Wednesday, 31 October 2018

On Needing To Say That

Well, hallelujah.  I see, via Freedom Outpost News (and an article there by Tim Brown),* that Press. Trump has come out against the clearly unconstitutional practice of what is called ‘anchor babies,’ in pronouncing the practice as precisely what it is: unconstitutional.

Did I say the practice was unconstitutional?  Just checking.  Didn’t want to overlook mentioning that little factoid.  So many people have……… 

It beats me to posting a little bit of prosody that I wrote in the sun today, while reading of another scandal going on in this county, that has been, and damn long enough - the utterly criminal business of voter fraud, and seductive measures designed precisely to generate it.  But as to that, in more detail, another time, perhaps.  Here, let me just echo Pres. Trump’s words on this scandal, of a - deliberate - misreading of tne 14th Amendment on birth citizenship, and let him speak for himself on the matter. 

Other scandals needing to be - and will be - dealt with:

Cancer, and other ill-health conditions amenable purely to natural intervention, both treatment and prevention.  

But first things first: to inculcate a passion for Truth-telling in the populace.  

Go, Trump.  And

Where We Go One We Go All

who are ready for Truth to prevail.


* article titled 'Trump Goes Constitutional On Birthright Citizenship - Tells Paul Ryan He Doesn't Know What He's Talking About'.
   (Watch your back extra carefully, Pres. Trump.  The New World Order crowd won't like this 'interference' of yours in their business one bit,  Any more than they do with their pool of cheap labor...
   ...both matters actually going together......)

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

...And Having Said That...

  On Mastery

I find that I am feeling that I will be terribly disappointed in the American people if they don't 'rise to the occasion' and the outcome of the midterms coming up is to block the momentum of the patriots under the ’tutelage’ of Pres. Trump and allow the Left to move the country further towards civili war and a borderless state of being that would help bring in the totalitarian New World Order of our erstwhile masters, and thus give the Dark the victory, rather than the Light to start shining through to humanity more brilliantly, here at the end of a cosmic cycle, and major change  on this planet.  I understand that a true Master would not let his or her thoughts or feelings rule, would just accept whatever the outcome that is.

So I guess I run the risk of losing out in this round, too. 

Such is life.  (So to speak.)

P.S. And let me clarify: My desire to see patriots win out at this crucial lime is not to say that I wish to see any backward movement going on, to an earlier time in this nation’s history.  The Left’s vision for a totalitarian superstate governing the planet, and controlling people to within an inch of their lives, squelching free speech and so forth, is the reverse image of the Real Thing.  But to get there, we have to set things to rights first.
     So. I'll see how this Culmination Time unfolds.
     For you and me.
     (Although actually, as most of you know already, at a minimum from my previous offerings in these pages:
     We Are All One.  In our essence.)

Monday, 29 October 2018

On Staking A Claim...

..And Taking The Helm

If anyone else, man
Or woman,  is more irate
        than I AM
About all the untruths
And other corruption
        going on
        in this country
        and the world
Then I will defer to them
         and gladly.

Until then, I take Second
                   in Command
          to no one
In bringing this baby Home

Consider the gauntlet

  to anyone else
 in a league of their own.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

On Getting To A Different Kind Of Centrism

On reading further in an article in the Oct. 8 issue of The New American magazine on ‘Criticisms of Kavanaugh,’ highlighting all the questions about his judicial record, and the Court going ‘right’ or ‘left’ or ‘moderate,’ I found myself shaking my head more and more about what is going on in this country at this time, even if I understand the larger context.

I am talking about the Truth of things.  Or Untruth.  And about the difference between ends and means.

Let’s be clear.  The Democrats - let’s use the identifying label of ‘’the Left,’ since there are some decent Dems left - is trying to block any nominations by Pres. Trump to the SCOTUS, because they might and most probably would return the nation to the rule of law.  That is to say, be constitutional - or at least, more like it - in their approach to the law/to the interpretation of the law.  This situation would be sad if it were not despicable.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Left (or however you prefer to be hailed):

The Constitution, contrary to a lot of the brainwashing that is and has been going on in this country (for LONG ENOUGH), is not a wet noodle.  It is a contract, between the several States and the federal government that they created, in this nation’s federal form of government.  A constitutionally contracted form of government, full of checks and balances, because “men are not angels,” as one of this nation’s leading Founding Fathers put it, rather succinctly.   

