So: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Although there’s something curious about that ‘Doctor’ business. Her Stanford Uni bio - up until just recently - identified her as a ‘Research Psychologist,’ and that presumably was the area of research in which she qualified for a doctorate. But as I say, recently Stanford took down that qualifying title for her. And as I further say: Curious.
One wonders if it has anything to do with her having been reported, on the Internet, after some sleuthing, as having been involved with recruitment among Stanford students for the CIA.
And the fact that she has a family connection with the CIA.
And the CIA being one of the ‘intel agencies’ that Pres. Trump has been quoted as having some concerns about. To the point where the Left - Democrat Party spokespeople and the ‘opposition party’ MSM - has used that concern of his to beat him over the head with; including pushing the 'Russian Collusion’ meme with it, as Trump 'having aligned with Russian Pres. Putin against ’his own’ intelligence agencies'.
But then, the CIA - or some faction therein - was involved (not only with the contretemps in the Middler East, but) with the coup that overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine, which clandestine activity occasioned that military engagement ultimately with Russia, in protecting the Russian-speaking people in eastern Ukraine who didn’t want to have anything to do with the overthrow machinations going on over in the western part of the country. And all of which ultimately led to Crimea voting overwhelmingly to align with Russia, against this insidious activity going on in that part of the world. And all of which occasioned the NWO's MSM in the U.S. to attempt to paint Pres.Trump as being aligned with Russia - i.e., the ‘Russian Collusion’ gambit. Which actually originated when the emails of the Democrat National Committee were leaked to Wikileaks (think Seth Rich, and his murder), and showed that the Hillary campaign team had colluded with the DNC to throw the Democrat primaries to Hillary, against Bernie Sanders, and which fact needed to be covered over, somehow, the spotlight made to shift from that 'little matter'. Voila: the Russian Collusion meme against The Donald. Rather than against Hillary, where it belonged, at least ever since she was involved in the selling of 20% of the U.S.’s uranium resources deposits to Russia. In exchange for a $435 millon-dollar ‘donation’ to the Clinton Foundation; and a $500,000-dollar ‘emolument’ to Bill for an hour-long speech in Moscow. Sweet.
Can you say ‘Pay for Play’?
But we were talking about the CIA. And the intel agencies in this country in general. Which includes the FBI. Which is still infested with Obama - and even Clinton - holdovers. Which is strange. I understand that federal agency departments have some degree of autonomy against being fired. But surely, a new administration has a right to have employed under it, employees loyal to it.
But not to get bogged down in the details. Let me cut to the chase. What I am meaning to get to, in this exercise in Connecting the Dots, is how the political process in this country has become horribly corrupted. How? By, in a nutshell: our having mistaken means for ends. Let me explain.
The Democrats - which political party has moved far over to its left wing - is obviously guided by the philosophy that the end justifies the means. Any and all means. Lie, cheat, steal. Kill, even (Think, in particular, of the foam-line of bodies left in the wake of the Clinton’s rise to power, and attempted solidifying of said position.) Whatever It Takes, to achieve your ends. ‘By Any Means Necessary,’ in the words of the guidebook ‘Rules for Radicals,’ by Barry Obama’s ‘community organizing’ mentor, Saul Alinsky. (Who dedicated his instruction book “to Lucifer, the first rebel.”) There being, in that ‘workbook,’ and the philosophy of the Communists, no absolutes. Everything being relative. 'What is right is what advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.'
And this philosophy has been going on, in the background, of politics in this country for a long time. To cut to the most recent example of it: the Communists came along in the wake of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and, after solidifying their position in that country (with the financial help of some big bankers in the U,S.; another part of the story), set out on their pursuit of ‘international socialism’ by an orchestrated attempt to take over the U.S., as the key prize to the accomplishing of their ultimate goal: the taking over of the whole world.
Hence, the New World Order. And a key ‘institution’ for their ultimate takeover being the educational institution. Which has had elements of the socialist-communist philosophy being embedded in it since at least the 1930s.*
But to move on. To my next point; which is a ‘play’ on this previous one:
our attitude towards
Briefly: Money is a medium of exchange, with paper money being a particularly convenient such medium of exchange. The point of the process being to exchange goods and services with one another. But with the insertion of the ‘principle’ of interest-bearing money - i.e., usury - things changed. Fundamentally. With the means to an end - money - having, then, become the end in itself.
And especially with the introduction of fiat money - i.e., a monetary system based on nothing, but a ‘promise to pay’ - something ultimately was ‘created’.
Where we are at now:
with debt growing at a vertical rate.
That is to say:
Impossible ever to deal with.
In the current form of a monetary system.
About to collapse.
As we speak.
But not to worry. Because, you see,
there is an absolute.
And that Way of doing things is about to take over. And get us back
on the right track
to our future.
Our glorious future.
Of Abundance. And Joy. On a planet
To living in harmony with our Creator’s Will.
Not our little human ones.
And that is where
the dots converge.
* And particularly with the ‘whole word,’ ‘look-say’ method of reading taking over from the very successful phonics method, whereby you learn to learn to read by sounding out the letters for yourself, and getting the words from that basis. Rather than having to memorize words as a whole, with the aid of graphics (like learning the word ‘monkey’ by a picture of a monkey hanging off the ending letter ‘y’, e.g.). The point of that system being to control the words that the children learn to recognize. No learning to read on your own. You were to be controlled through your early school years, by the addition of ‘selected’ words through the school-grade grammars. Can’t have kids learning to read on their own. They might read the wrong things. Outwith our scenario for them, to be exposed to.
Control words, and you control thought…
That system of reading has been modified somewhat, I understand, with a modicum of phonics. But by and large, our erstwhile masters have been at work since - as I say - the ‘30s to keep us under their thumb, as much as they could possibly manage.
They would call it ‘civilizing’ us. I call it treating us like slaves, to their Orwellian political system.
But to continue.