Saturday, 29 September 2018

On Connecting The Dots

So: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  Although there’s something curious about that ‘Doctor’ business.  Her Stanford Uni bio - up until just recently - identified her as a ‘Research Psychologist,’ and that presumably was the area of research in which she qualified for a doctorate.  But as I say, recently Stanford took down that qualifying title for her.  And as I further say: Curious.

One wonders if it has anything to do with her having been reported, on the Internet, after some sleuthing, as having been involved with recruitment among Stanford students for the CIA.

And the fact that she has a family connection with the CIA.

And the CIA being one of the ‘intel agencies’ that Pres. Trump has been quoted as having some concerns about.  To the point where the Left - Democrat Party spokespeople and the ‘opposition party’ MSM - has used that concern of his to beat him over the head with; including pushing the 'Russian Collusion’ meme with it, as Trump 'having aligned with Russian Pres. Putin against ’his own’ intelligence agencies'.

But then, the CIA - or some faction therein - was involved (not only with the contretemps in the Middler East, but) with the coup that overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine, which clandestine activity occasioned that military engagement ultimately with Russia, in protecting the Russian-speaking people in eastern Ukraine who didn’t want to have anything to do with the overthrow machinations going on over in the western part of the country.  And all of which ultimately led to Crimea voting overwhelmingly to align with Russia, against this insidious activity going on in that part of the world.  And all of which occasioned the NWO's MSM in the U.S. to attempt to paint Pres.Trump as being aligned with Russia -  i.e., the ‘Russian Collusion’ gambit.  Which actually originated when the emails of the Democrat National Committee were leaked to Wikileaks (think Seth Rich, and his murder), and showed that the Hillary campaign team had colluded with the DNC to throw the Democrat primaries to Hillary, against Bernie Sanders, and which fact needed to be covered over, somehow, the spotlight made to shift from that 'little matter'.  Voila: the Russian Collusion meme against The Donald.  Rather than against Hillary, where it belonged, at least ever since she was involved in the selling of 20% of the U.S.’s uranium resources deposits to Russia.  In exchange for a $435 millon-dollar ‘donation’ to the Clinton Foundation; and a $500,000-dollar ‘emolument’ to Bill for an hour-long speech in Moscow.  Sweet.

Can you say ‘Pay for Play’?

But we were talking about the CIA.  And the intel agencies in this country in general.  Which includes the FBI.  Which is still infested with Obama - and even Clinton - holdovers.  Which is strange.  I understand that federal agency departments have some degree of autonomy against being fired.  But surely, a new administration has a right to have employed under it, employees loyal to it.  

But not to get bogged down in the details.  Let me cut to the chase.  What I am meaning to get to, in this exercise in Connecting the Dots, is how the political process in this country has become horribly corrupted.  How?  By, in a nutshell: our having mistaken means for ends.  Let me explain.

The Democrats  - which political party has moved far over to its left wing - is obviously guided by the philosophy that the end justifies the means.  Any and all means.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even  (Think, in particular, of the foam-line of bodies left in the wake of the Clinton’s rise to power, and attempted solidifying of said position.)  Whatever It Takes, to achieve your ends.  ‘By Any Means Necessary,’ in the words of the guidebook ‘Rules for Radicals,’ by Barry Obama’s ‘community organizing’ mentor, Saul Alinsky.  (Who dedicated his instruction book “to Lucifer, the first rebel.”)  There being, in that ‘workbook,’ and the philosophy of the Communists, no absolutes.  Everything being relative.  'What is right is what advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.'

And this philosophy has been going on, in the background, of politics in this country for a long time.  To cut to the most recent example of it: the Communists came along in the wake of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and, after solidifying their position in that country (with the financial help of some big bankers in the U,S.; another part of the story), set out on their pursuit of ‘international socialism’ by an orchestrated attempt to take over the U.S., as the key prize to the accomplishing of their ultimate goal: the taking over of the whole world. 

Hence, the New World Order.  And a key ‘institution’ for their ultimate takeover being the educational institution.  Which has had elements of the socialist-communist philosophy being embedded in it since at least the 1930s.* 

But to move on.  To my next point; which is a ‘play’ on this previous one:

our attitude towards


Briefly: Money is a medium of exchange, with paper money being a particularly convenient such medium of exchange.  The point of the process being to exchange goods and services with one another.  But with the insertion of the ‘principle’ of interest-bearing money - i.e., usury - things changed.  Fundamentally.  With the means to an end - money - having, then, become the end in itself.     

And especially with the introduction of fiat money - i.e., a monetary system based on nothing, but a ‘promise to pay’ - something ultimately was ‘created’.

Where we are at now:

with debt growing at a vertical rate.

That is to say:

Impossible ever to deal with.

In the current form of a monetary system.

About to collapse.

As we speak.

But not to worry.  Because, you see,

there is an absolute.

And that Way of doing things is about to take over.  And get us back

on the right track

to our future.

Our glorious future.

Of Abundance.  And Joy.  On a planet


To living in harmony with our Creator’s Will.

Not our little human ones.

And that is where

the dots converge.