However, we have come to a time in history - and not just the history of this nation - that we ‘men’ need to own up to our essential natures, as angels.  Of a particular kind.  A kind that took on matter - has been given a crack at matter - in the context of Free Will; to grow from the experience.  Or not.  Our individual - individuated - choice.  And now, here we are.  At a major - major - crossroads.

Whither goest thou??
But, at such a crucial time - in the life of this nation, and in the ‘life’ on the planet in general - it boggles the mind - my mind, at any rate -  why, in heaven’s name (as it were), the Right has left the Midterms up to the chance that the Left would cheat, and in a ‘yuge’ way, with so much at stake?  Why was there no demand for a major clean of the voter registration rolls all throughout the country??  We know that the Left has gotten as many illegal aliens and other ineligible persons onto those rolls as they could muster.  And then there are the electronic voting machines - still, after all the info that has come out abut how vulnerable they are to be hacked, both within them, in their programming, and via the electronic transmission to a central place for accumulation tally, and susceptible to a hack along the way.  And with all the opportunity for chicanery and deceit afforded via Early Voting (‘Vote Early And Vote Often’); and with Absentee Ballots, via dirty Voter Registration rolls???…

It is madness to count on the Electoral System as is to give us a decent read on true voter sentiment.  And in my case, in my home state of California, it is simply a crime to vote; as I wrote late last night in the Comments section of an article on the subject, and posted in these pages…

I am not all that hopeful for a decent, to say honest, outcome in this crucial midterm election.  But let’s see.

And, it’s the last of its kind, anyway.

And a bigger test (or call it an exam) than most people appear to understand.

On Living By Truth...

 The Parting Of
     The Ways

            It really is time
That we started living by Truth
               on Earth
               and by error
          no longer.
               let us reason

At the start of a New World
With a new flag to be unfurled
Over all of humanity -
                                    a flag
            of Oneness
                               with God
And as our witness.

               For really,
            it is time.

        Brought to it
                      by Man
    and by cosmos.
Of which he is but
A part.  But a mighty part
                  at that.  
Responsible, in the end,
       for a Parting of
           the Ways

           by acting


Saturday, 27 October 2018

The New Order Of Things

The Left has gone absolutely bonkers over the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the highest judicial bench in the land, and especially its female contingent.  They have been led to believe - and even to fear - that he and the newly-configured SCOTUS will overturn Roe.  

Let’s look at that.

It all comes down, now, to the issue of precedent, ‘settled law’ — ak legalistically as stare decisis.  The majority decision in Roe set a precedent, for decisions based, not on the ‘rule of law’ - that is, our courts making decisions based on an interpretation of the intent of the Constitution’s declarations (as with a contract)  - but on a glaring example of ‘judicial activism’ - decisions based on the majority judges’ personal socio-political proclivities, in considering the Constitution as merely a guideline, a - to quote these judicial activists and their citizen cohorts, and to reference their attitude towards it, as a  - ‘living document’.1

What rot.  That opens a nation up to 'the rule  of men'.  Aka arbitrary law.  Aka tyranny. 

The bottom line:

The Left is and has been functioning under the ‘principle’ that the end justifies the means.  (Any and all means.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Even kill. To accomplish your end.  Right, Hillary??)  This philosophy is corrupt to its core.  It may be ‘Realpolitik’ to some.  But it is corruption to most; and to all right-thinking persons.  And it wilt not stand, in the Light of Truth, and the New Order of Things.

So, let’s look at Roe in that light.  

First of all, Roe was unconstitutional, in making a decision that correctly, in our federal form of government and under its Constitution, resides in the several states.  (See the 9th and 10th Amendments for crystal clarity on the issues.)  It was no rightful business of the federal government to get involved in such matters.  Under the ‘due process clause’ of the 14th Amendment - which was the basis for that decision - a state cannot be arbitrary in its dealings with its citizens, must deal with them all equally under their laws (including the newly franchised blacks).  That is all that it says, or was meant to say.2 

Next; if you want to look at the subject from a centrist point of view:   

1) No female should have to bear to term the baby of her rapist (or a terribly deformed fetus).  No female should have to bear that indignity, after violence has been visited upon her.  But as for the mentality of a simple case of abortion out of inconvenience??  No female with that level of consciousness will be in the New Order of Things anyway.  And the same for any male who would think to engage in rape.  (Or rapine, for that matter.)  So the subject is a non-issue.            

2) And to clarify: There will be no federal form of government in the New Order of Things.  The so-called kingdom of Heaven - the next level up in consciousness, and all of the levels succeeding it - is of a piece.

