Saturday, 29 September 2018

On Life And Its Foibles

1) from ‘A Dress Rehearsal For Impeachment’ - Patrick J. Buchanan - Sept. 28
(“The assault on Kavanaugh is the playbook for what is planned for Trump”)

Alexander Gofen - Sept. 28

Yes, a dress rehearsal of what is coming within the totally corrupt top down US government: the grotesque and arrogant farce. The farce arrogant so much that nobody even cares to deflect attention from that "terrible" word "impeachment" never uttered during the 2008-2016 imposture by Obama. 

 A "dereliction of Senate duty"?! Common Mr. Buchanan! The dereliction of duty, or rather betrayal of the oath to uphold the Constitution applies to all three branches of the US government since 2008, to all parties, and to entire US military (except only 3 officers). 

 Yes, in defending yourself, go after your malevolent accusers as well - and the malevolent accusers are the entire US government prior and after Obama! Unfortunately, President Trump capitulated to them in 2016 publicly stating as though Obama were legal. As the well known historic protagonist, Trump wished to buy peace with his dishonor, but he got dishonor and war on him anyway...

 To go after the malevolent accusers means to fully expose and prosecute the 2008-2016 usurpation. This is the late, yet the only remedy to save the nation and civility.


kibitzer - Sept. 29

Thank you, Alexander, for keeping alive the 'little matter' of Obama's ineligibility for the office.  Forget all the back-and-forth about 'the birth certificate'.  He is on official record as having claimed his birth father to have been Barack Obama Sr.  He was toast right there.  A 'natural born' citizen is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof  (That's what makes it 'natural,' for heaven's sake.)

The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It's right here on the Internet.  This is not arcane judicial gobbledeygook.)  And there is all manner of historical evidence that the constitutional Framers were fully aware of this definition of the term.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular office - and that particular federal office ONLY; testifying to its special nature in the eyes of the Framers - STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. 

We have a lot to do to get this nation back under the rule of law - its Constitution.  Draining the swamp is just part of it.  And tempus fugit.

2) from’Why Accused Kavanaugh Will Be A Better Justice’ - Larry Klayman - Sept. 28
(Klayman, besides detailing his differences w/Judge Kav on legal matters,  details how Judge Kav was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, with a privileged life and education, and “now knows what real diversity is like,” which will help him on the bench, dealing with real, down-to-earth people and issues.)

kibitzer - Sept. 29

Fair enough comment, Larry.  He is too liberal for me, too.  His positions on stare decisis and precedent trouble me, for the willingness it indicates for the holder of such attitudes not to question faulty judicial decisions, and get the nation back to its rule of law - its Constitution.  But half a loaf, and all that.  And maybe after this terrible display by the Democrats, Trump can next appoint a TRUE constitutionalist, and make the dirty Dems eat their outrageous antics.


3) from ‘Who Is Telling the Truth?’ - Dave Hodges - Sept. 28
(Dave doesn’t like Judge Kav’s politics, but he is outraged at the treatment that he has gone through, and esp. regarding the lack of any evidence as to Dr. Ford’s charges (and mentions the calendar, in the judge’s favor).  He feels she may be a victim of PTSD of some sort, from SOMETHING that happened to her.  But that Judge Kav does not fit the profile of a rapist.  And wonders what his audiences thinks.
My comment didn’t make it through to his site.  That sometimes happens to me there.  I’m not sure why.  Now if I were a suspicious type…)

Dave, check out the info on the Internet that Dr. Ford worked for a drug co. that manufactures a leading abortion drug.  It goes to conflict of interest; esp. with the major concern of Democrat females regarding the possible overturn of Roe by a conservative SCOTUS.  Not that Judge Kav may very possibly be very involved in that, with his (unfortunate) respect for 'settled law' and precedent.  But they consider this to be an existential matter, and can be counted on to do anything - anything - to block that possibility.

The irony is that if the Left succeeds in blocking Judge Kav's nomination, they may get an even worse candidate than him - to them - who will make it through, because of the terrible damage they have done to THEIR reputation in all this.  But that will be no solace to this good man, and his family.


As to the above (attempted) post: If I had it to do over, I would enhance it a bit, to point out that Judge Kav is a threat to these people, not just because he is a (nominal, at least) conservative, but a Catholic to boot.  

Which is helping to bring out, in regards to the current battle on the planet, that it is mainly one between atheists, or at least secularists, on the line hand, and Christians, or at least Catholics, on the other.  And thus, why the Left is couching the battle as one also involving the whole of Western civilization.  And have enlisted Islam in their cause, for that reason.  Western civ being primarily based on, quote, 'Judeo-Christian' principles.  Or at least, Christian.  Which, in their eyes, needs to give way to their version of a global 'community'.  Or global governance.  Under their thumb.  And boot.

We are here, then, getting to the crux of the matter.  The matter, of reaching a Synthesis point, of 'political' evolution on the planet.  Which means that both sides of the 'equation' need to give up something as they add something to the process.  Here, what is going on is a challenge to traditional Christianity on the one hand, and a purely atheistic/secular position on the other.

A subject to be gone into further, in more detail, in a subsequent blog.  For now:

Enjoy the show, as Q would say.  

Especially for its educational value.

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