weekly, ‘The New American’.  Over the years - ever since 2012, when I retired to my old hometown, of Long Beach,California, and had more leisure time to dip into such reading material - issues of it have gone missing in the mail, to the point that I had become somewhat shy about reporting that situation to them, thinking that they may have become suspicious about me, and my fairly-often report of that circumstance.  But not wanting to miss a single issue of their excellent magazine - and figuring that that sort of thing may occur often these days, when one hears rumors about the ‘politicization’ and/or sloppy service of the Post Office - I have continued to report on such an event.  Which occurred recently, when two - I thought at the time - consecutive issues of their publication went missing, even with my move, roughly six months ago, to central Utah, and thus under the, shall we say (considering the basic subject of this blog), ’control’ of a different ‘set’ - at least at the delivery end of the chain - of U.S.P.S. personnel.  Whereupon I happened to be notified by the Lady Of The House, from her straightening-up session of the cluttered front room (besides twin teenager permanent residents, the house is often visited by the LOTH’s eldest daughter and husband and their three young children, which results in toys galore underfoot, and thus a shall-we-say ‘lived-in’ feel somewhat regularly to the house), that a copy of TNA had found its way directly into the magazine holder in that room.(1)  Voila - one of the missing items of value.  By then I was somewhat loath to report this turns of events to the TNA Subscriptions email site/manager, considering my history with them on the subject; but as it turned out, my ‘missing’ copies arrived in the mail very shortly thereafter, from said Department, in response to my email notification (although they hadn’t notified me via email that they had received and acted on my report and request.  Most probably under quarantine restrictions to office personnel, and snowed under with a skeleton staff available to handle such Subscriptions business), and that, in a normal set of circumstances, would be that.  But these were not such circumstances.

What do I mean by that.  I mean that some synchronicity was involved in the whole ‘affair,’ having to do with the contents of one of the. er, ‘missing’ issues.  Not having arrived in my hands until its accidental discovery in the front room’s storage pile of miscellaneous magazines, on May 22nd, it was their issue of April 20th - a ‘Special Report’ edition - with the overall subject of the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine.  Entitled ‘Freedom Is The Cure,’ the edition is an excellent compendium of the various issues involved in this pandemic, and this country’s, and the world’s, response to it.  However, even with that interesting subject announcing its contents, I have been engaged in other reading, and have only been getting through that particular issue of their magazine slowly.

Enter the synchronistic ‘card’.  A few days ago the Man Of The House mentioned to me, in the course of my pontificating to him about all the ways that the far Left have to steal the November elections, as they have done consistently in the past, but with even more such opportunity now, with the quarantine possibly being stretched out long enough by the Dems/NWO crowd to result in a huge amount of Mail-In voting and Early Voting and such,(2) a project that he is involved in getting off the ground involving each of us humans having a ’Self-Sovereign identity’ (SSI) digital wallet, which, he says, can eliminate electoral fraud, e.g.  The key for the security issue is tied in somehow with how that ID material is not held on anyone else’s server, but on your own.  Or something.  Anyway, what has happened is that a few days ago he sent me via email an attachment that outlines the idea, and asked for my comments (among others to whom he sends the proposal).  Having been busy with other reading material (including my emails, which I continually have to struggle to keep up with, being an avid ‘seeker’ not just of ‘truth,’ but of basic information as to what is going on at my time of incarnation), I didn’t get around to reading his material/proposal until yesterday; whereupon I fed back to him that my main concern was the “chilling effect” of any such scheme somehow ending up in the wrong hands.  And then, as if right on cue - to say, as if to emphasize the point - today I got around to reading further into TNA’s issue regarding the whole coronavirus pandemic/quarantine thing.  And lo - 

Underscore galore.

Main points.   