And that is what we are about to inherit.

Those of us who are ready to graduate, step over that threshold. 

As for the rest of us: They will have their place, to continue with the reality - the fact - that life has meaning, beyond just in and for itself only.  And that that life is a school, the purpose of which is to graduate.  With their graduation, out of the lowest, 3D, grade, having to wait.  

With it all depending on them. 

So: Their choice.  While the rest of us - via graduation - get on with the work at hand:

of filling our new classroom with Love in Action.


1 Judge Kavanaugh has said that he respects precedent; but he has also come out in support of a ruling in1997 whereby the SCOTUS, under its Chief Justice at the time, William Rehnquist, came up with a ruling that - 
   well, I will let Judge Kavanaugh tell his take on it in his own words (this, from the October 8 issue of The New American biweekly magazine, and a speech that the judge made to the American Enterprise Institute):    
   “[In the1997 decision, CJ Rehnquist] was successful in stemming the general tide of free willing [this has to be “free wheeling’] judicial creation of unenumerated rights that were not rooted in the nation’s history and tradition.  [The 1997 case] stands to this day as an important precedent, limiting the Court’s role in the realm of social policy and helping to ensure that the Court operates more as a court of law and less as an institution of social policy.” 
   Oh, horrors! say the Left…

2 The 14th absolutely did not say, in effect, ‘The rights and powers formerly reserved to the States or to the people shall now reside in the federal government.’  Except as centralists would try to make it say..
   And if our schools had done a better job of teaching our young about our form of government, such miscreants would never have gotten away with their chicanery in this terribly important matter - terribly important, to a nation of laws.
   And learning to live by Law.


.PS. As to lagal questions (in the meantime); this:

from ‘ Every Single Vote In California Should Be Rendered Invalid Because Of This’ - Tim Brown - October 26-7
(An excellent article on the legal issues regarding voting in this country, and pointing out how San Fran is now officially allowing illegal aliens and other non-citizens to vote in their school board elections.)

PurpleRocket - October 28

Thanks for this article, Tim.  When I returned to my home state of CA after living abroad for many years, I was appalled that they didn't require me to prove who I was at the polling place (even when photo ID cards are easily obtainable here, via the Motor Vehicles offices).  The more I looked into the matter here, the madder I got.  They don't clean the voter reg rolls because "people commit perjury if they are ineligible" - as if that alone is enough of a deterrent, and esp. when the state govt. goes out of its way to entice illegal aliens to get on the voter reg rolls, by automatically registering them when they obtain or renew a driver's license, and now they have even made it specifically legal for illegal aliens to obtain one.  

To vote in this state is to commit a crime.  More specifically, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting here is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce; a delusion, an illusion.  I am waiting for the federal govt. to come into this state and CLEAN HOUSE.  Impound  all the Voter Reg Rolls and submit them all to the scrutiny of a team of CPAs, and arrest the Sec of State and the Governor, with whom the buck stops.  And I MEAN IT.

The Idea

          The Idea

I was disgusted with humanity
By around 1950.  What could be
Behind so much of the warring
Going on? I wondered.  Surely
There was more to it
Than just our primate template,
Territorially.  No.
                  There was obviously
Going on.  And f finally
After many years more
Figured it out.  The answer
         Or more precisely,
Interest-bearing money.            
                      known as
For, acquisition of which type
                      of money
Pitted us against one another
                 instead of drawing
                               us closer
                 in common cause
                 on this wondrous

                   There is more
                           to it
                    than just that.
(For example, the effect
Of an Ice Age
On our psyche
When it was dog
Eat dog
Or perish.)          But
                        you get
                 the idea.
            And especially
              now that we
               can create
        whatever we need
                 of the air
                 and light
                around us.
           And just in time
           it would appear,
                    and more.

         So, let’s be
            about it.
      To our mutual
     But will remain
     for cooperation
      as long as we
            we are:
          Our true

         as brothers
         and sisters
       of our mutual
         of course.

    (How could it be

Friday, 26 October 2018

'Western Civ - Ugh.'??

We hear a lot from the youngsters amongst us, fresh from their indoctrination in so many of our colleges and universities, and for many years thereafter, so successful has been said indoctrination, about that ‘evil’ Western Civilization.  Come again?  What can that be about??  Besides said civilization having been crafted and built largely by white males, labeled these revolutionary days ‘white male supremacists’ as part of, but not the whole of, the story.

