Independent Media aficionado and Christian Dave Hodges (of The Common Sense Show) has looked at the current situation in the country, and has come up with Three Options for him and its citizenry:
“As I see it, Americans have three choices:
"1. We can leave the country for a less volatile place and hope we do not end up in a Falklands War type of situation which was described earlier in the article.*
"2. There are places we could emigrate to which would buy us a little time against the full roll-out of tyranny.
"3. We could simply lay down and take our beating as so many victims of genocide have in the past. Or, we can resist the final stages of tyranny and pay for our disobedience with our lives.
“All three of these options are a lose-lose-lose scenario. But for the life of me, I cannot conceive of a fourth option. Before you write to me and tell me to pray, I already have and I feel that I am being led to stay and accept whatever consequences come my way…”
Many people responded with a variety of replies, many of them of a Christian bent, to his article on the subject (titled ‘Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Is It Finally Time to Leave America?’ - August 31/September 1). My response:
ue: September 1, 2018 at 11:48 pm (act. Sept. 2 PDT)
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A fourth option. And it’s basically simple.
It’s the same answer, in principle, as to the conundrum of the Gordian Knot. In that case: You unfasten the crosspiece from the cart, slide the knot off one end, and refasten the crosspiece, now unencumbered. In this case: You close down the Federal Reserve (and entire system of Central Banks), eliminate fiat & interest-bearing money (and fractional-reserve banking), and, because it is the United States leading the way, the whole world follows suit. And we have a New World Order of the Light. Which works on the principle that we are all God’s chillun, experiencing life in a (Matrix-like) 3D realm of (seeming) Separation and Duality, in order to grow in consciousness by making choices. And now, with this particularly big one to make, we move out of The Play and into The Real Thing.
And Pres.Trump can help get us there, by announcing what is called NESARA.
* This was in reference to the true story of an American quite a number of years ago who felt that the Soviets and the U.S. were inevitably going to engage in a nuclear war, and researched where he and his family might move to, regarding prevailing wind patterns, etc. and eventually decided to move to the Falkland Islands. Where he lost family members in the battle between the Brits and Argentina.
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