‘Well, old timer, you’ve been living here in this cave [that is to say, of a cheap studio apartment in my retirement years back in my old home town, after having traveled quite a bit around the old globe. Or is it, after all, flat?? Well; another story for another day] for some time now; what do you have to tell our listening audience about ‘the meaning of life,’ and all that oracular sort of stuff?’
‘Well, funny that you should ask that, son. I was just thinking about that very thing. Usually I think about food. But never mind. You didn’t come here to talk to me about that. You came here to ask about - what was it you came here to ask about, again? My mind seems to - ‘
‘I asked you, - ‘
‘Oh yes. Now I remember. ‘The meaning of life.’ Well, let’s see…
‘The first thing you need to understand is that these bodies we inhabit are just vessels. As in containers. They contain our life spark, that we call a soul. And give us the opportunity to experience life in a realm of Choice. Of Duality; of Polarity. Of seeming Separation. The purpose of which is to grow from.
‘You see, son, life is a school. And the purpose is to graduate. Not to get stuck in it. Just going around and around in it, like on a merry-go-round. Which is often not so merry.’
‘You’re talking about…’
‘Reincarnation. Yes, indeed, son. I Am.
‘And there it is. Around and around and around. Now a prince, now a pauper. Now a male, now a female. Or something in between; but that’s another story. Another part of The Story. But to move on. Which is the point, you get…’
‘Yes, I ‘get’ it.’
‘Right. Now of one race or religion or nationality, now of another. All, for the experience. And to balance things out, in the end. Which is the role of the Law of Karma. You’ve heard about karma?’
‘A little.bit. The expression ‘Karma’s a bitch.’ Like that.’
‘It has a bad press, son, I admit. But it’s not about ‘Vengeance’. It’s about Balance.
‘But to move on. Which is, as I say, - ‘
‘The point.’
‘You’ve got it, son. In a nutshell.’
‘Well, thank you for all that, sir. And for your time.’
‘Right. Glad to be of service. Now, you couldn’t afford a fiver, could you. I’d like to be able to go get a fish burger at my local Mackies…’
‘Thanks, son. And that was an opportunity for you to earn some points, too, you know.’
' - What? - Oh. Yeah. Okay...'
'You were thinking...'
' - What? - Oh. Yeah. Okay...'
'You were thinking...'
‘I was just wondering, why a fish burger, may I ask; is there a particular reason? Are you a vegetarian??’
‘You got it, son.’
‘And why is that, may I ask further. You don’t eat meat because you don’t want to be responsible for the killing of a sentient creature, and all that?’
‘Well, there is that. But it’s mostly to do with all the crap that they put into it.’
‘’It’’ - ?’
‘The meat. That stuff can kill you. Or at least, make you sick.’
‘I see…But if you want to ‘move on,’ anyway…’
‘Heyy. Good point. I never thought about that. I usually just think about food.
‘Habit, I guess.’
P.S. When I Return Back To my Light Body, I Will Miss...
ice cream. And that's about it, really.
Oh. And the colors that are created by sunrises and sunsets. That's a very cool phenomenon.
I'll have to remember that one.
P.P.S. And apropos of today:
I am still fully committed to the working out of The Play; and have my flag out. Freely and willingly. And as for those NFL players who are continuing to disrespect the flag...
Whatever their point was, they have long made it. America has blotched its record. It's time to clean up its act. And all acts. And that disrespect to the flag is not the way to do it. That dishonors too many who have sacrificed so much to this country, and its potential for so much good for the planet. Why the owners of the clubs, and/or the league authorities, don't make standing respectfully for the National Anthem a requirement for employment, I don't know. Players when in uniform are on the job. If they won't respect the country's flag, and thereby all those who gave so much in service to it, they should be released from their employment. And any team owner that won't make that a term of employment of its employees should feel the response from the public via a boycott; a 'stand' of their own. To be reversed when said owners reverse their support for this noxious business.
Do I want a player to be hypocritical? Indeed not. I want them to quit, if they can't honor the terms of their employment.
P.S. When I Return Back To my Light Body, I Will Miss...
ice cream. And that's about it, really.
Oh. And the colors that are created by sunrises and sunsets. That's a very cool phenomenon.
I'll have to remember that one.
P.P.S. And apropos of today:
I am still fully committed to the working out of The Play; and have my flag out. Freely and willingly. And as for those NFL players who are continuing to disrespect the flag...
Whatever their point was, they have long made it. America has blotched its record. It's time to clean up its act. And all acts. And that disrespect to the flag is not the way to do it. That dishonors too many who have sacrificed so much to this country, and its potential for so much good for the planet. Why the owners of the clubs, and/or the league authorities, don't make standing respectfully for the National Anthem a requirement for employment, I don't know. Players when in uniform are on the job. If they won't respect the country's flag, and thereby all those who gave so much in service to it, they should be released from their employment. And any team owner that won't make that a term of employment of its employees should feel the response from the public via a boycott; a 'stand' of their own. To be reversed when said owners reverse their support for this noxious business.
Do I want a player to be hypocritical? Indeed not. I want them to quit, if they can't honor the terms of their employment.
Full. Stop.
As for 9/11..................
As for 9/11..................
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