In an article entitled ‘Coronavirus: Deep State Assault on Economic Freedom,’ the author (Alex Newman, the magazine’s Foreign Correspondent and a particular expert on Education), in a section headed ‘Digital Dollars: War on Cash and Privacy’ writes, in part:

“Making sure that the crisis created by government and the Fed does not go to waste,” [Well done, eh, Rahm??] “totalitarians have been pushing the Deep State’s cashless-society agenda like there is no tomorrow.  The accelerating war on cash is now being justified by the establishment’s propagandists because cash is supposedly transmitting coronavirus.”  [Ah.  How convenient…]   “And the propaganda is having the desired effect.  According to Fox News, many businesses nationwide are discouraging or outright declining to accept cash.”  [And other countries are being subjected to the same sort of scenario:]  “In South Korea, authorities removed all currency from circulation for two weeks while encouraging everyone to use cards and mobile phones.  Other governments are joining in.”  And bringing it all back to home: 

“Seeking to exploit the fear to advance the war on cash (and privacy), American Democrats twice tried to sneak language creating a ‘digital dollar’ and a ‘digital wallet’ controlled by the Federal Reserve into coronavirus legislation.  Under the scheme, which was removed before passage [the Repubs getting something right], Americans would have received their ’stimulus’ payments as ‘digital dollars’ via a ‘digital dollar wallet.’  Proponents of the scheme were thrilled.  ‘It is worth exploring, testing, and piloting a true USD CBDC [Central Bank Digital Currency] and broader digital infrastructure in order to improve our future capabilities and resiliency,’ founding director of the Digital Dollar Project Daniel Gorline told Forbes…”  And here comes the clincher:

“The digital wallets…would be tied to a ‘digital identity’ and would be maintained by the Federal Reserve, according to the original bills.  In short, globalists and central bankers and their allies and dupes in legislatures are hoping to exploit this crisis to advance a cashless society —something that would enable total surveillance…”  [Emphasis added.]

Are we noticing something here, boys and girls?  Or it’s all just coincidence; right??  Albeit rather handy, for someone who has an agenda at work… - 

but hold on - reading on:

“Communist China seems to be the model for shifting away from cash and toward electronic payment systems and digital currency.  In fact, the dictatorship appears to be the preferred Deep State model when it comes to ‘fighting viruses.’  Consider a 2010 report by the Rockefeller Foundation titled ’Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.’  The document envisions a future pandemic scenario, dubbed ’Lock Step’ in the report, in which the United States suffers due to a lack of tyranny, while China fares much better.

“The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens … saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery,’ the report says, touting the imagined responses of other authoritarian regimes, too.  The document then goes on to outline the citizen-demanded ’top-down direction and oversight’ over nations and economies.  It mentions, among other policies, 'biometric ID for all citizens,’ ‘tighter regulation of key industries,’ ‘a suite of new regulations and agreements,’ and more to ‘restore order and, importantly, economic growth.’” 

It would appear, then, that this whole thing has been planned for, and orchestrated into being.  GoIng right on, in that vein, and in confirmation of the idea; taking it well past the realm of ’coincidence’:

“Not surprisingly, these are exactly the sort of schemes that Deep State globalists are pushing for coronavirus.  The ID2020 scheme backed by billionaire population-control zealot Bill Gates of Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation, for example, falls right in line.  According to the effort’s website, the plot seeks to give everyone on Earth a ‘digital identity’ that would follow them from birth to death.  And it would also keep track of all sorts of data, including health and vaccine information, enabling governments and globalists to keep people everywhere under control.”  (Emphases added.)

Ah - vaccination.  GoIng right on:

“Separately, Gates, who backed the Orwellian Event 201 (see page 39), partnered with other globalists to fund research at MIT on ‘a novel way to record a patient’s vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine.’  In a press release about the scheme released right around the time COVID-19 was identified in Wuhan, MIT said the technology ‘consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots.’  This tattoo-type scheme would 'remain under the skin where it emits near-infrared light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone.’…” 

In a press release about the scheme released right around the time COVID-19 was identified in Wuhan…

…can there be any question that all of these pieces make up a picture??  And a clear one???

