Saturday, 15 September 2018

Irish Dancing, Anyone?

I had the good fortune a couple of days ago to happen to come across, on someYT postings, a few examples of 'flash crowd' dancing, I believe it is/was called.  (Haven't heard of any happening recently.)   One of them was of some very good Irish dancing.  You know, the kind where they hold their arms stiff at their sides and their feet are flashing beautifully?  I remember reading about this sort of dancing some years ago.  The reason for it?  Because the English, when they were suppressing the Irish many years ago, forbade them to dance their normal exuberant wild jigs.  Apparently because it exhibited the quality of freedom, which the English were attempting to suppress in them.  So they 'bound' themselves on the top, to portray that they were just that - but they wouldn't let their oppressors get away completely with their oppression.  And good on them for this excellent demonstration.

And we in America are now being bound up, by our erstwhile masters, in the form of all the censoring going on.  Not only in the near-monopoly of the MSM, in the hands of the New World Order crowd, but in the 'social media'.  It is outrageous.  Did you know that 'hate words' - not being allowed on those platforms any longer - now include the term 'illegal aliens'??  Illegal aliens can no longer be called illegal aliens, on our near-monopoly social media.(1)  What is the politically correct term, then?  Oh.  I guess, from hearing various Democrat pols make the reference, it's 'undocumented workers'.  Although a lot of them are on various aspects of our welfare system.  Helping to bankrupt the country.  Which is the point of the exercise, of letting so many millions of illegal aliens - and Deep State-induced 'refugees' - into the country.  (See 'the Cloward-Piven Strategy'.)  Besides getting them out to vote for the Democrats.  (Which is why the Dems don't want the need for photo IDs to vote, and such other Election Integrity measures.)  The whole point being to bring the U.S. down to Third World (economic) size, in order to meld the (former) U.S.A.(2) into their global gulag, of total - totalitarian - control over us.

Especially over us whites.  To say: White 'supremacists'.  And especially us 'white male supremacists'.  Because we are, well, that, to them.

Who is 'them'??  Ah.  There's the rub.  Because that is the dead giveaway to what is really going on, here.

I'm talking about the people who are about to be 'outed' as having been behind the 9/11 atrocity.  The main players in the scenario.  Who have hidden behind various minority groups in the past, many a time, to 'ply their trade'.  In deception.  And attempted takeover of every country that they have ever found themselves in.  Or deliberately gone to, to further their cause.  And they are also outed by the pushing of the theme of 'outlawing hate speech, or acts against a protected group'.  What has saved them from being outed in Europe for various moves there for that takeover.  Like flooding the countries of Europe with Muslims.  In order to break down the established order, of Western civilization, founded basically by Christianity.

I am talking about the Jews.  Cynically using the meme of 'the Holocaust' to hide behind as well.  Using it, to further their agenda.  Of total global control.  Over the goyim.  The cattle, to them.

You see, when it comes out - and it will - as to who was really behind 9/11, it will be seen to have been Mossad - behind their 'Israeli art students' who were known to have been in the WTC towers ahead of time, doing whatever deeds they were doing (one of them reportedly being the planting of explosives in the buildings, according to a well-crafted scenario) - in concert with the NeoCons of the Bush Jr. administration.  As excuse to inveigle the U.S. into going to war in the Middle East.(3)  (The point being to advance their belief in 'Eretz israel' - a 'Greater Israel'; and thus the need to take down "Seven states in the Middle East," according to the evidence reported on TV by Gen. Wesley Clark.)(4) And ultimately - by such means as the (so-called) Patriot Act - to turn the U.S. into a surveillance state.  As part of our erstwhile masters' global gulag.

Finishing what they started as the (majority of the) Bolsheviks in Russia in that Revolution.  And they are attempting, with all this 'hate speech censoring' business, to head off criticism of them, and retaliation, to the point of potentially deadly backlash.  (Discriminating between 'good' Jews and Khazarian mafia/Rothschild Zionists.  Who have been in cahoots with Saudi Arabia.)

We don't have to have such a response.  But we do have a chance to nip this whole scenario in the bud, now.  By doing such things as Rush Limbaugh suggests:

calling the illegal aliens 'undocumented Democrats'.

That should show them.

Our version of Irish dancing.

And setting the tone for a better day.  On the other side of The Drama.  Leading us inexorably to

the Real Thing.

Beyond the mess of 'it' that we are making, now.



(1) Or 'criminal aliens'.  Which is also what they are.  But that is also objectionable, to our erstwhile masters.   And also, presumably, to the illegal aliens themselves.  Whose feelings are being hurt by their being called illegal aliens.  Or something.

(2) And I understand that calling out 'U.S.A.!  U.S.A.!  U.S.A.!; is also now verboten.  It's 'racist'.  Or something.  'Separatist,' maybe.  In any event: It's apparently 'offensive'.  And so, no longer to be allowed, in the NWO...

(3) As forecast by the statement by the Project for a New American Century about the anticipated failure of getting the U.S. to do the right thing in the Middle East, "absent a New Pearl Harbor".

(4) And just why would Larry Silverstein buy the WTC towers when they were white elephants, needing to be knocked down because they were full of asbestos.  And increasing the insurance on them in the months leading up to 9/11.  To cover as well terrorist attack.
   One of the questions that will come out from all this, in the court  cases, will be: What did Silverstein know, and when did he know it.
   Along with such questions as why did various players in Hollywood know to highlight the idea of 9/11, using the two main WTC Towers to form the '11' of that meme, well ahead of time???
   And.  And.  And.........

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