Let’s take a look at Looks, at this rather timely time.
First, some somewhat recent background. Take 9/11. No, let’s start by going back before the New Millennium, with all of its dire straits and its Culmination energy. Let’s start with the assassination of JFK; since that horrendous event is still playing out, into our ‘modern times’. In a number of ways.
For those of you who weren’t around at that terrible time, it was a huge shock to the system, both for individuals and for the country at large; and, according to some reports, to a large part of the world’s peoples as a whole. And remember - or at least, be aware - that this was before the Vietnam War, and its deadening, and stultifying, effects on our senses; bombarded, as we became, in our daily life with scenes of carnage going on halfway around the world. Many of us Americans know precisely what we were doing at that announcement time, and can even date a measure of ‘awakening’ to it. Awakening, as to what all was going on, behind the scenes - for many, those bucolic scenes - of daily Life in America, and as conveyed in the tv sitcoms of the day.(1)
For one, I was in an Auto Body Repair shop just off Hollywood Blvd., having just delivered an order for paint supplies, as a delivery guy for an auto body paint & supplies store. The guy in the office rotely made out a purchase order for me as he and a couple of other guys there continued to watch, as though mesmerized, the proceedings on the telly. “What’s up?” I asked. I was told. Stunned, I stayed a short while to watch, before having to get on with my delivery rounds. And in the days and years since, I ‘bothered’ to read as much as I could on that defining event: the beginning of the awakening of the American people, at large, to the full extent of the scheming of the Illuminati/New World Order crowd to take over this country, on their way to taking over the world, and imposing their totalitarian state on it. That reading led me to understand that Dealey Plaza was a kill zone that day, with a number of shooters well in place, with triangulating fire, to make sure that they ‘got their man’. Who was threatening to stand in the way of their masters. Both as to winding down the incipient position of the U.S. in their desired war in that beleaguered country way over in Southeast Asia. And as to his moves to replace the Federal Reserve Note with a silver-backed U.S. Note, and do away with the huge amount of interest that the U.S. government was paying to our Money Masters for the ‘privilege’ of their (a private consortium of banks; nothing ‘federal’ or with ‘reserves’ of their own about it, just the ability to conjure ‘money’ - debt - out of thin air) - loaning us money at interest, to run the country that they were already running in effect anyway. And also, for JFK having let the CIA’s invasion of Cuba down, by pulling air cover for their mercenaries on the beaches there, once he got wind of what the Deep State of his time was up to. All in all, he was proving to be a pain in the stiff neck of the Cabal. And so he had to go. The evidences for a conspiracy starting to show up, from the sleuthing of what is now called ‘citizen journalists,’ to the point where, to counter such research, the CIA came up with the label of ‘conspiracy theorist,’ in an attempt to throw The People off their track.(2)
And there then followed on from that defining event the assassinations first of RFK and then of MLK. And, their having gotten away with those similar scenarios, other such taking-over measures followed. Mostly called ‘false flag operations,’ when directed specifically to ‘their’ attempts to get guns - weapons of self-defense - out of the hands of the American people, or at least, those of The People who weren’t in bed with these Wannabe Masters. As was being engaged in all over the world, in nations that they were as well attempting to take over. With a fair amount of success.(3) As to such ‘false flag ops’ - which can be totally false or partly false; the salient point of them being to label someone else or some other body as having been responsible for them(4) - closer to our day, there have been such as: 9/11; the Sandy Hook Elementary School ’Exercise’; and the Boston Marathon Bombing ‘Drill’ (among others). First, to comment on 9/11.
Where to begin, on looking more closely at that appalling false flag op. First, to clarify where I am coming from in this blog: which is that damage and death was, indeed, dealt out that day. But not quite the way we saw it; the way it ‘looked;’ the way it was made to look - for us, to take in, and believe, so that TPTB could set up their desired War on Terror on the one hand, and bring this country further under the arbitrary thumb of the federal government on the other, via first suspension and then elimination of our ‘civil rights’ - under the concept of Crisis = Opportunity (and similarly, the Ordo ab Chao - ‘Order Out of Chaos’ - of the Freemasons) - by the so-called Patriot Act.(5) Some specifics of that day:
* The oh-so-convenient set-up by the Naudet Brothers on a nearby street to capture the ‘money shot’ of the first plane going into the first tower. Or at least, that was the presumption that we were given to ‘see,’ and believe; setting the tone for all that was to follow.
