Tuesday, 11 September 2018

As For 9/11.........

‘Oh, are you one of those conspiracy theorists?’

You do know that by saying that you are buying into a tactic of the CIA-controlled Mainstream Media and their acolytes spread out in the body politic by labeling anybody a ‘conspiracy theorist’ whom they want to keep people from listening to, who have some legitimate questions and observations regarding things that the CIA doesn’t want the public to talk about, and so by employing that label, you are part of the problem.  You do know that, don’t you?  And if not, why not??  You have had plenty of opportunity to do some homework on such matters, and come to the understanding that you have been lied to, about a whole lot of things.

But the truth will out.

And along this same line…

I see, from my daily mail, that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has weighed in specifically  on the side of the Constitution now, along with Chief Justice John Roberts, in responding clearly and constitutionally to the demential bleatings of SCJ Ruth Bader Ginsburg on The Supremes’ interpreting of U.S. law.  Her quote on the matter:

“I frankly don’t understand all the brouhaha lately from Congress and even from some of my colleagues about referring to foreign law.”*

Justice Ginsburg is obviously one of those ‘the Constitution means what we say it means’ relativists - aka ‘judicial activists’ - who have brought U.S. jurisprudence into such ill repute, for being the tenders of what they consider to be a wet noodle.  Fortunately, they are all going to be out on their (tin and selective) ears soon, in the draining of the swamp going on, and to continue to a very successful conclusion.  Because it’s time for Truth to out, and reign in this country.

And in the world in general.

And truth and the Truth is not on the side of the socialists/communists/Technocrats/internationalists of the New World Order mob.

Nor is it on the side of the unfettered capitalists, either.

We have been engaged in a process that is leading us to a place beyond either side of the dialectic.  Call it the (final) Synthesis of The Process.  Call it the kingdom of heaven, in perfect alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.  Whatever you call it

it is calling us



* Justice Gorsuch’s spot-on response: 
   “We’re talking about interpreting the Constitution of eh United States.  I don’t know why we would look to the experience of other countries rather than our own when everybody else looks to us.”
   Well, perhaps not “everybody else,” Justice Gorsuch.   Some countries are not of the same political persuasion as the United States.  But your basic point taken; and precisely in line with what Chief Justice Roberts has replied in regards to this issue.
   incidentally, Justice Ginsburg has also proclaimed that “your perspective on constitutional law should encompass the world.”  To which the Judicial Action Group’s President Phillip Jauregui has replied, a bit heatedly:  “Excuse me!  The American Constitution wasn’t written for the rest of the world, it was written for the United States.  And it sure wasn’t meant to be interpreted by judges from Saudi Arabia, Iran and North Korea!”
   Just so.


P.S. From starshipearththebigpicture.com: ‘Whodunnit? and Other Political Games Exposed I We Will Never Forgive or Forget [videos]  - September 11
(Various videos including one from the X-22 Report guy particularly on the latest Q drops.  The gal behind this site reported on a conversation that she had in her neighborhood in AZ with a conservative person who ran for some office there and was clearly cheated out of some votes (he lost the election by 14 votes, and didn’t have the money to contest the results) by a corrupt Elections/County Clerk officer.  I have heard of this sort of thing out of AZ before.  I am extremely disgusted with this sort of thing.  I want the Show over NOW.)

kibitzer3 says:
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1) Thanks for all you do, BP.

2) I don’t think it’s a good idea for the White Hats to try to drip things out, so that the public is not overwhelmed with too many facts at once. The Midterms could be stolen by the NWO crowd, with their expertise at cheating (as you have seen in AZ), and that could possibly blow all the good work that has been laid, given the NWO crowd’s control of the MSM. We need a game changer act. Very soon. Patriot Day???


[N.B. I actually meant Constitution Day.  On the 17th.  I didn't realize that the 11th had been designated Patriot Day.]

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