Saturday, 20 June 2020


(A friend emailed me a link to the latest Rose/Icke interview.  I hadn't watched any of the earlier ones,  having some idea, from having read many if not most of Icke's books, of what he would have to say, and barely staying up with all my emails as it was.  But I figured that I should at least check in with his perspectives, especially on the CoVid-19 & Vaccine issue, to see what he had to say about that whole subject.  And then, seeing that this iv was over 3 hours long, I almost baled out again.  But something in me said, Watch this one.  So I did.  Herewith my comments to my friend, after going the whole nine yards with it:)

"Didn't think that I would sit through this whole iv, but glad I did.

"1) I particularly liked when Icke went into his classic meme 'problem - reaction - solution' in a little more detail.   The best way to deal with such a matter?  "Take down the cause of the problem."  Which is, basically?  ""Acquiescing to authority."  His Answer?  "Take your power back."  His conclusion, ardently delivered: "What are we doing?  We're bigger than this.  We are infinite expressions of consciousness."
     Game Over.  In effect.  All the players: Take your bows.

"2) Glad he has caught that the whole white cop-victimed black was just too pat, fit too nicely into the agenda that we are being subjected to; labeling it with the clear-eyed observation of having "pre-planned coordination".  Probably fair enough that he didn't go into more detail on that point, at this still-sensitive point.  (The truth of the matter would, apparently, include how that was not George Floyd there, but a (hairless) dummy; and apparently a legless dummy at that.)

"3) Great bottom line: "Speak your truth.  And stick with it...The rest will take care of itself."

"He has come a long way.  Glad he made it.



As to the Milwaukee white cop-black guy incident, the ramifications of which took over from the dying virus people-control meme, before our Wannabe Masters could mount their Second Wave campaign use of it, taking us to the elections, and their demonizing of Trump via their near-monopoly-controlled MSM, before their Depopulation and People-Control vaccine can be rolled out:

Please take a good hard look at that incident, all those of you incarnate souls currently on the Left who are not part of the NWO crowd per se; and even those who are, but are not 'up' with all that is going on, are just doing what you are detailed to do: 

that was a photo op.  Pure and simple.  Check out the details on the alt media regarding a black-guy dummy.  (A hairless one.  George Floyd having hair.)

While you - and everybody - still can.

We are being manipulated, by experts.

Don't fall for it.

Look.  Really look.  And learn.

And inherit your potential.

Your highest potential.

That as many of us as possible can make it through this

Harvest time.

Of 'spiritual beings having a human experience.'

Over, and over, again.  Until we

get it.


P.S. As for all this continued statue-toppling by the rioters - including, now, that of George Washington himself (and of Ulysses Grant - ???), I repeat my position:
     a) We learn from our history.  It is not to be airbrushed out of existence.  It is a vital part of our experience - our education.  We benefit from it.  It is well worth acknowledging, being aware of, as we move further on our paths in life, and on our collective path.
     b) Every such defaced statue and monument needs to be replaced, with the financial assistance of those responsible for their defacement, where possible; for their ultimate fate to be determined by the appropriate elected authorities with the legitimate responsibility in the matter.
     We WILL learn from our history.  On our Journey

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