Sunday, 23 September 2018

If I Were You...

Reflections On A Sun Day

If I were you - and I am; as you are me, and We Are One, in our divine Essence.  Fractals of The One Holy Being - I would start acting as if there were a God - our Creator Source - and not as if there were not, as 'we' are doing, largely, at present.  And if - when - we do, 'all things will be added unto us' - we will accomplish what we can only consider now as miracles.

A world at peace.  With Abundance for all.  As the fruits of our ability - our knowledge - to replicate DNA (with the indispensable help of Light), and thus generate the likes of food 'out of thin air,' as it were.  Somewhat like the 'manna from heaven' of olden times.  (Which was a form of algae, from a combination of sunlight and the early morning dew.)

What will the world look like then?

The way it was always supposed to.

When we got there.

Coming up.

In a theater of operations quite near

our mutual I AM.

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