* MSM shots of the second plane going into the second tower, but leaving serious questions in their wake. One being the shot of it slipping into the building like a knife slicing through butter, or like a Roadrunner cartoon, and leaving no plane parts to fall at the point of impact (into a steel frame building, with a core of further multiple steel rods?? I don’t think so); and another, from a side angle, accidentally showing the image of the supposed airliner’s nose (made of aluminum; which can’t, in our real world, even withstand a collision with a bird without obvious structural damage) coming out of the other side of the building - as if it plowed all the way through all that steel framing and concrete walls and office equipment - before the tv technician who was guiding the imagery of the approaching ‘plane' could quickly Cut to Black and eliminate the image. (Think CGI.)(6)
* The edited shot, from a stationary CCTV camera (and where are all the other shots of that scene from other angles/locations in that area???), of something going into the Pentagon (likewise having been outfitted with explosives, according to an eyewitness’s testimony of what happened there, and the mis-timing of the explosion and the impact of whatever hit the building), but raising serious questions of its own; particularly to do with the too-small entrance hole (more fitting for a cruise missile), the physical inability of an aluminum-nosed airliner to have penetrated as far into the building as the damage went, and the lack of any major pieces of such an airliner left. Let alone any reports of the bodies of the passengers that were supposedly aboard. Which brings up
* The site of the plane that supposedly plowed into the field in Pennsylvania. Leaving behind nothing like such a normal scene would have looked like. Including a report at the scene that, in the hole purportedly made by the crashing airliner, there was, quote, “nothing”.
The perps not being able to control all of the potential pieces of the pictures that we were given to believe in. And including having a female reporter reporting on the third WTC tower having collapsed that day, with it - oops - shown behind her in the interview shot, still standing, nearly a half-hour before it actually came down. In what the Architects & Engineers for the Truth About 9/11 have conclusively proven was a controlled demolition. And if it was, …
…but moving right along;(7) to:
2) Sandy Hook. With the phenomenon of ‘crisis actors’ beginning to come to the fore. With, for example, one of the supposed fathers of the supposedly deceased students being clearly outed as such. And having been employed, for that particular such op, in another role as well: that of a supposed SWAT Team agent, who apparently missed the day that they were taught how to hold a firearm, without risking blowing one of your own legs off. And the presumed children of those classes? All dead. Perfect shots, leaving no children behind, to perhaps blow their lines. And no open caskets at the memorials services, for any proof whatsoever that anybody actually died in that caper. Which was as well spoiled, in its attempts to being taken as a true event, by someone forgetting and leaving behind a signage from the previous day’s run-through, about ‘signing in’. The two-day Event conclusively known about, by the surfacing of a FEMA manual outlining it. And then there was the failure to have called in MediVacs, de rigueur if it had been an actual event. And. And. And…
…and moving on to:
3) The Boston Marathon Bombing ‘Drill’. Which was even announced as such, both by a notice in the local paper - to help keep onlookers from rushing in and spoiling the ‘takes’ - and by public announcement right at the finish line.area. With everybody assigned and identified for their roles by way of color-coded name tags, and somebody failing to match the color and type of backpacks purportedly used by the two patsy brothers to plant the bombs amidst the crowd with those that were identified as the, er, real thing. And speaking of ‘the real thing': With one of the characters in this gig being outed by a Hollywood producer as an actor whom he had once hired for a bit part in one of his films.
Cowboy Hat guy having a role in this caper somewhat like that of Baseball Cap guy at 9/11; the latter being interviewed by an accommodating MSM ‘reporter’ and reading his lines like a character out of an episode of NYPD Blue…
…and I am getting tired of washing this dirty linen in public. Let me move on to my Summary Conclusion; to wit:
Our Wannabe Masters, besides trying to get as many guns out of our hands as possible, for their major move of takeover (it was ever thus, in genocidal histsroy on the planet), are trying both to affect and remove ‘history,’ the latter action both in our schools and in our cities, because TPTB want everybody to become loyal to their New World Order, not to individual nations. Here in the U.S. they are starting their maneuver, on that front, in our cities - having ‘softened’ the public up via a leftwing education artillery barrage in our schools (under the Marxist ‘principle’ of ‘the long march through the institutions’) - by having their minions take down monuments and statues. Confederacy statues to start with (trying to keep black Americans on their side, at least until they gain the high ground permanently); but ultimately the whole ‘crowd’ of such eminent historical figures, step by step. Including Jefferson and Washington. With even the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. falling victim to the graffiti crowd, in the recent coordinated carnage, over the - supposed - death of George Floyd.