As near as I understand the Western Civ term (particularly from back when I was in university, and the subject was a prerequisite for incoming freshmen.  Alas, no longer.  Curious, that.  And also obviously part of this story.  But to continue), ‘Western civilization’ is essentially about Liberty - the primacy of the individual.  The freedom of the individual from the oppressive power of the state to control him to within an inch of his life, and if he were to misbehave, simply to have the state take his life, no questions asked, or entertained.1  Because why?  

Because the state has become God.  (Nature abhorring a vacuum, and all.)  In the absence of God.  Or to say, more precisely: In the contrived absence of God.  In the ignoring of God.

By individuals - apprentice gods; in the likeness of God; gods in the making - who don’t want to have to ’earn their wings,’ want simply to jump ahead to the graduation ceremony and declaim ‘I am God!  Obey me!’  To all who are willing, or not, to make the mistake of doing so.

As do totalitarian statists, and their relatively mindless subjects.

Sometimes whole peoples can make that mistake.  Take the Jews.  Please.  (As one of their tribe, an excellent violinist and comedian, was wont to say, as part of his shtick.)  

I will make something completely clear, here at the outset of my essay on this subject. 

A lot can be forgiven the Jews with the likes of J.D. Salinger amongst their numbers.  And all the Nobel Prize winners; far more than their percentile in the population would account for, strictly on the ‘merit’ of such percentages.  (Question: Should Nobel Prize awardees be ‘assigned’ based strictly on population percentile??  What say you, you erstwhile people controllers???)  And, as not all blacks are communists, neither are all Jews.  But ‘the Jews’ are present in the numbers of communists far above their percentile in and of the population at large accounts for.  Precisely as occurred in the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, amongst the Bolsheviks.  Who won the day; and then proceeded, in the following years, to ‘consolidate their gains' - i.e., to kill off their enemies. The latter being what could have been considered in those days ‘white supremacists’.  All, for the sake of ‘international socialism’.  With the Jews at the top of the pecking order  Until they weren’t.2.     
And speaking of the Bolsheviks…

Ever wonder why so many Jews were involved in the demonstrations against the Vietnam War?  Because the U.S. was on the wrong side of that war.  To them  Many of them being outright Communists, and others definitely fellow travelers to that ‘cause’.3  

This is all by way of preparation of the American public for what many of them already know (courtesy of the Alternative Media): that behind 9/11 was not Osama bin Laden with 19 Arabs armed with boxcutters. But mostly Mossad; and American NeoCons (in the Bush W. administration), who are mostly (dual-citizen) Jews, wanting an America strong militarily in order to aid Israel in its desire for hegemony in the Middle East (and its dream of an Eretz israel - a Greater Israel), but not so strong as to be able to overcome a pincer move on the continental U.S., not only via landings on its coasts and invasion from both its southern and northern borders (designed to split the ‘continent’ in two, at the Mississippi); but insurrection and sabotage from within, both by foreign implants (think ISIS.  Many of whom are actually Israelis, or at least mercenaries thereof) and domestic ‘irregulars’ - traitors.  Some of them from minority groups radicalized largely by the Jews, but some of them outright members of ‘the Tribe’.

Why?  For control, not just of this (former) nation (with its 'white supremacist Founding Fathers').  But the whole world.  By ‘communists’.  Who are the foot soldiers for the real Powers behind this scenario:

Off-world entities working through the faux Chosen People. The latter lusting after said power.  Finally to do in their enemies, in a big way.  In a final way.

Their own Final Solution.

And thus their attempts not to be identified with ‘the whites,’ in the racial war that they have helped to foment, and with the ‘white supremacists’ running things in Western civilization.  And having a hard time with that little wrinkle in their best-laid plans, for their home country’s treatment of the Palestinians, and getting called on it, from their own ranks..  But not to worry.  That’s just a ‘detail’ that they have figured to work out later.  After The Revolution.

Um - excuse me.  Hello?  We’ve already had a revolution in, and for, this country.  Thanks all the same.  If it’s all the same to you, we’ll get on with our lives in this free country.  Now, I understand that ‘freedom’ - the concept of essential liberty - can be a bit rough going sometimes.  But that’’s free will for you.  It will all work out in the end.  

It really will.  Trust The Plan.  Because, you see, 

a) there is a Plan; because      

b) there is a God.  

Just not the one that you believe in.  Apparently.  For the quality of your dealings with others.  By and large.  In any event; and in the meantime - for your coming around to the real Plan for humanity - 

take your boot off my neck.

Or I will bite your ankle.   

