Friday, 21 September 2018

Disgusting Stuff, And More...

   ...Of The Same

Before I went out today to run some errands I did a quick scan-through of my day’s emails, and came across this: 

from; ‘IT WAS ALL A DEMOCRAT PLOT: Christine Ford Adviser Told Democrats in July Call About Plot to Take Down Kavanaugh [audio]’ - orig. at The Gateway Pundit - September 21
("In a July conference call to Democrat leaders, Ricki Seidman - a Democratic operative, former Clinton WH official and current advisor to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - laid out a strategy to defeat the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaudh…”
Well, she would do that, wouldn’t she…
The NWO crowd’s motto: Whatever It Takes.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.
Satanists, all.)

kibitzer3 says:
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And I understand that it has surfaced that Dr. Ford works for a drug company that produces an abortion drug. So – all stops out to defeat this ‘conservative’ (read, more accurately: strict constructionist) candidate for the SCOTUS.

Disgusting stuff.

And then one of the errands that I was running was to pick up a piece of Certified Mail from the Post Office that had come for me a few days ago while I was out.  From the desk of Congressman J.D. Hayworth (Ret.) of the U.S. Justice Foundation (a judicial outfit that I have made some financial contributions to in the past), it contained the following bit of the same sort of thing; opening:

“Dear Mr. Stanfield,

“I hope you were not inconvenienced by my rushing this letter to you via Certified Mail.

“You’ll quickly see why I had no choice.

“Because if you and I don’t act NOW, illegal aliens may be counted in the next U.S. Census as Americans!”


“President Trump acted to restore the question on the census — removed by the Obama Administration — asking if an individual is a U.S. citizen.

Seventeen liberal states and seven leftist cities are suing the Trump Administration to cut the question.”


“And if they succeed…

… sanctuary states will gain more seats in Congress… win more votes in the Electoral College… and receive billions in federal benefits redistributed from U.S. taxpayers to foreign citizens.”

The dirty rotten scoundrels.  (And that is not what I first said/uttered upon reading this, walking on my way to my next errand for the day.)



“…(L)iberals don’t want non-citizens exposed by the 2020 Census.  They want illegal aliens to be counted in order to rig the census, rob the taxpayers, and steal elections

“That’s why Barack Obama removed the question…”  (All emphases in original)

Ah yes.  The Usurper.  Up to the sort of trick he was allowed to pull.  By both sides of the political aisle.  By, that is to say, the higher echelons of the Republican Party in particular of the ‘opposition party’ of record.  Initially for not calling him and the Democrats on his ineligibility for the office.  The issue squelched, for his being advantageous to their agenda.

The New World Order crowd, at work and play…

This sort of thing makes me see red.  As in ‘Democratic Socialism’/communism.  Until I am blue in the face.  As in fascism/Technocracy.  Each from its far side of the political aisle.  But which in actual fact is a pyramid, of power, with the same nest of scoundrels at the top.  Scheming - as they have for a very long time - to do this country in, and make of it merely a part of a region of their top-down, totalitarian New World Order.  Which they mean to rule with an iron rod; wielding it against all those of its subjects who say or do the ‘wrong’ thing.* 

Well, boys and girls of the Dark side:  Meet your real Master.  Because the Light wins out in the end.  

The End of The Play.  And the Beginning of 

The Real Thing.  Which means a New World, alright; but this one being free from corruption.  The Dark only existing in the shade of the Light, and beholden to it for its very existence.  And being used, for lesson learning, in a realm of Choice.  To help incarnate souls grow in consciousness.  Closer to their Source.

And to separate the sheep from the goats.  The wheat from the chaff. 

So, all you apprentice gods who have just been playing a part on the Dark side in The Drama: It’s time for you to return to your true identity, and level of accomplishment.  As ‘citizen,’ so to say; rather than ‘illegal alien’.  And as for all those who have come up short of the mark at this time, can’t resonate to The Change:

Better outcome next Time.  But you with your laggardness are not going to hold the rest of your soulmates back, from this Harvesting.  Your day in the sun


For this go ’round.  See you in

another Time.  And Opportunity.

P.S. And I also see today that my home state, of California - which, according to the above letter, "gets FIVE extra seats [in Congress] by including its millions of illegal residents in the next census," and "got FIVE EXTRA ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES IN 2016 FOR HILLARY by counting immigrants" - has passed a law, just awaiting Gov. 'Jesuit Jerry' Brown's signature, to have the state government decide free speech issues on the social media.
     Good idea.  Not.
     (More about 'Jesuit Jerry,' and those players in the current Drama - and the state of California itself, undergoing a separatist movement called CalExit as we speak - another time.)  

* As is being done in Red China today.  With the help of Google.  Rendering rebels ‘depersoned’.  Deprived of their job or educational opportunities, their home/living situation, freedom, such as to travel (‘No national ID?  Sorry.  Next??).  And ultimately, of their life.  And their (freshly rendered) corpse robbed of its organs, to add insult to, er, injury.

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