Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Getting To Zero Point

“The Democratic Party of Fairfax, Virginia, tweeted, ‘Riots are an integral part of this country’s march toward progress.’”  The question is, "progress" towards what.

I know where they mean.  They mean to a society that they rule, with an iron fist.  No more ‘free speech’.  No more ‘freedom of religion’.  the only thing The People will be allowed to worship will be the Almighty State; and the only power that will be allowed will be the power of its ruling elite, and the only ‘rights’ that will be allowed will be those graciously granted to them by said state.

Take Red China as an example.  Actually, as ‘the’ example.  TPTB have already pointed to - identified - Red China as their, quote, “model” for the future.  In putting everybody under Lockdown in the event of a circulating virus (instead of quarantining the sick; as is the ‘normal way of dealing with such things).  And in establishing the quintessential totalitarian surveillance society, and police state on steroids.  

So much for the dignity of the individual.  Only worker ants allowed - and their bettors - in the New World Order, which is the goal of the “progress” referred to by these, our wannabe Masters.

So.  what would I do, in this sort of situation.

I would take an observer’s position.  The ‘long’ look; not the closeup one.  And I would say, to both ‘classes’ of Players on such a Stage:

’So, what do we have here.  We have a condition that can be referred to, in terms of Physics, as an Action, and the Law of Physics which says ‘To Each Action There Is an Equal and Opposite Reaction’.  And with the forces enamored of what could be called Power Over Others (or as I have characterized it in these pages, ‘POO for short’) having upped the ante of civilization’s, er, ’progress’ to the global level now, they are triggering its Equal and Opposite Reaction.  Of what could be called Power With, and Within.  With the first condition fairly labeled as characterizing the quality of Force.  And the latter condition fairly labeled as characterizing the quality of Love.'  

And Love rules.  Because it is of the nature of The Real Thing.  Whereas Force is of the nature of the illusion.  The ‘dream’.  The hologram.  

The classroom.  For apprentice gods.

Gods in the making.  And thereby, why some of them - in dim response to that element of their fundamental makeup - think of themselves as gods.  But attempting to exercise the authority before they have graduated from the school.

Or to say, the elementary levels thereof.  With there being a whole host of levels, in

The Process.  Which Process is helping us apprentice gods understand that 

The Point of it could be said for us to get to the Zero Point.

What could be called 

divine neutrality.  Understanding, that Duality - 

and its partner, (seeming) Separation - 

is just part of 

the curriculum.

And thus, for Love - aka Unity - to win out, in

The End.

Understanding, as we do then, that

we are all in this


As One.

As the One Holy Being 

that we all are

in our


Learning from each other.  From honing ourselves against each other.  In -

altogether now:

The Process.

Finally, ultimately, to leave it behind.

Now, that’s 


So, the bottom line of my advice:

Stop selling yourselves short, folks.

You are more than you are settling for.

And you will never get to Zero Point



(My thanks to Sandra Walter for the wording of the conceptual idea of ’divine neutrality’.)

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