We come now to the end of one Journey, and the beginning of a new, fuller One.
The far Left, in cahoots with the monopolistic MSM,(1) is taking over the Democrat Party, in an attempt to use it to install a one-party state in the country, with them at the helm, and as fortified by the votes of millions of non-European immigrants, both legal and illegal (via the fraudulent voter registration rolls that they have succeeded in controlling, and precinct activity, including ballot box stuffing),(2) all according to plan. And Plan.
The latter, larger context because there is a larger scenario at work here, than is dreamt of in their philosophy, and considered in their best-laid plans. But to continue.
This is mostly an atheistic scheme in play; designed to meld the U.S.A. into a New World Order characterized by the likes of the Mainland Chinese template, a combination of ‘pure’ communism with elements of fascism - i.e., a corporate-government complex - called Technocracy. The common denominator of both the far Left and the far Right being total - totalitarian - control from the top down, as administered by members of The Party. (So that everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.) As an expediency, there is an element of theism in it, in the form of Islam, because it was necessary to the PTB to break down the ’established order’ of Western Civilization, based on Judeo-Christian principles (the 10 Commandments, and individual rights under God, and all that jazz), to carry out their megalomaniacal plan.(3)
But the further theistical element is what can be called Luciferianism - the belief in a higher power of a decidedly dark nature, which rules on the basis of Power Over Others (POO for short), and which condones, and even calls for, the likes of child sacrifice, and the drinking of its blood. All very seductive, with a twist of gloat in it. The gloat of ra ebellious nature.
The Dark side, then, making its move total over the world, with its ‘principles’ of the likes of Whatever It Takes. Lie, cheat, steal. Kill, even. Whatever It Takes to accomplish your purpose. ‘By Any Means Necessary.’ The end justifying the means. Any and all means. Because all is relative. There are no absolutes, because there is no Purpose to ilfe, beyond just in and for itself only. Eat, drink, and obey your masters. For tomorrow you will die, and that will be that.
Or so goes that Faustian philosophy.
But, enter the larger Plan.
All of the above generates a reaction. (Everything operating by Laws, as it does. In this case, the Law of To Each Action There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction.)(4) And that Reaction, with things now being planetary in size, is the same. Has been ‘raised’ to that level, now. We are no longer operating exclusively on the nation-state level. As the UN foreshadowed. With its Illuminati Masters (after their attempt after the WWI scheme for world control failed, in the planned-for League of Nations, by recalcitrants in the U.S. Senate) attempting to take over totally, via such seemingly innocuous enterprises as its Agendas 21 and 2030.(5)
But there are some positive elements on this side of the equation, in this part of The Process. A legitimate concern for the environment, for one thing. (‘Legitimate’: as in beyond just the tainted ‘concern’ of the watermelons amongst us, i.e., green on tho outside and red on the inside.) As under threat by untrammeled capitalism; for whom 'the bottom line’ is all that need be considered.(6)
And so, the Reaction - the antithesis of The Process - when raised to the level of its Synthesis includes elements of the initial impetus as well. (Hence the name, and state, of a synthesis.) And since we are now at the planetary level of The Process - the concluding level - the synthesis doesn’t just become the ‘thesis’ of another stage of the unfolding historical Process. We are at
the end of
(this stage of)
the Journey.
The full Monty, as it were.
The whole Truth.
And nothing but.
All corruption:
Over, and done with.
And so, I -
and The Team -
will take over now,
and bring this ship of state
This sorting-out voyage
And ready for the next stage of
The Operation.
The Operation, of higher life on planet Earth.
This Planet of Choice having become
a Planet of
Having Chosen.
The real
Chosen People.
Sailing, from here on In, the Seas of true Co-creation.
As for those laggard souls who don’t make the grade this time:
Better luck next
And I urge you to get with The Plan. For, more is involved than just hanging out on the lower grades. Or your personal development. Involved as well is your group soul.
As we, together, grow God - the total God-Being - as well.
How is that for a developing sense of responsibility???
(1) which introduces the far Right into the equation as well; but to carry on here for now.
(2) and demonizing attempts to clean up the country’s act regarding its electoral processes as ‘voter suppression’. The arrogance. As though the citizenry, and even the poor, don’t have to show a photo ID to open a bank account and cash a check, or buy alcohol, or get a discount on public transportation, or sign up on welfare rolls; etc.
But to continue.
(3) ‘Allah’ slowly to be weeded out of the picture, after Islam served its purpose, of the overthrow of Christianity. One possible means being the employment of holographic imagery, and including sound. The technology for which sort of propaganda already existing.
(4) The other main Law in this context: The Law of Karma.
(5) Hence the terrible ‘wildfires’ in the likes of northern California the last two years, designed - via such measures as laser beam strikes from drones, and ‘primed’ forests from chemtrail residue - to move people off the countryside and into stack’em and pack’em living in mega cities. The easier to control you by, my dears.
But to continue.
(6) And like: ‘Our treatment for your condition is causing you to be in worse shape? But here, we have pills for that, too. Or cut or burn - I mean, surgery or chemo. Whatever It Takes, to make more money out of you - excuse me. I mean, to treat you. Ha ha. A little joke, there.’
No. A big one.
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