Wednesday, 19 September 2018

All In Good Timing

Today I sent the following comments to a friend who had sent me a link to the website of a channeler, and asked me if I had ever heard of it, and them (‘Mastering Alchemy’): 

No, not familiar with this.  I take an email site called The Golden Age of Gaia where they post a number of sources of channeled material.  A nice smorgasbord.  That does me.  Oh - and Sheldon Nidle's site, involving the so-called Galactic Federation.

"We are living in interesting times... 


"P.S. I am currently feeling some uneasiness regarding such material.  Example.  I am currently reading a book - titled 'The Glory of Reincarnation' - involving channeled Life Readings through a channeler under the title of the Religious Research Foundation of America, who is very much in the mold of Edgar Cayce; and the material is very insightful.  But I just came across in it an excerpt from such a LR which mentioned Jesus.  My research into that whole Christianity business has led me to believe strongly that the NT is/was a work of fiction, concocted mostly by a Jewish general-cum-govenor-cum-historian - who was also a member of the Jewish priestly line - named Josephus, who, seeing the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple there, insinuated himself into the imperial household of the emperor of the time, named Vespasian, in order to 'live to fight another day' (and bringing a number of his priestly-line of friends in with him).  His 'ticket' was to make Vespasian's elder son, Titus - who was the instrument of the destruction in and of Jerusalem - out to be 'the Son of Man' - a messianic figure foretold by Jewish literature, who was responsible for the Jews' constant rebelling against the yoke of Rome, thinking that their coming Messiah was going to save them from their enemies.  Josephus talked Vespasian into a safe haven for himself (and his friends) by coming up with a tale set back at the beginning of the generation of a gentle messianic figure who counseled the Jews to 'render unto Caesar what is Caesar's' and to 'obey authority,' and because they refused to heed the admonition of their messianic figure they were scourged with the consequence of the destruction of their holy base.  And thus, Josephus and his priestly-line of friends - along with other members of the imperial household (named the Flavians) - became the first members of a new religion, to become known as Christianity.  (This take on the matter is all marvelously detailed in a well-researched book by one Joseph Atwill titled 'Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’.)  And other meticulous researchers have likewise (although not with this particular angle on the matter) seriously questioned even the historicity of the man who has come down unto our day known as Jesus/Yeshua.  So...what's this business of a number of channelers referring to Jesus, as though he had been a real person, not a character in a fable??? 
     "Your guess is as good as mine.”         


I forgot to mention that it would appear that Josephus even wrote himself into his story, as the character Saul-become-Paul; the story of Paul in the NT very closely paralleling the actual, historical story of Josephus, down to a shipwreck and the same time period in Rome.*  

Now.  Questions…

‘But everyone knows that Nero [37-68 CE] fed the Christians to the lions.’  Well, no; actually everyone does not know that.  Some enterprising researchers have looked into it, and found that independent proof for that claim does not exist.  (That there were Jewish messianists at the time, there is no doubt.)  

This all would appear to be an example of how a) ’History is written by the victors,’ and b) assumptions can be made, and built on. To say, in this instance: the argument seems to go that:-

Jesus existed, and in the particular time frame indicated by the New Testament, and therefore there would be - excuse me; were - Christians during Nero’s reign; ergo, they would have been - excuse me; were - fed to the lions for sport; and ergo, they would have been - excuse me; were - blamed for the fire in Rome.  All, because it fit the narrative.  Is there any actual proof of all or any of those claims and details?

Er.  No.

Leading historians of the time never mentioned a Jesus figure.  Many interpolations seem to have occurred over the centuries; but where one might expect a personally knowledgeable comment about such a historical figure, there is none.  In short: There is no independent proof of any of the details outlined above.  It is all conjecture. 

Look it all up.  The Internet is awash with the narrative naysayers, and their proofs.  


So. Where are we.

We are at a time in our history on this planet when:-

* We know (or at least can know) of the truth of reincarnation - which connotes a Plan - from a myriad of sources, including many books and videos; and 

* We are faced with an attempt by Dark forces to establish a kingdom on the planet, of the entire planet.

Which generates its opposite:

 a - the - kingdom of the Light.

And thus

Game over.

And time for

the real thing.

So, how to bring that about?

The first thing is to change the monetary and financial system, which has been holding the planet’s peoples in bondage to those behind the debt system, characterized by both an interest-bearing monetary system and fiat currency - a double whammy of debt.  

All.  To go.

There’s more.  But you get the idea.

And it includes an initial ’hydrating’ of the global currency, whereby everyone on the planet is given a healthy stake in the new system, backed by a plethora of gold.  

Which is just waiting in the wings to be introduced.  

When we are reedy.


I am.

Or to say:


And you are, too.

When you awaken to your true identity.

And we create this New World.


* Other good sources in this whole regard, that I have come across:
   The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’; ’Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled’; ‘Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ’; ‘Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection’ all by D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S; and ‘Man Made God’ by Barbara G. Walker.  Also the aforementioned ‘Caesar’s Messiah,’ and ’The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero. 

N.B. Josephus could have patterned his fictional Jesus after a real historical figure who was a king of northern Syria who figured into the whole defense of Jerusalem thing, was crucified for his efforts but taken down still alive and, after 'confessing' that emperor Vespasian had caused a healing - buttressing his claim and desire to be considered a god - was banished, far from ever causing any more trouble to the Roman Empire.  Where?  Interesting that you should ask, because  that opens up a whole 'nother story.  The story of a personage who became known to history as King Arthur; banished to a secure holding fort in far-off Britain, to spend out his days in the company of some of his trusted followers.
   But that, as I say, is another story.  Covered by Ralph Ellis in his book 'King Jesus: From Egypt (Kam) to Camelot'.  And its follow-on 'Jesus, King of Edessa'.
   Somewhere in all this is Truth.         
   It's up to us to find it.
   Ultimately, by going within.

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