*  And particularly with the ‘whole word,’ ‘look-say’ method of reading taking over from the very successful phonics method, whereby you learn to learn to read by sounding out the letters for yourself, and getting the words from that basis.  Rather than having to memorize words as a whole, with the aid of graphics (like learning the word ‘monkey’ by a picture of a monkey hanging off the ending letter ‘y’, e.g.).  The point of that system being to control the words that the children learn to recognize.  No learning to read on your own.  You were to be controlled through your early school years, by the addition of ‘selected’ words through the school-grade grammars.  Can’t have kids learning to read on their own.  They might read the wrong things.  Outwith our scenario for them, to be exposed to.  
   Control words, and you control thought…
   That system of reading has been modified somewhat, I understand, with a modicum of phonics.  But by and large, our erstwhile masters have been at work since - as I say - the ‘30s to keep us under their thumb, as much as they could possibly manage.  
   They would call it ‘civilizing’ us.  I call it treating us like slaves, to their Orwellian political system.
   But to continue.

On Life And Its Foibles

1) from ‘A Dress Rehearsal For Impeachment’ - Patrick J. Buchanan - Sept. 28
(“The assault on Kavanaugh is the playbook for what is planned for Trump”)

Alexander Gofen - Sept. 28

Yes, a dress rehearsal of what is coming within the totally corrupt top down US government: the grotesque and arrogant farce. The farce arrogant so much that nobody even cares to deflect attention from that "terrible" word "impeachment" never uttered during the 2008-2016 imposture by Obama. 

 A "dereliction of Senate duty"?! Common Mr. Buchanan! The dereliction of duty, or rather betrayal of the oath to uphold the Constitution applies to all three branches of the US government since 2008, to all parties, and to entire US military (except only 3 officers). 

 Yes, in defending yourself, go after your malevolent accusers as well - and the malevolent accusers are the entire US government prior and after Obama! Unfortunately, President Trump capitulated to them in 2016 publicly stating as though Obama were legal. As the well known historic protagonist, Trump wished to buy peace with his dishonor, but he got dishonor and war on him anyway...

 To go after the malevolent accusers means to fully expose and prosecute the 2008-2016 usurpation. This is the late, yet the only remedy to save the nation and civility.


kibitzer - Sept. 29

Thank you, Alexander, for keeping alive the 'little matter' of Obama's ineligibility for the office.  Forget all the back-and-forth about 'the birth certificate'.  He is on official record as having claimed his birth father to have been Barack Obama Sr.  He was toast right there.  A 'natural born' citizen is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof  (That's what makes it 'natural,' for heaven's sake.)

The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It's right here on the Internet.  This is not arcane judicial gobbledeygook.)  And there is all manner of historical evidence that the constitutional Framers were fully aware of this definition of the term.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular office - and that particular federal office ONLY; testifying to its special nature in the eyes of the Framers - STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. 

We have a lot to do to get this nation back under the rule of law - its Constitution.  Draining the swamp is just part of it.  And tempus fugit.

2) from’Why Accused Kavanaugh Will Be A Better Justice’ - Larry Klayman - Sept. 28
(Klayman, besides detailing his differences w/Judge Kav on legal matters,  details how Judge Kav was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, with a privileged life and education, and “now knows what real diversity is like,” which will help him on the bench, dealing with real, down-to-earth people and issues.)

kibitzer - Sept. 29

Fair enough comment, Larry.  He is too liberal for me, too.  His positions on stare decisis and precedent trouble me, for the willingness it indicates for the holder of such attitudes not to question faulty judicial decisions, and get the nation back to its rule of law - its Constitution.  But half a loaf, and all that.  And maybe after this terrible display by the Democrats, Trump can next appoint a TRUE constitutionalist, and make the dirty Dems eat their outrageous antics.


3) from ‘Who Is Telling the Truth?’ - Dave Hodges - Sept. 28
(Dave doesn’t like Judge Kav’s politics, but he is outraged at the treatment that he has gone through, and esp. regarding the lack of any evidence as to Dr. Ford’s charges (and mentions the calendar, in the judge’s favor).  He feels she may be a victim of PTSD of some sort, from SOMETHING that happened to her.  But that Judge Kav does not fit the profile of a rapist.  And wonders what his audiences thinks.
My comment didn’t make it through to his site.  That sometimes happens to me there.  I’m not sure why.  Now if I were a suspicious type…)

Dave, check out the info on the Internet that Dr. Ford worked for a drug co. that manufactures a leading abortion drug.  It goes to conflict of interest; esp. with the major concern of Democrat females regarding the possible overturn of Roe by a conservative SCOTUS.  Not that Judge Kav may very possibly be very involved in that, with his (unfortunate) respect for 'settled law' and precedent.  But they consider this to be an existential matter, and can be counted on to do anything - anything - to block that possibility.

The irony is that if the Left succeeds in blocking Judge Kav's nomination, they may get an even worse candidate than him - to them - who will make it through, because of the terrible damage they have done to THEIR reputation in all this.  But that will be no solace to this good man, and his family.


As to the above (attempted) post: If I had it to do over, I would enhance it a bit, to point out that Judge Kav is a threat to these people, not just because he is a (nominal, at least) conservative, but a Catholic to boot.  

