...And T Is For Truth
Having just watched on Brasscheck TV a short video by a&efor911truth.org on all the explosions heard by first responders to that atrocity - which I and many U.S. citizens have seen before - I want to weigh in here on this, and allied matters.
In sum: It is obvious to any halfway observant member of the public that we have not been told the truth about 9/11. Which means that the MSM is complicit in that coverup. Which means that there has been a widespread agenda to a) embroil this country in the econo-political scene in the Middle East - going to war there as a consequence of that attack on our soil - and b) take down this country, for some time. With draconian, police-state moves growing out of this event in particular, putting this nation on the footing of the Total State embodied, more and more, by Red China. As part of the creation of a New World Order characterized by top-down behavior by people lusting after Power Over Others (POO for short).
With a lot of the American public beginning to wake up to that scenario, they voted overwhelmingly - and overwhelming various attempts to steal the election by the Democrats(1) - for Donald J. Trump; who sounded a very patriotic note in the primaries and in the election campaigning itself.
But something ulterior is going on here. Consider.
The person or group called 'Q', which has well proven to be tightly involved with the DJT administration in general and the White House staff in particular (being close enough to Pres. Trump to anticipate his Twitter comments by seconds), has just replied to an Anon who queried if a plane had hit the Pentagon in the 9/11 affair, in the affirmative.
Anyone who has spent any decent amount of time looking into that 9/11 business in general, and the attack on the Pentagon in particular, knows that that is not a true response; that a passenger jet could not in any way have caused that type of damage, or even some other large plane, with a magical wingspan that disappeared upon approach and impact. It might have been a missile. It might have been a drone. But it was NOT a "plane".(2) So, what is going on here??
I think I know.
It has to do, primarily, with
Long story short. Donald J. Trump got into that position of power, seemingly to MAGA. But he is fatally compromised. It turns out that he owes some bankers billions of dollars, for having bailed him out in his real estate dealings.(3) What's the connection with all this??
Pres. Trump has surrounded himself with a veritable army of Jewish appointees and advisors.(4) He can't deliver on his promise to 'drain the swamp' because many of them are part of said swamp. And he can't deliver on getting to the facts on who "really" was behind 9/11 because it wasn't 'the Arabs'. It was Mossad, in collaboration with the (mostly Jewish) NeoCons in the Bush Jr. administration.(5)
So, the American people can't count on DJT to deliver as he had promised.
It will take someone else, to bring this Play to a conclusion.
A positive conclusion. With humanity entering into a realm of Light, from the long (learning) experience in the (relative) Dark. And as more than just a Scribe,
I will be happy to do the job.
With divine Order and Justice as my guide.
Setting things back in Balance.
For a
New Beginning.
On a higher turn of the spiral of Life.
For many of the incarnate sold at this time.
For the others; well,
it's up to them.
Which side they choose to align with.
As it was ever thus.
In the long climb out of the (relative) darkness. Individually, and planetarily. Into the Light of
a New Day.
(1) Not to go into those details here. Basically, it involves terribly unclean voter registration rolls - and electronic voting machines programmed by ulterior forces. Mostly, apparently, by G. Soros.
(2) And why has the FBI not ever released any of the number of other camera shots from other cameras that were in the area, but just the one, that is very difficult to see clearly, and in any event disproves the official story. (A plane that large can't fly that close to the ground at that speed at the best of times, let alone not make any skid marks of any kind on the grass turf approach. The laws of physics apply here, as elsewhere in the universe.)
(3) The figure is 4 billion With $1B of that to a private person, with DJT having put himself down personally as collateral for it. So that "he is worth more alive than dead," in the (somewhat genial) words of that person, in an iv w/a female journalist; the person banking on DJT's considerable strength as a "salesman" to bail himself out.
(4 )More Babylonian Talmudists than 'originalists,' i.e., Torah Jews. Or even more accurately, Khazarian mafia/Rothschild Zionists. Secularist Jews, lusting after power. (Some possibly playing a Part in The Drama; some quite possibly having a karmic superiority complex. Which needs to be pegged down, for progress for the soul to be made.)
(5) As part of their attempts to establish a New World Order, of totalitarian control over the U.S., and from that position of great power, over the rest of the world.
If it weren't for that pesky Putin. But all in good time.
They have been waiting a long, long time for this moment in time. They have, if nothing else, patience.
And speaking of Russia: Perhaps the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' was not a forgery of the Czar's intelligence people after all.
Saturday, 22 September 2018
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