Oh - and as you do:  

Stop with the likes of the Talmud-condoning of pedophilia.

There will be none of that sort of childhood-robbing behavior going on in the New World a’borning.

As we speak. 


For now.  

And as for the drinking of terrorized-children’s blood:



1 Ah - and now, in our day, as pioneered by the Communist China such state, to harvest their organs first.  Clever, these Orientals.
   And while I’m on the subject of political incorrectness (on purpose), a word about my use of the term ‘his’ in denoting the individual: It is not simply for simplicity of expression.  But to poke the Politically Correct behemoth in the eye, and especially in the context of this blog.  
   Deal with it.  You are always, of course, free to not read this offering.  So far, at least, in this nation under attack, by the statists amongst us.  
   And infiltrating us as we speak. 

2 To clarify: Most Western Jews are not Jews by blood but by conversion, of the Middle Ages’ state of Khazaria (roughly where Ukraine is today) en masse by their king, under pressure by their neighbors, both east and west, to stop their corrupt behavior, particularly involving travelers trying to go through their area without being robbed, and worse.  Their neighbors wanted them to ‘get ahold of yourselves,’ and, to do so, asked them - instructed them - to pick one of the religions of The Book  and start behaving in a civilized manner.  Their king picked Judaism - and lo, a People was born.  (Aka Ashkenazim.)  
   It is not known if the king chose that religion of the ones ‘offered’ them because of the Jewish belief in being God’s Chosen People, and thus capable of being interpreted as not to be denied whatever they wanted.  But it certainly fit their mentality of the time.  And ours.
   And now, here we are, in our even more civilized time (ahem), with a prominent Christian ‘ministry’ to the Jews declaiming in their donation-requesting literature ‘Israel is being pressured to give up even more of the land promised to her in the Bible.  Enough is enough..’

3 Remember, or recall reading about, the Kent State shooting of anti-war ’students’?  And how that was played up big by the media (even of that time), as ‘They’re killing our own children!’??  How many of you ever heard about the little fact that those ‘students’ in that pod (causing mayhem so bad that the National Guard soldiers finally had had enough, unfortunately) were all Jews??  And not even from that college.  But outsiders, bused in, to help foment disruption.
   That’s what they do.  As part of their attempts to take over.  Chaos bringing Opportunty.  (And remember Rahm Emanuel’s quote on camera, about how ‘You never want to let a good crisis go to waste’??…)    
   Welcome to (part of) the Deep State  Controlled by what has been called the Khazarian mafia.  Aka Rothschild Zionists.  Not true, Orthodox Jews.  There is a difference.

Got It

I see that the MSM can say anything they want to attack Pres. Trump (and give the likes of Rep. Maxine Waters a megaphone to incite action against those in his ‘corner’), but if he fights back, he is accused by them of inciting violence.1  

Got it.

It’s called a stacked deck. And as such, is disgustingly corrupt.

I hope the best-laid plans of these NWO lackeys go awry.  And soon.  We don’t have much time to set things to rights - in this country, and for the world as a whole - before all hell breaks loose. 

I have to say that I am outraged at what all is going on in this country.  Not just the antics of the leftists, including their MSM cohorts, all of whom are just one ‘front’ in the pincer movements going on to take down - to attempt to take down - the U.S.  But in the invasion of this country by teams of infiltrators, pre-positioning personnel and material for their Tet-like Offensive; and even going so far as to prepare a bioterrorism event, with weaponized smallpox.  All perhaps to be ’set off’ with the arrival of the (mainly Soros-funded) invasion forces coming up from the South as we speak.  Packed with military-age males, and known MS-13 gang members and ISIS terrorists and other baddies, like gun and drug runners and child sex traffickers.2    

Disgusting stuff.  I could get really angry, if I allowed myself to.  (This is MY country, you damn jackals.  Hands the hell off.)  But I bite my tongue, and calm down my emotions, and think:    

We are about to change (or at least  be involved in the change of) the Operating System of this planet (“to include a higher frequency of reality,” as one channeler has put it).  So, my advice, and to myself:

Think, and stay, positive, through the turbulent birthing waters leading to the New Life. of us all.  Whether here or elsewhere.

Just a note on that.  Not all those who appear not ready to move on and Up are actually not ready.  They chose to play a more difficult role in this Drama (thus earning more kudos).  They will know who they are.  As for the others: They still deserve some thanks:  

as demonstration to the rest of us of what can happen when one loses sight of one’s true nature.  