Which is helping to bring out, in regards to the current battle on the planet, that it is mainly one between atheists, or at least secularists, on the line hand, and Christians, or at least Catholics, on the other.  And thus, why the Left is couching the battle as one also involving the whole of Western civilization.  And have enlisted Islam in their cause, for that reason.  Western civ being primarily based on, quote, 'Judeo-Christian' principles.  Or at least, Christian.  Which, in their eyes, needs to give way to their version of a global 'community'.  Or global governance.  Under their thumb.  And boot.

We are here, then, getting to the crux of the matter.  The matter, of reaching a Synthesis point, of 'political' evolution on the planet.  Which means that both sides of the 'equation' need to give up something as they add something to the process.  Here, what is going on is a challenge to traditional Christianity on the one hand, and a purely atheistic/secular position on the other.

A subject to be gone into further, in more detail, in a subsequent blog.  For now:

Enjoy the show, as Q would say.  

Especially for its educational value.

Friday, 28 September 2018

On Being Borked - Yet Once Again

from YouTube: ’Tucker on Kavanaugh’s defiant defense’ - Tucker Carlson, Fox News - Sept. 27
(Tucker Carlson doing a fine job reporting on Judge Kavanaugh’s defiant defense of his good name and of his family, and of the now-toxic judicial nomination process in general.
This whole thing was started - set off - by Sen. Ted Kennedy’s unfortunately unrejected hit job on Judge Robert Bork.  The word ‘Borkekd’ has, from that disgraceful attack, entered the language.  That was a shame.  In more ways than one.)

Notice how everyone you see "waking up" moves to the right? Nobody who wakes up is going left, because you can't wake up to something so wrong

Don't just vote red this November, vote right.



That's literally the exact opposite of the truth. Democrats have received more votes in the last 7 of 8 presidential elections.


Billy Shears  Um...How many of those votes do you think were from illegal aliens and other ineligible voters; not just non-citizen voters, but dead people, duplicate voters, Soros-funded and programmed electronic voting machines, ballot stuffing, etc. etc. etc.
The elections in this country have become a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce, a delusion, an illusion.  The Republicans have engaged in some of that over the years, I grant you.  But nothing - nothing - like the orchestrated hit job by the Dems.  Who seem to have been indoctrinated to believe that there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so - that what is right is what advances my agenda and what is wrong is what impedes it; that there are no absolutes, everything is relative.  I understand that that is what is called 'postmodernism'.  Our educational system has been taken over by the collectivists.  Its time - and past - for a total cleanup and cleanup of the corruption in this country.


When will we learn.  When will we ever learn.


P.S. And not to forget, in this same disgusting vein, of being uncivil in the arena of politics, the war-cry of Congresswoman Maxine Waters:
     "And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd.  And you push back on them.  And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere!"
     What can account for this level of hate and venom??  I can only surmise that it is due to projection: that the Dems thought that they had cheated so well in the elections of 2016 that it was a done deal - and as crowned by the MSM in telling (in effect) the Deplorables to not bother going to vote, that they might as well stay home, that it was all over but the cheering - and when said Deplorables decided to not buy the hype, and turned out in numbers capable of overriding the fix that the Dems thought was in, they feel that 'they wuz robbed'.
     Hey.  You ain't seen nuthin' yet, gang.
     Because Truth is going to take over on this sorely put-upon planet.  All this sort of corruption having had its day in the sun.  Having gone far enough.
     To evoke its opposite.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Now That She Said, He Said...

First of all, let me say - clarify - that I am still fuming over Senator Ted Kennedy's disgraceful demolition of Judge Robert Bork in his nomination for the SCOTUS, back in the day.  Talk about a hit job, and as fueled by the MSM (though not as 'bad' - monopolized - as in today's political world).  Utter calumny, protected only by Senatorial privilege.  Judge Bork's reputation as an excellent judicial judge and scholar was irredeemably damaged by that scurrilous attack, motivated purely by political bias.  And Sen. Kennedy's personal political ambitions, for higher office.

Having said that, and clarified that; my comment on the current such circus:

Thanks for coming out fighting - not evidencing weakness, or 'civility,' in the face of the 'political hit job' being orchestrated against you, Judge Kav.  By people who are not just of the other side of the political aisle, in our largely two-party system of government.  But who mean to hijack this country, and make of it merely a part of a region of their intended totalitarian - and outright evil, for trashing Truth - New World Order.

And just to note, for the sake of total clarity: I don't agree that Judge Kav is an 'originalist'.  He is too wedded to the idea of 'settled law' - i.e., judicial 'tranquility' - for my taste.  To 'precedent'.  You shouldn't build on bad jurisprudence.  Your resulting edifice will eventually tumble.  But in this case, he is right to fight back.  For his good name, after a lifetime of fine service to this country; and for his family's good name.*

Nominate him, Republicans.  Don't give in to such toxic smear tactics, especially regarding the highest judicial bench in the land.  This is about far more than just political oneupmanship.  This is about the fundamental battle on this planet between Good and Evil.  Between the Light and the Dark.  And the Light must win out, in the end.

Or everybody -

everybody -

except the Satanic Overlords of this planet -


And that is an outcome that would defeat the whole purpose of

the Exercise.

Of life.

And life everlasting.


* Part of me would like to see, in the wake of this debacle, President Trump nominate a true 'originalist,' and have the Republicans ram that outcome down the Democrats's throat.  To teach them a lesson.  That they, and the American people, will never forget.  But particularly for the sake of Judge Kav's family, and for lesson learning for us all, I say, Press On.


