Thursday, 6 September 2018

On Law And Order. And Justice. And...

Remember the scene in the film ‘Network’ where the TV audience-show host is on a rant about whatever sorts of nonsense were going on at the time and then suddenly told his viewing audience, aroused by his diatribe, to go to their windows and shout, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”?  That is very much how I am beginning to feel, regarding various sorts of outrageous crap going on in our time.  From the multiple crimes of Hillary, through all the ‘child sex trafficking’ and ritual killing, and attempts to get the U.S. involved in a new world war, to the likes of the contents of one of the pieces of mail that I received today.  It’s from an outfit that I have been supporting financially, The American Civil Rights Union (definitely not to be confused with the American Civil Liberties Union; which has some virtue, but essentially is far too Left for my taste), and reads, in part:

In 2016, we filed a federal lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the notorious vote fraud haven Broward County, Florida and its Election Supervisor, Dr. Brenda Snipes, for not maintaining accurate voter rolls…

Our lawsuit contends that Broward County and Dr. Snipes are violating Section 8 of the ‘National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (The Motor Voter Law),’ which requires that counties conduct reasonable list maintenance to remove the names of residents who have died, moved out of the jurisdiction or been convicted of a felony.

We presented substantial courtroom evidence in July 2017 that Broward County Election Supervisor Snipes and other county election officials in Broward willfully and directly violated the ‘National Voter Registration Act of 1993.’

Coming into 2018, we had won every ruling (including one where the team of George Soros-funded lawyers assisting Broward County demanded our suit be thrown out) and believed the judge, though appointed by Barack Obama, was going to rule based on the evidence presented at trial.

“Then suddenly, on Good Friday, the Obama-appointed District Court Judge issued a brazenly partisan and cowardly decision that made clear she had caved into pressure from the radical Left in favor of the voting rights of illegal liens and felons over those of the U.S. citizens of Broward County.

We filed a Notice of Appeal to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals…”  (Emphases in original)

To set the scene; this, from the covering letter to the mailing by Edwin Meese III, former Attorney General of the U.S. under President Reagan and a member of the ACRU’s Board of Directors and Policy Board:

“Vote fraud has exploded exponentially in recent years, but unfortunately the Obama Justice Department, far from taking steps to end it, did the exact opposite — they actually sued states to block laws that prevent fraud by requiring a valid photo ID to vote.”  He goes on to say “I can’t think of a more common-sense requirement.’*

Nor can I.

So let’s get real here.  The far Left - which, unfortunately, has obviously taken over the Democrat Party (and thereby disenfranchising a lot of good Democrats in the process)  - as part of the New World Order agenda (which crowd includes as well elements of the far Right; a larger story.  But collectivists all) is attempting to take down the U.S.A. as she is wrote (in her Declaration of Independence and Constitution), and make of her merely part of a region of their global gulag; as currently personified by Red China, and its police-state measures.  (Largely provided by Google.  Another story.)  And I say:

I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any longer.  

Particularly the corruption part.  My home state of California similarly engaging in Voter Fraud activity, writ large.  Having taken its state Motor Voter Law - whereby residents are automatically registered to vote when they apply for or renew their driver’s licenses, unless they specifically choose to opt out (but nudge nudge wink wink) - a step further into the swamp of iniquity by passing a law making it even legal for illegal aliens to get a driver’s license in this state.  (’Now will you go and vote for our people?’ say the corrupt Democrats at the top of this pyramid of power in the state; knowing that every vote, er, counts.  In the attempt to overthrow the country.)  

Many of these Democrat legislators having been elected by such dirty voter reg roll participants in the scam.  Including the governor, who signed the legislation into law.  

Hear ye, hear ye, Gov. (Jesuit Jerry) Brown: You too will be brought down.  When this whole scammy edifice is brought down.

Which it will be.  Because I for one have had it, with all this sort of corruption going on.  And I refuse to take it any longer.  Refuse to be compromised by it any longer.

And the Day of Truth is here.


The Play is over.  And it’s time for

the Real Thing.

And when enough of us invoke that into being

it will be.

And that will be the end of the Darkness on this planet.  It having had its day.

To test us.

On our spiritual paths.  Spiraling up the stairway to the heavens.

And Earth - aka Gaia - going Up in The Process as well.

With as many of us incarnate souls as make the choice to do so.  Make ‘the grade’.

And just in time, it would appear.  More.  And more.

Before a very dark timeline has its day.

Which I for one am here to make sure doesn’t happen, that that choice doesn’t take place.

And if you check out your inner being, I bet

that you are one of Us, too.

And I can’t lose that bet.

Because we are essentially talking souls, here.

And We Are All One.

So, join the right crowd.

And it ain’t the NWO crowd.

They are corrupt as hell.

Which describes, fairly well,

where they are going.

In this Harvesting going on.

Of souls.

For their rightful ending.  Back in


Having succeeded, in finding their way through 

the maze, of

the Matrix.

Following the silver thread.

Of  Law.  And Order.   And Justice.

And - oh yes: Not to forget


The Love of the Creator for the Creator’s offspring.

As it were.  Which is behind the whole Thing.  Or more accurately,

is what the Whole Thing is made up of.

Which we will come to understand.  Once we get beyond

The Play

in search of

an Ending.


* He also went on to say:
   "Dirty and inaccurate voter registration rolls are what make VOTE FRAUD so easy.  Incredibly, the Obama Justice Department even tried to stop Florida from removing from their rolls more than 50,000 people who had died."
   Well, that's Justice for you.
   Of a particular kind.
   The kind of a Usurper in the Oval Office.  There, to do just this sort of seditious thing.
   But to continue.

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