Thursday, 18 June 2020

On Looking At The Details -

And Those Consequences

From Stellar House Publishing:

The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ

by Acharya S/D.M. Murdock

Was Jesus a God, man or myth?
  The answer may surprise you.


Around the world over the centuries, much has been written about religion, its meaning, its relevance and contribution to humanity. In the West particularly, sizable tomes have been composed speculating upon the nature and historical background of one of the main characters of Western religions, Jesus Christ. Many have tried to dig into the precious few clues as to Jesus’s identity and come up with a biographical sketch that either bolsters faith or reveals a more human side of this godman to which we can all relate. Obviously, considering the time and energy spent on them, the subjects of Christianity and its legendary founder are very important to the Western mind and culture, and increasingly to the rest of the world as well.

The Controversy

Despite all of this literature continuously being cranked out and the significance of the issue, in the public at large there remains a serious lack of formal and broad education regarding religion and mythology, and most individuals are highly uninformed in this area. Concerning the issue of Christianity, for example, the majority of people are taught in most schools and churches that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure and that the only controversy regarding him is that some people accept him as the Son of God and the Messiah, while others do not. However, whereas this is the raging debate most evident in this field today, it is not the most important. Shocking as it may seem to the general populace, the most enduring and profound controversy in this subject is whether or not a person named Jesus Christ ever really existed.

Although this debate may not be evident from publications readily found in popular bookstores, when one examines this issue closely, one will find a tremendous volume of literature that demonstrates, logically and intelligently, time and again that Jesus Christ is a mythological character along the same lines as the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Indian or other godmen, who are all presently accepted as myths rather than historical figures. Delving deeply into this large body of work, one uncovers evidence that the Jesus character is based upon much older myths and heroes from around the globe. One discovers that this story is not, therefore, a historical representation of a Jewish rebel carpenter who had physical incarnation in the Levant 2,000 years ago. In other words, it has been demonstrated continually for centuries that this character, Jesus Christ, was invented and did not depict a real person who was either the “son of God” or was “evemeristically” made into a superhuman by enthusiastic followers.

History and Positions of the Debate

This controversy has existed from the very beginning, and the writings of the Church fathers themselves reveal that they were constantly forced by the Pagan intelligentsia to defend what the non-Christians and other Christians (“heretics”) alike saw as a preposterous and fabricated yarn with absolutely no evidence of it ever having taken place in history.

As Rev. Dr. Robert Taylor says, “And from the apostolic age downwards, in a never interrupted succession, but never so strongly and emphatically as in the most primitive times, was the existence of Christ as a man most strenuously denied.” According to these learned dissenters, the New Testament could rightly be called, “Gospel Fictions.”


What are the origins of Christianity? Is Jesus a historical figure? #christianity #jesus #mythology

— Religion and History (@AcharyaS) January 22, 2014


I post this, not because I support the New World Order crowd’s current extensive attempts to overthrow this country - the major symbol of the ’established order of things’ that they want to replace with their own - but to emphasize the direction that we should all be taking.  Which is to 

a) question everything.  And to b)

the Truth of things.

Of all things.   

In the real

New Order of Things.

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