P.S. And speaking of Sen. Ted Kennedy: Synchronistically enough, I have just this late afternoon come across a very interesting tidbit of unrewritten history.   From a David Kupelian article in the July '18 issue of Whistleblower magazine:
     "Even worse [than an attempt by Barack Obama to influence the 2015 national election in Israel - and with American taxpayers' money to boot], during Reagan's first term as president, liberal Sen. Edward 'Ted' Kennedy made secret overtures to the Soviet Union to thwart Reagan's re-election.  Yes, this actually happened!  When I reached out to Reagan biographer and Russia scholar Paul Kengor, he nailed the details - and the media's stunning hypocrisy.
     "'Democrats are searching desperately, frantically, hysterically, for any tangible proof that Trump or one of his aides or associates was reaching out to the Russians to influence the 2016 election,' Kengor, a political science professor at Grove City College, told me.  'Well, the May 1983 KGB document between Victor Chebrikov (head of the KGB at the time) and Yuri Andropov (head of the USSR at the time) details an offer from Ted Kennedy to help the Russians prior to Ronald Reagan's 1984 election campaign.'  Kennedy's purpose?  Prevent Reagan's re-election.
     "'It's an actual official Soviet document,' Kengor told me, 'one that was housed in the Central Committee archives until it was discovered after the Cold War in 1992.  I first published the document in full in my 2006 book on Ronald Reagan, "The Crusader."'
     "But wait, weren't the 'mainstream media' alarmed, once they found out, that a U.S. senator had attempted to subvert the reelection of a sitting U.S. president by 'colluding with the Russians'?
     "As Kengor told me: 'That entire time, Ted Kennedy was alive and could have been questioned about this.  But the fact is that the Democrats and the liberals in the media didn't give a damn.
     "'Why?  Because Ted Kennedy was one of their darlings.  They had no interest or intention in exposing any possible Ted Kennedy dealings or - worse - potential collaboration or collusion with the Russians.  They could give a rip.  But now, in the Trump era, the Democrats and liberals are suddenly Russia hawks...'"
     So much for the Left carrying on about 'Russian collusion'.
     When it serves them.


P.P.S. (And then this is ti for tonight.)

from YouTube: ‘Circus Update PLUS - What Did Q Mean By ’N’ in NWO?? Big Review!’ - Truth and Art TV - Sept. 27
(A poster reported on much interesting info that ‘Q’ researchers have been “digging up about these Kavanaugh accusers”.  My response:)

1 second ago (Sept. 27)

I hope someone in that crowd has come across the fact that Dr. Ford works/worked for a drug co. that mfgrs a leading abortion drug.  And with the Left in general and the Women's Lib subgroup in particular (aka feminazis) worrying about a conservative SCOTUS overturning Roe...

Conflict of interest, anyone???

(Not to mention that she is a Bernie Sanders supporter.  And a petition-signing open borders advocate.  And.  And.  And.........)

On Being Perfectly Clear

On Being Perfectly Clear

     your name is


I hope you understand 
                    that I
       will brook
No corruption.
                Is that 
Completely clear?
Zip.  Zilch.  The Play

As for The Donald:
Well done, thou good
And faithful servant
       The Light.

As for Hillary…
          she obviously is
A habitual, if not outright
Compulsive, if not downright
Pathological, liar.
She didn’t deserve to win.
       The American people -
        though Deplorable -
     came through
          that test
Marvelously well.
     Congratulations are
         in order.  Or
You all would have had
A very long time
              to regret
That decision.
              And so, as
              it is:
                   The rest
Now that it is time for
    the real thing.


P.S. Strange, isn’t it, that Judge Kavanaugh seems only to have sexually molested Clinton supporters, and Soros-funded activists, and abortion advocates.  You’d think that if he were a serial molester, he might make a mistake every once in awhile and molest a conservative female, wouldn’t you??
     Funny, that.  
     But we hear:
     ’Believe the Women!’  
     Um…that would be…all women??
     ‘Well…maybe not all women.’
     indeed.  For example, those who are involved with harvesting adrenochrome from terrorized children?  Or having babies ‘under the counter,’ as it were; with no birth certificates, in order to use them for Satanic rituals, of sacrifice, and blood drinking??  Not those kinds of women???
     ‘Well…no.  Not those kinds.’
     Or how about the kind infesting our culture these days - courtesy of their high school and university 'education' - who believe in something called ‘postmodernism,’ wherein and whereby there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so, also known as moral relativity.  Not there either????
     ‘Well…maybe not there, either.  - But the ones speaking out against Kavanaugh are!  You can believe them!’
     Yeah.  Riiight……

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

On Living By Law

Hear Ye, O Hear Ye.

This Court of Justice is in session.  My opening statement:

The universe is - all universes are - built on and by Laws.  One of those Laws is the Law of Balance, that is often referred to as the Law of Karma.  That can be described by the expression, and admonition: 'As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.'   For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.

And if you choose to live outwith Law, as some souls do, unfortunately.  For them, in the end - then you have chosen to forfeit your life spark, and it will be returned to its Essence, and become part of a recycling Process.  Or be annihilated altogether, for all I know, at this current juncture of my soul's expression in matter.  In any event, the bottom line is, as that saying has it:

God will not be mocked.  Permanently.