Which brings me to my last example, in this blog, of the false flag ops that we have been subjected to. Bear with me on this one, with its load of ‘class warfare’ emotion. But looking at that event clearly - and at succeeding information that continues to come out regarding the characters involved in it - something was very fishy about it from the beginning. The staged shot of the white cop pinning the black dude down by the neck, for over eight minutes. What were they waiting for?? They could have taken him in for booking (allegedly for passing a counterfeit $20 dollar bill) in the back of one of their police cars. Plus, it has come out that the two main players in that scene knew each other, in their off-time roles as security guards Plus, the phone camera shot of another passerby showed how they moved across the street - for whatever reason - and at first, George ‘collapsed’ to the left rear side of a cop car, but then the ‘scene' changed, and it was filmed with the two of them under the right rear side of the car. A better angle, for the camera???…And which shot has been zoomed in on sufficiently for us to see that the second cop, who was sometimes somewhat screening the ‘event,’ was sporting, not a real cop badge, but a simulacrum of one embedded in his shirt. And the ambulance that then came by (was it called for when these actors felt that they had 'injured' Floyd sufficiently to take him to the hospital??) was manned, not by EMTs, but by a couple of guys dressed as some sort of police.
Ladies and gentlemen: We were conned in this caper. To the point where it would, er, 'appear' that George Floyd even attended his own funeral service. While TPTB, via their foot solders from Antifa and the Black Lives Matter ‘movement’ paid for by that other George, Soros, orchestrated, not just in this country but elsewhere in the world, riots and looting and arson and general carnage; all designed to bring down the ‘established order,’ under ‘white privilege,’ and turn the world over to the sultans of Satan.
I apparently have news for them.
The Deep State’s Bolshevik Revolution in this country is going to fail.
And their whole revolution as well. As we enter a -
the -
New Era.
Cease and desist with the reverse image of
the Real Thing. Because
Graduation Time is upon us.
All those, that is to say,
who are ready to. At this time of
The Great Awakening.
1) Think ‘Father Knows Best.’ ‘Leave It To Beaver.’ Yeah, right. Rather, Leave It To those who were beavering away behind the bucolic scenes, to bring down Innocent America, and use it as a battering ram to bring the rest of the world into line. With their New World Order agenda. Preferring the command-and-control likes of the Soviet Union and Red China as the Way of the future. With the stirring up of wars a major Way to get to that atheistic goal. Or outright satanic Way.
But to continue.
(2) And as admitted to by a later Director of said CIA when he was reliably quoted as saying: “We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American people believe is false.” Shades of our Era in space. And more.
But to continue.
(3) For example, in Australia, where I lived for a large part of the ‘90s, the people were so engaged in throwing another shrimp on the barbie that they failed to note the encroachment of the termites going on in their country, both as to taking away their guns, and then as to lining them up for their shots. Their mandatory vaccination shots, that is. Which are part of the arsenal of these wannabe World Controllers.
(4) In Europe they happened under the name of the Red Brigade, but were mostly run by Western intelligence agencies, under the name of Operation Gladio.
(5) I’m not going to get here into the whole subject of a major misunderstanding in the country about what is called ‘our constitutional rights,’ which subject basically refers to the limitations on the power of the federal government, not of the states. In our country’s federal system of government - more precisely, a federal constitutional republic; i.e., government by the rule of law via constitutions - our basic ‘civil rights’ are secured for us via our state constitutions. Or not. Keeping ‘governance’ closer to the grassroots level.
(6) This brings up the subject of the information that came out that a team of Israeli so-called ‘art students’ had been granted access to those towers ahead of time, and there are shots of them installing explosive equipment. Obviously planned to mimic the crash scenes of CGI-guided 'airliners'.
Which also brings up the subject of how the 9/11 Event was ’telegraphed’ by Hollywood, at the least by the producers of The Simpsons, with their subliminal-like use of the imagery of ‘9-11’.
Apparently the Dark forces, in this realm of - apparent - free will, have to follow some limitations on their actions, having to do with ’telegraphing’ them - called ‘Predictive programing’ - so that it is up to The People, in this schoolroom for aspiring gods, to practice Awareness. But all of that is a bit of another subject, in itself.
(7) But just to comment, and wrap up, to this point:
A magic bullet on one hand (one of ‘Oswald’s’ three bullets, to account for all of the effects of bullets that terrible day, being made by the authorities to have engaged in ‘magical’ properties), and magic airplanes on another (with one of said airliners having been spotted, on the West Coast, by its tail number, after its purported demise). And with the latter having magic phones that couldn’t do what they were claimed to have done. All in all: Magic.
Demonic magic
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