And about that reference to “page 39’; there is this additional piece of this appalling picture.  From an article headed ‘Coronavirus as Gateway to “Global Health Governance”’ by William F. Jasper, under the sub-heading ‘Event 201: “Simulation”:  

“Bill Gates, his foundation, and his sprawling global ‘health’ empire have become the ’go to’ authorities on COVID-19.  As it happens, only a few weeks before the virus outbreak in China, the Gates Foundation, along with the World Economic Forum and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, sponsored a ‘pandemic exercise’ known as ‘Event 201.’  The ’players’ in this high-powered ‘simulation’ included key individuals from the government, corporate, and NGO worlds.  A deputy director of the CDC and the chief of China’s CDC also participated in this October 2019 pandemic simulation that involved a novel coronavirus [the very type of virus that we are experiencing the effects of].  The entire exercise was spookily similar to the COVID-19 outbreak that occurred only weeks later.  Were Bill Gates and his fellow Event 201 players far-sighted planners, the ‘wisemen’ who should be looked to for direction?  Were these globalists merely ‘lucky’ that the real virus has provided them an opportunity to be the saviors of humanity?  At the very least, they have parlayed this frightening epidemic into a concerted effort to promote the ‘global health governance’ they have been championing for years…”

And Jasper begins to draw his very valuable article to a conclusion with this insightful observation:

"(T)he globalist elites are neither communist nor capitalist but some kind of creepy and detestable mixture of the two."  Sitting at the top of a pyramid of power in the world, pulling the strings, and watching us little people down at the bottom scramble around, trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and what can we do about it.  As Democrat mayors now let their cities go up in flames amidst orgies of rioting and looting...

...with bricks and 2x4s being supplied to the paid terrorists (think Antifa) behind those lines of the duped and dumbed down.  And now, with IEDs beginning to appear, for the paid revolutionaries to do their thing...

...and reports that NWO 'global governance' minions are planning an attack on the White House.  Pres. Trump being a huge thorn in their side........    

I rest my case.  Except to summarize the situation:

Forget Dr. Fauci.  He is small fry
Compared to the real culprits
In this scheme, effectively
Calling us Up
Out of our little selves
Into the Light
Of a -
The - 
New Day

The Real Thing
Called up into being
By its reverse image.


(1) No seeking-out of the ‘culprit’ ensued.  These things happen, especially in a household like this one, where, besides the above-named family, various other adult children come and go, and the household is ‘occupied’ periodically as well with assorted strangers.  Like me.  Sort of. 

(2) I have covered this subject in these pages before; but briefly: When I returned to my old hometown in CA in my retirement years from having lived for most of my adult life overseas, I was appalled to find that they didn’t require any ID at all to vote; and worse, that they automatically registered to vote everybody who applied for a driver’s license, on an opt-out basis, but never checked to see if the Voter Registration rolls were, er, occupied by the millions of illegal aliens and other non-citizens in that state (my state); and even worse, somewhat recently passed a law making it explicitly legal for illegal aliens to register for a driver’s license (and thus be automatically registered to vote), with the obvious assumption telegraphed to that cohort to Get Out There And Vote - And You Know Who To Vote FOR.  Hence, I have refused to vote; for, I do not wish to commit a crime.  That is to say, more clearly: to aid and abet in the commission of a crime, by doing so.  And my subsequent research into the matter has informed me that there is widespread voter fraud going on in other states as well.  Disgusting.  Absolutely disgusting.
   Until we CLEAN UP OUR ELECTIONS, there should be NO MORE ELECTIONS.  Period.


P.S. And speaking of Red China being touted, by our Wannabe Masters, as a/the 'model' for the world, I note an interesting resemblance already (besides the 'total Lockdown' business, rather than quarantining the sick and most vulnerable; the normal way to do these sorts of things):
     1) The CCP called the 'whistleblowing' of a Wuhan doctor, quote, "incorrect remarks".  (Who subsequently either died of the virus or was dispatched 'with prejudice,' it is not totally clear which outcome, basically for his insubordination to the total State.)
     2) Some medical authorities in this country called the video remarks of a couple of respiratory-specialist doctors in California, who emphasized the "millions of cases, small amount of death" nature of the Co-Vid-19 infection - which means its case fatality rate is more like the regular flu epidemics that we don't make such a fuss over; and who also made the 'mistake' of pointing out the interference of the herd-immunity process by the locking-down of the, er, herd - as, quote, "untrue speech".  With their video being taken down by YouTube on that labeling basis.
     Go figure.

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