That is all.  For now.

And for.  Now.  

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Odyssey Of A Truthseeker

I have been reading about the matter of a woman, a psychology professor from Stanford University in the Bay Area of California, driving across the country to the East Coast - in her case, out of a fear of flying - to make her case on a matter of Truth.  

It all rang a bit of a bell for me.

So come with me, if you will, on an odyssey into the truth of a different matter, of some import.

in my Junior year of my pre-Med studies at Stanford - that university chosen (albeit as well for getting a substantial scholarship to it) for its being considered as ‘the Harvard of the West’ - and in further fact, shortly after having received word of my acceptance into Stanford Medical School starting the following school year, I - in short - had a ‘spiritual experience,’ that caused me to drop out of my formal studies, and think to go ’find the biggest public Library in the Western world,’ to discover what I could about the truth of Christianity in particular and ‘life’ in general.  I returned to my home in Southern California, to face my mother about my dropout decision and figure out my next steps; and as to the latter subject, I got a job in a hospital in L.A. for a short time, to earn some money for whatever my next steps were going to turn out to be.  What they turned out to be was that I found, in the Want Ads of my hometown paper, a chance to drive a woman’s car across the country at least to Chicago (she wanted rather to fly back there; a bit of a ‘wrinkle’ to the above story).  Which I proceeded to do, and from there I caught a bus to Detroit, from where I had heard you could sometimes arrange to drive a car for delivery elsewhere in the country.  I managed to find such a ‘ride,’ to somewhere in Pennsylvania - it was Pittsburg, as I recall (this was sixty-some years ago, now; cut me some slack, here) - and I caught a bus from there on into New York City, my intended destination; having figured that must be the location of said ‘largest public library in the Western world’.

And so it was that I spent the next year of my Seeker’s life living in a cheap hotel room in mid-Manhattan, just off Times Square, near said Main Public Library, and spending many daily - and well into the evening - hours there, reading all I could about things of a roughly ‘spiritual’ nature.1  I started with books on the origins of Christianity (I was looking to read the original texts, that I assumed were in Aramaic; but quickly discovered that that was not the case, that they were in Greek.  Which was a troubling ‘find’ in the first place),2 and quickly found appalling aspects as to that matter.  It turned out - turns out - that (according to scholarly works by in particular German researchers) such ‘god men’ was a common theme of the time, as people tried to make some sense of the likes of the return of life in the Spring, and the perennial ’birth’ of the Sun at the winter Solstice, and so forth, with such ‘outcomes’ as what have been called vegetation gods (Tammuz, etc. etc.).  It was all turning out to be a mess of a story.3  

And at the same time I researched deeper into the origins of ‘civilization’ than my course on Western Civ in my Freshman year at college had gone.  It seems that the earliest civilization was born - almost 'overnight,' historically speaking - in the Middle East, in an area and country called Sumeria.  But why there?  And why were their ‘great gods’ depicted, on their clay tablets, with a star over their heads??4

Questions…which took me into various ‘highways’ and byways, like Spiritualism, and ‘the Perennial Philosophy,’ and the mind-blowing cosmology of Theosophy, and ESP, and even UFOs (the latter of which subjects was beginning to, er, take off at that time).  It all began to turn into mush by the time that Uncle Sam wrote to me letting me know that I needed to give two years of my life to Him.  Which I did, in the form of being - by then - a conscientious objector.  I had found enough during my sojourn in Manhattan to set me off on a lifelong continued search for Truth; knowing - understanding - that I would have to cultivate the quality, and virtue, of Patience.

Which has brought to me to this day.  Late in my life.  

And still a Seeker.  Of Truth. 

And an adamant foe of Untruth.

Wherever it rears its ugly head.

So, Come, boys and girls.   

We can do better than this. 

Just waiting for us.

to get to

that point.

In time.

And Time.


1  It started out all day to their closing time, at 10pm in the evenings, until my savings ran out and I had to get a job during my daytime hours.  
   (First I got a job at Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital, as an Operating Room Orderly, and then, when that was proving to be a downer - it was a cancer hospital, and I got overwhelmed by the grossness of the job, doing things like taking the amputated leg of an old lady down to Pathology, wrapped in paper like a side of (desiccated) beef (what did this approach have to do with an intelligent approach to ‘cancer treatment'???) - I quit and got a job in the Accounts department of a play-publishing company.  Much more to my liking, and actual interest in life.  But that is all another story.)   

2 Meaning, as it did, that scholarly people intruded into the matter, and could have had their own agendas.  Which I was to find out many years later - in fact, very recently - was, indeed, the case.
(See, in particular: ‘Cesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill.)

3 I of course read in all the religions.  Both the Old Testament and the Koran gave me a ’hard time’.  Much too much violence to my taste.  Something was decidedly wrong - not of the highest - in both instances.  Hinduism seemed rather too fanciful.  Buddhism came the closest to my ‘liking’.  I could relate very well to Prince Gautama’s search. 
   So where o where was my bodhi tree???…
   Edgar Cayce (‘There Is A River’) and reincarnation rang a good, solid bell.  And my birth religion of ‘Mormonism’ was disappearing along with the whole Christian story even before I came across there Fawn Brody’s ‘No Man Knows My History’.  (I was to have an ongoing flirtation with my religion of birth over the years, but I finally finished with it completely during research into its origins in Salt Lake City many years later.)   

