Sunday, 9 September 2018

A Far, Far Better Way...

  …Right In Our Faces

In my earlier days I once spent a short period of time On the Road.  (Another, though related, story.)  At one point ‘on’ it I spent the night in a grape field, in Mid-California.  In the morning I went to a local barn, where I saw some activity, to ask directions.  In it I came across a few men already at work, among whom was obviously the owner of the fields, spraying a box of heads of lettuce.  And when I say spraying, I mean spraying.  Dousing.  Actually: Soaking.  

The consumer of his product?  ’Nothing to do with me.  I’ve spent a lot of money and time and effort growing these things, and by damn, I’m going to get my return out of them.  No effing sons a bitches little critters are going to eat into my profits.’  

And it’s the same sort of thing, each in their own ways, with the likes of Google, and other ‘social media’ platform owners, censoring conservative opinion.  ‘Hey - this is my business.  I’ll do with it whatever the hell I want to.’ 

Umm…Yes, and.  You are using the public airwaves in ‘your’ business.  If you are going to use the public airwaves in your business, you have to allow for the government, standing in for ‘the public,’ to have a say in how the medium is used.  Plus…

It’s obvious that the ass souls who are making serious moves to censor conservative - and, specifically, Christian* - speech on the TV and social media platforms don’t know about karma.  Well, being mostly atheists - or Satanists - they wouldn’t believe in such things, so that figures, actually.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill.  Whatever It Takes.  I.e., the end justifies the means.  Because everything is relative…

People, people…   

Come on.  There really is

A Better Way.

And it is time - obviously; and growing more obvious by the day - 

to get to it.

Before you run out of time, on this timeline, to do the job that you are here to do.

And blow it.

Your big Opportunity.

And the whole shebang.

Or should I write that Shebang.

Acknowledging our matter-mater-Mother.

That aspect of the Creator governing the active aspect of 

The All That Is.

Just waiting for us to recognize

Who we are, really.

Under the camouflage of being separate entities.

For a purpose.

The Purpose of


The drawing forth, out of, from within.

What is already there.

As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions - ‘pieces of the continent, parts of the main’ - of

The Whole.

 And dangerously close to flunking our big Opportunity.

To graduate to a higher level.

On the spiral stairway to the heavens.

And ultimately, back to Unity.

As we speak.


* Though not a Christian myself, I recognize that contribution to the founding of this country, and of its principles, and they are valid principles.  And of Western Civilization in general.
   But, of course, that's why they, and the country itself, are on the line, now.  As standing in the way of the collectivists.  And their bankrollers.  Looking for Power.  
   Specifically, Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.

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