Saturday, 27 June 2020

Moving To Conclusion

As things accelerate towards the Conclusion of this timeline that we are on, I want to make one observation in particular.  And that is for many of us Caucasians in particular to understand something about the soul vessels that are of the Negroid race amongst us, which should help us understand better why so many of them are lashing out at their environment at this time.

It is not just because the puppet masters behind the scenes of life who have developed in many of them a hatred for the 'whites' are cynically using them for their purposes, of class warfare-inspired overthrow of the existing order, and will discard them at the earliest opportunity, as the frontline foot soldiers that they are to them, no longer necessary when the goal of global control is accomplished by said string-pullers.  It is because the blacks are particularly susceptible to becoming such pawns.

I am thinking of two factors in particular.  One is that, as a somewhat recent study pointed out (regarding the side effects of the MMR vaccine), blacks have a higher incidence of being adversely affected by vaccines than other cohorts, in the way of IQ development.  Part of the brain damage being wreaked by vaccines, all of which manifold conditions could be called subclinical encephalitis - besides the full-blown condition known, and recognized, as vaccinal encephalitis.  These include ADD, ADHD,  autism spectrum disorder (ASD), LD (Learning Disability), PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), PDD-NOS (PDD Not Otherwise Specified), OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), ADEM (Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis.  Clever, these cockroaches in positions of power over us.  Currently),  etc. etc..*  So, their brains have been damaged by our well-intended but also profit-driven practice of vaccination; to the point where they can be forgiven to some extent, and understood, for lashing out at their environment, in fits of inchoate rage, as some sort of 'invisible enemy' to them.  To which the NWO crowd has given them a name: Whitey.

The other factor in particular has to do with how blacks are more susceptible to infection, and consequent mortality, by the novel coronavirus making the rounds than other cohorts (beyond those primarily affected by it, i.e., the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, causing compromised immune systems).  The reason: Their skin pigmentation doesn't allow them to manufacture vitamin D from the sunlight to the same degree as those with lighter skin; vitamin D being a prophylactic against the likes of viruses.  (Hence how the likes of flus and colds decrease in the summer months.)   So, blacks in particular, in the presence of such infectious diseases, should (be counseled to) beef up their vitamin D intake.  In all this, they should seek out the recommendations of the likes of naturopaths and holistic allopaths, who are better trained in such matters than your basic allopath, who is trained primarily in drug-based medicine.  Thanks primarily to the efforts of John D. Rockefeller, who found a wonderful way to sell his oil, in the form of petroleum-based drugs.

Another story, that.  Here, just to point out some of the ways that are the differences between the races.

Superficially.  Since we are all - 'under the skin,' as it were - the facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source.  Our loving Creator Source.  Having given us the potential to become as One.  Holy.  Being.  As we make our way through the (frequency, vibrational) grades of the school that we are in.

And by which we accomplish that outcome.


* There can be other causes of such brain-damage conditions, particularly from pesticides in our environment, and chemicals in our foodstuffs.  But a major factor in the huge increase of these sorts of conditions in recent years has to be due to the rolling-out of more mandated vaccine regimens.  With our 'modern' medicine proponents failing to recognize a fundamental fact of their professional calling:
   'First: Do No Harm.'


P.S. And not to mention that other class-warfare disaffected minority grouping, the LGBTQ+ 'community,' deliberately cultured and radicalized by the far Left in order to join their overthrow Party.  But that's another story in itself as well.

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