4 I was to find the answers to both questions many years later, in the works of Zecharia Sitchin.  But to continue with this story at its time.  (This is the 1955-56 time period.)

Monday, 24 September 2018

To Believe Or Not To Believe

‘I’m beginning to have doubts about this.  They’ve  - ‘

‘What??!  No no!!’

‘They’ve come up with a picture of a different guy, who looks very much like - ‘

‘Listen to me.  Listen to me.  It doesn’t matter whether it was him or not.  Whether it’s true or not.  What matters - and all that matters - is what you believe about it.  And what it means.  This guy could preside over an overturn of Roe.  And you know what that means, don’t you.  Do you really know what that means??!’


‘Right.  So, just remember: It doesn’t matter what the actual truth of the matter is.  It’s what you believe.  Got it?’


‘So let’s go over your story once again.  And remember: Just believe it.’

Like the Left believes in an activist judicial branch, because it’s just another way to get the results that they want.  Because the rule of thumb for them is: Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  Lie.  Cheat.  Steal.  Kill, even. Whatever It Takes to secure your desired outcome.  

Because there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so.  Because everything is relative.  There are no absolutes.  What is right is what advances your agenda.  And what advances the other side’s agenda is wrong.  By definition.

The definition of a Satanist.

The Democrats - at least the current version of the Party; but the rot has been going on for some time - seem to believe that The United States’s form of government has but two branches.  There is the executive branch.  And then there is the combined legislative and judicial branch.  So that the second branch of our form of government has two parts: the legislative, consisting of the elected representatives of the people, to both houses of Congress; and the judicial, which not only acts as judges, but ‘passes’ - makes - legislation as well; and then rules on it from its judicial function.  Sweet.

So you can see that I am not a member of the Democrat Party.

But although I registered to vote as a member of the Republican Party, that was mainly just to be able to vote against the Democrats with any degree of clout.  But ever since I have done my homework regarding Benedict Obama the Usurper, I have had little to do with the Republican Party either.  Because if they had done their job, as the opposition party of record, they would have, could have nipped the illegal nomination and candidacy, and consequent election, of the Usurper in the bud  - and instead, allowed him not one but TWO terms in that purloined office, to add insult to injury.  

His illegal nomination and candidacy and election, because 

the Constitution is a contract.  Which means what it says.  Not what wet noodle twisters say it means.  To them.  Rather than to those who drew up the document.

And what did the term, a “natural born citizen,” mean to the constitutional Framers???  

It meant - and still means, in a legal sense -  a person, quote:

“born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.  Made a part of the eligibility requirements for that particular office - and that particular federal office ONLY, testifying to its special nature in their eyes, and creation - in order that the occupant of that office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S..  

It is from the definitive tome of the day regarding such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It’s right here on the Internet.  No arcane judicial mumbo-jumbo involved.  Just the ability to read plain English.)  Regarding which there is plenty of historical evidence that the Framers were well acquainted with this tome.  (And if any of them were not, all any of them would have had to do to clarify the matter for themselves would have been to ask their well-respected elder mentor, Benjamin Franklin, who had three copies of said tome, he thought so highly of it, and just so happened to be sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those self-same constitutional proceedings.)  Not to mention the little ‘inconvenient truth’ to some that Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate himself to those proceedings, made a proposal that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen referenced in the term of being ‘natural born’.*      

And so the hierarchy of the Republican Party, in fact or just in effect, colluded with their counterparts in the Democrat Party in an attempt to hijack this country, in placing not only an ineligible candidate in the crucial office of the presidency of the United States, but one who was bent - and figuratively - on making of this country but a part of a region of the totalitarian New World Order of this planet’s erstwhile masters.  And so the Republican Party, along with the Democrat Party, needs to be taken to court - and a real court at that; a court governed by American Common Law, aka Natural Law; not one of these Maritime/Admiralty courts (ruling over a people presumptively ‘lost at sea’) that have plagued this country for long enough - and, when found guilty of various crimes - particularly of collusion, and so their being found to be criminal enterprises - both political parties fined, their legal authorities jailed, and both of them dissolved.

Along with the Congress, for having failed in its duty to be a check and balance against  the thus-rendered criminal executive branch of government.

And we start anew.  On a fresh footing.

In a world no longer to be ruled by the Dark side.  

Whose adherents believe that 

the end justifies the means.

Any and all means.  Because

all is relative.

To which I say:


And what say you, Citizen???

P.S. And forget any more elections.  Not at least until they are cleaned up of all corruption; that has plagued this country long enough.  Because it is the beginning of a new era.
   New Era.

* Some - particularly in the Ted Cruz camp; who is not eligible for the top job either, because of this requirement - have tried to argue that the term was modified by the Naturalization Act of 1790.  But they fail to note (One wonders why.  Not) that that Act was repealed by the Naturalization Act of 1795 ON THIS VERY POINT, because of its misleading use of the term.  AND that repeal was signed off on by no less a couple of constitutional experts than the man who has become known as the Father of the Constitution, James Madison - then a Congressman - and President George Washington.  
   And in any event, one can play a shell game all they want; but let us note that there is a distinction here, between a term itself and its meaning.  It doesn’t matter if the definition of the term is switched around under a shell; the eligibility requirement itself STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. 

