First of all, let me say - clarify - that I am still fuming over Senator Ted Kennedy's disgraceful demolition of Judge Robert Bork in his nomination for the SCOTUS, back in the day. Talk about a hit job, and as fueled by the MSM (though not as 'bad' - monopolized - as in today's political world). Utter calumny, protected only by Senatorial privilege. Judge Bork's reputation as an excellent judicial judge and scholar was irredeemably damaged by that scurrilous attack, motivated purely by political bias. And Sen. Kennedy's personal political ambitions, for higher office.
Having said that, and clarified that; my comment on the current such circus:
Thanks for coming out fighting - not evidencing weakness, or 'civility,' in the face of the 'political hit job' being orchestrated against you, Judge Kav. By people who are not just of the other side of the political aisle, in our largely two-party system of government. But who mean to hijack this country, and make of it merely a part of a region of their intended totalitarian - and outright evil, for trashing Truth - New World Order.
And just to note, for the sake of total clarity: I don't agree that Judge Kav is an 'originalist'. He is too wedded to the idea of 'settled law' - i.e., judicial 'tranquility' - for my taste. To 'precedent'. You shouldn't build on bad jurisprudence. Your resulting edifice will eventually tumble. But in this case, he is right to fight back. For his good name, after a lifetime of fine service to this country; and for his family's good name.*
Nominate him, Republicans. Don't give in to such toxic smear tactics, especially regarding the highest judicial bench in the land. This is about far more than just political oneupmanship. This is about the fundamental battle on this planet between Good and Evil. Between the Light and the Dark. And the Light must win out, in the end.
Or everybody -
everybody -
except the Satanic Overlords of this planet -
And that is an outcome that would defeat the whole purpose of
the Exercise.
Of life.
And life everlasting.
* Part of me would like to see, in the wake of this debacle, President Trump nominate a true 'originalist,' and have the Republicans ram that outcome down the Democrats's throat. To teach them a lesson. That they, and the American people, will never forget. But particularly for the sake of Judge Kav's family, and for lesson learning for us all, I say, Press On.
P.S. And speaking of Sen. Ted Kennedy: Synchronistically enough, I have just this late afternoon come across a very interesting tidbit of unrewritten history. From a David Kupelian article in the July '18 issue of Whistleblower magazine:
"Even worse [than an attempt by Barack Obama to influence the 2015 national election in Israel - and with American taxpayers' money to boot], during Reagan's first term as president, liberal Sen. Edward 'Ted' Kennedy made secret overtures to the Soviet Union to thwart Reagan's re-election. Yes, this actually happened! When I reached out to Reagan biographer and Russia scholar Paul Kengor, he nailed the details - and the media's stunning hypocrisy.
"'Democrats are searching desperately, frantically, hysterically, for any tangible proof that Trump or one of his aides or associates was reaching out to the Russians to influence the 2016 election,' Kengor, a political science professor at Grove City College, told me. 'Well, the May 1983 KGB document between Victor Chebrikov (head of the KGB at the time) and Yuri Andropov (head of the USSR at the time) details an offer from Ted Kennedy to help the Russians prior to Ronald Reagan's 1984 election campaign.' Kennedy's purpose? Prevent Reagan's re-election.
"'It's an actual official Soviet document,' Kengor told me, 'one that was housed in the Central Committee archives until it was discovered after the Cold War in 1992. I first published the document in full in my 2006 book on Ronald Reagan, "The Crusader."'
"But wait, weren't the 'mainstream media' alarmed, once they found out, that a U.S. senator had attempted to subvert the reelection of a sitting U.S. president by 'colluding with the Russians'?
"As Kengor told me: 'That entire time, Ted Kennedy was alive and could have been questioned about this. But the fact is that the Democrats and the liberals in the media didn't give a damn.
"'Why? Because Ted Kennedy was one of their darlings. They had no interest or intention in exposing any possible Ted Kennedy dealings or - worse - potential collaboration or collusion with the Russians. They could give a rip. But now, in the Trump era, the Democrats and liberals are suddenly Russia hawks...'"
So much for the Left carrying on about 'Russian collusion'.
When it serves them.
P.P.S. (And then this is ti for tonight.)
from YouTube: ‘Circus Update PLUS - What Did Q Mean By ’N’ in NWO?? Big Review!’ - Truth and Art TV - Sept. 27
(A poster reported on much interesting info that ‘Q’ researchers have been “digging up about these Kavanaugh accusers”. My response:)
1 second ago (Sept. 27)
I hope someone in that crowd has come across the fact that Dr. Ford works/worked for a drug co. that mfgrs a leading abortion drug. And with the Left in general and the Women's Lib subgroup in particular (aka feminazis) worrying about a conservative SCOTUS overturning Roe...
Conflict of interest, anyone???
(Not to mention that she is a Bernie Sanders supporter. And a petition-signing open borders advocate. And. And. And.........)
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