Sunday, 23 September 2018

If I Were You...

Reflections On A Sun Day

If I were you - and I am; as you are me, and We Are One, in our divine Essence.  Fractals of The One Holy Being - I would start acting as if there were a God - our Creator Source - and not as if there were not, as 'we' are doing, largely, at present.  And if - when - we do, 'all things will be added unto us' - we will accomplish what we can only consider now as miracles.

A world at peace.  With Abundance for all.  As the fruits of our ability - our knowledge - to replicate DNA (with the indispensable help of Light), and thus generate the likes of food 'out of thin air,' as it were.  Somewhat like the 'manna from heaven' of olden times.  (Which was a form of algae, from a combination of sunlight and the early morning dew.)

What will the world look like then?

The way it was always supposed to.

When we got there.

Coming up.

In a theater of operations quite near

our mutual I AM.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Q Is For Question...

...And T Is For Truth

Having just watched on Brasscheck TV a short video by a& on all the explosions heard by first responders to that atrocity - which I and many U.S. citizens have seen before - I want to weigh in here on this, and allied matters.

In sum: It is obvious to any halfway observant member of the public that we have not been told the truth about 9/11.  Which means that the MSM is complicit in that coverup.  Which means that there has been a widespread agenda to a) embroil this country in the econo-political scene in the Middle East - going to war there as a consequence of that attack on our soil - and b) take down this country, for some time.  With draconian, police-state moves growing out of this event in particular, putting this nation on the footing of the Total State embodied, more and more, by Red China.  As part of the creation of a New World Order characterized by top-down behavior by people lusting after Power Over Others (POO for short).

With a lot of the American public beginning to wake up to that scenario, they voted overwhelmingly - and overwhelming various attempts to steal the election by the Democrats(1) - for Donald J. Trump; who sounded a very patriotic note in the primaries and in the election campaigning itself.

But something ulterior is going on here.  Consider.

The person or group called 'Q', which has well proven to be tightly involved with the DJT administration in general and the White House staff in particular (being close enough to Pres. Trump to anticipate his Twitter comments by seconds), has just replied to an Anon who queried if a plane had hit the Pentagon in the 9/11 affair, in the affirmative.


Anyone who has spent any decent amount of time looking into that 9/11 business in general, and the attack on the Pentagon in particular, knows that that is not a true response; that a passenger jet could not in any way have caused that type of damage, or even some other large plane, with a magical wingspan that disappeared upon approach and impact.  It might have been a missile.  It might have been a drone.  But it was NOT a "plane".(2)  So, what is going on here??

I think I know.

It has to do, primarily, with


Long story short.  Donald J. Trump got into that position of power, seemingly to MAGA.  But he is fatally compromised.  It turns out that he owes some bankers billions of dollars, for having bailed him out in his real estate dealings.(3)  What's the connection with all this??

Pres. Trump has surrounded himself with a veritable army of Jewish appointees and advisors.(4)  He can't deliver on his promise to 'drain the swamp' because many of them are part of said swamp.  And he can't deliver on getting to the facts on who "really" was behind 9/11 because it wasn't 'the Arabs'.  It was Mossad, in collaboration with the (mostly Jewish) NeoCons in the Bush Jr. administration.(5)              

So, the American people can't count on DJT to deliver as he had promised.

It will take someone else, to bring this Play to a conclusion.

A positive conclusion.  With humanity entering into a realm of Light, from the long (learning) experience in the (relative) Dark.  And as more than just a Scribe,

I will be happy to do the job.

With divine Order and Justice as my guide.

Setting things back in Balance.

For a

New Beginning.

On a higher turn of the spiral of Life.

For many of the incarnate sold at this time.

For the others; well,

it's up to them.

Which side they choose to align with.

As it was ever thus.

In the long climb out of the (relative) darkness.  Individually, and planetarily.  Into the Light of

a New Day.



(1) Not to go into those details here.  Basically, it involves terribly unclean voter registration rolls - and electronic voting machines programmed by ulterior forces.  Mostly, apparently, by G. Soros.

(2) And why has the FBI not ever released any of the number of other camera shots from other cameras that were in the area, but just the one, that is very difficult to see clearly, and in any event disproves the official story.  (A plane that large can't fly that close to the ground at that speed at the best of times, let alone not make any skid marks of any kind on the grass turf approach.  The laws of physics apply here, as elsewhere in the universe.)

(3) The figure is 4 billion  With $1B of that to a private person, with DJT having put himself down personally as collateral for it.  So that "he is worth more alive than dead," in the (somewhat genial) words of that person, in an iv w/a female journalist; the person banking on DJT's considerable strength as a "salesman" to bail himself out.

(4 )More Babylonian Talmudists than 'originalists,' i.e., Torah Jews.  Or even more accurately, Khazarian mafia/Rothschild Zionists.  Secularist Jews, lusting after power.  (Some possibly playing a Part in The Drama; some quite possibly having a karmic superiority complex.  Which needs to be pegged down, for progress for the soul to be made.)

(5) As part of their attempts to establish a New World Order, of totalitarian control over the U.S., and from that position of great power, over the rest of the world.
   If it weren't for that pesky Putin.  But all in good time.
   They have been waiting a long, long time for this moment in time.  They have, if nothing else, patience.
   And speaking of Russia: Perhaps the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' was not a forgery of the Czar's intelligence people after all.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Disgusting Stuff, And More...

   ...Of The Same

Before I went out today to run some errands I did a quick scan-through of my day’s emails, and came across this: 

from; ‘IT WAS ALL A DEMOCRAT PLOT: Christine Ford Adviser Told Democrats in July Call About Plot to Take Down Kavanaugh [audio]’ - orig. at The Gateway Pundit - September 21
("In a July conference call to Democrat leaders, Ricki Seidman - a Democratic operative, former Clinton WH official and current advisor to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - laid out a strategy to defeat the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaudh…”
Well, she would do that, wouldn’t she…
The NWO crowd’s motto: Whatever It Takes.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.
Satanists, all.)

kibitzer3 says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation. 

And I understand that it has surfaced that Dr. Ford works for a drug company that produces an abortion drug. So – all stops out to defeat this ‘conservative’ (read, more accurately: strict constructionist) candidate for the SCOTUS.

Disgusting stuff.

And then one of the errands that I was running was to pick up a piece of Certified Mail from the Post Office that had come for me a few days ago while I was out.  From the desk of Congressman J.D. Hayworth (Ret.) of the U.S. Justice Foundation (a judicial outfit that I have made some financial contributions to in the past), it contained the following bit of the same sort of thing; opening:

“Dear Mr. Stanfield,

“I hope you were not inconvenienced by my rushing this letter to you via Certified Mail.

“You’ll quickly see why I had no choice.

“Because if you and I don’t act NOW, illegal aliens may be counted in the next U.S. Census as Americans!”


“President Trump acted to restore the question on the census — removed by the Obama Administration — asking if an individual is a U.S. citizen.

Seventeen liberal states and seven leftist cities are suing the Trump Administration to cut the question.”


“And if they succeed…

… sanctuary states will gain more seats in Congress… win more votes in the Electoral College… and receive billions in federal benefits redistributed from U.S. taxpayers to foreign citizens.”

The dirty rotten scoundrels.  (And that is not what I first said/uttered upon reading this, walking on my way to my next errand for the day.)



“…(L)iberals don’t want non-citizens exposed by the 2020 Census.  They want illegal aliens to be counted in order to rig the census, rob the taxpayers, and steal elections

“That’s why Barack Obama removed the question…”  (All emphases in original)

Ah yes.  The Usurper.  Up to the sort of trick he was allowed to pull.  By both sides of the political aisle.  By, that is to say, the higher echelons of the Republican Party in particular of the ‘opposition party’ of record.  Initially for not calling him and the Democrats on his ineligibility for the office.  The issue squelched, for his being advantageous to their agenda.

The New World Order crowd, at work and play…

This sort of thing makes me see red.  As in ‘Democratic Socialism’/communism.  Until I am blue in the face.  As in fascism/Technocracy.  Each from its far side of the political aisle.  But which in actual fact is a pyramid, of power, with the same nest of scoundrels at the top.  Scheming - as they have for a very long time - to do this country in, and make of it merely a part of a region of their top-down, totalitarian New World Order.  Which they mean to rule with an iron rod; wielding it against all those of its subjects who say or do the ‘wrong’ thing.* 

Well, boys and girls of the Dark side:  Meet your real Master.  Because the Light wins out in the end.  

The End of The Play.  And the Beginning of 

The Real Thing.  Which means a New World, alright; but this one being free from corruption.  The Dark only existing in the shade of the Light, and beholden to it for its very existence.  And being used, for lesson learning, in a realm of Choice.  To help incarnate souls grow in consciousness.  Closer to their Source.

And to separate the sheep from the goats.  The wheat from the chaff. 

So, all you apprentice gods who have just been playing a part on the Dark side in The Drama: It’s time for you to return to your true identity, and level of accomplishment.  As ‘citizen,’ so to say; rather than ‘illegal alien’.  And as for all those who have come up short of the mark at this time, can’t resonate to The Change:

Better outcome next Time.  But you with your laggardness are not going to hold the rest of your soulmates back, from this Harvesting.  Your day in the sun


For this go ’round.  See you in

another Time.  And Opportunity.

P.S. And I also see today that my home state, of California - which, according to the above letter, "gets FIVE extra seats [in Congress] by including its millions of illegal residents in the next census," and "got FIVE EXTRA ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES IN 2016 FOR HILLARY by counting immigrants" - has passed a law, just awaiting Gov. 'Jesuit Jerry' Brown's signature, to have the state government decide free speech issues on the social media.
     Good idea.  Not.
     (More about 'Jesuit Jerry,' and those players in the current Drama - and the state of California itself, undergoing a separatist movement called CalExit as we speak - another time.)  

* As is being done in Red China today.  With the help of Google.  Rendering rebels ‘depersoned’.  Deprived of their job or educational opportunities, their home/living situation, freedom, such as to travel (‘No national ID?  Sorry.  Next??).  And ultimately, of their life.  And their (freshly rendered) corpse robbed of its organs, to add insult to, er, injury.