As has been said: Without a vision, the people perish.  

In sum: They also serve who choose to walk on the wild side.


Love everybody.  And after all:

We Are All One.  And completely so, at the complete


Hope to see you  on the other side of this birthing process, onto the next higher octave of reality.

For many  - and I hope, most  - of us fractals of 

The All That Is. 


*1And including the employment of faux bombs being sent to some of the main perps facing retribution - in the release of Declassified material pending - for their roles in the attempt to smear Trump regarding the 2016 elections.

2 And illegal aliens to pour over the border and into California,, to apply for driver’s licenses and thus be put immediately onto the voter registration rolls.  And get away with it, because this state doesn’t require any form of voter ID.
   But to continue.
   Fortunately, for not much longer, on this level...

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

The Awakening

Amidst all the play-acting going on on the national and global stages, I see a world shortly at peace and in love.  How do we get there?   It's simple, basically.

All we have to do is act in alignment with the principle of Oneness, not the illusion of Separation.  Thus: As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.

1) We are aspects of One Mind, experiencing Itself through us, Its parts.  The Whole growing in consciousness by the Process.

2) 'Life runs by Laws.  One such  - and a very key one - is (what we already know, or at least have heard of) the Law of Karma.  Briefly:

If you kill someone, you will have to at-one for it in some way, and usually in your next life, after you have had your Life Review, and accepted what has to happen to you, to balance the scales of Justice.  (It may come about in the form of that soul killing you in your next incarnations; but there are many ways to balance the scales.  And move on.  Not to get stuck in the reincarnational merry-go-round.  And there is also the possible application of Grace, by the soul that you have done unfairly to.  Thus increasing the Love quotient of the mutual experience's outcome.)

3) We have been mesmerized by those who have chosen to tarry in 3D 'life' (as much as life in a school can be characterized by the word) by mindlessly buying into their concept of what is called usury - i.e., interest-bearing money (and its particularly pernicious form as fiat money, i.e, money not backed by anything but itself) - and its partner in crime, fractional-reserve banking.  This concept is keeping us separated from one another, and pitting us against one another; and thus exacerbating the illusory concept of Separation.

We Are All One.  In our essence.  As 'spiritual beings having a human experience' . And to move into that state of consciousness, of awareness, we will now have our 'economies' hydrated with sufficient monies to move Up a notch or two in our spiritual evolution.  But this New World cannot come about without our waking up to our true identities.

The 'Left' has tried to inculcate such values, but in the perverted fashion of a malevolent monarch, aka 'The People' - governed by a ruling class ruling with an iron fist, via the pernicious concept of Power Over Others.  (Or POO for short.)

It's time for our true Oneness to be made manifest on Earth.  As it is in Heaven.  Or to say, more accurately, the Heavens - the higher dimensions.

And just in time, it would appear.        

So, let's be about our better outcome  Just waiting for us to inherit it.

Once we wake up from the dream that we have been in, and taken for reality.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

A Conversation I Almost Had

‘Oh.  Hello.’


‘..Mind if I sit here?’

’No.  Please do.’

‘Thanks…I’m sorry; I’ve seen you around campus, and there was that little exchange during the Class Day outing, but I don’t remember your name.’

‘It’s Rachel.’

Rachel.  Right.   Mine’s - ‘

‘I know.’

‘Oh.  Okay…You going far?’

’San Diego.’

‘.Ah.  Well.  All the way…I’m going to L.A..  … So, you finished your Finals early?’

’Sort of.’

’Sort of.,,Actually, that describes me, too.  I’ve, well…had it,  With formal education.’

‘What are you going to do.’

‘Well, I don’t reatly know, precisely.  I have this vague idea of going to New York City, and spending some time in their Main Public Library..  I’ve had this idea of doing some research in what I figure is ‘the largest public library in the Western world’.   Looking for answers.’


To ‘life’.  Great idea, huh?  But it’s true.  I’ve decided that it doesn’t make sense to ‘beat around the bush,’ as it were.  I want to know what it’s all about.  Hey - we’re off.  Excuse me a moment - I want to wave goodbye to my friend who drove me to the station.  I see that he’s still right out there on the platform.’


’A nice guy...So.  Where were we.’

’On what life is all about.’’

‘Right.  You know - the God thing, and all.’

‘Why do you believe that there is a God at all?’

‘Because it makes sense.’

‘How so.  Speculatively?’

’No. Scientifically.  To believe in evolution without a Mind behind it all is what is the equivalent of a fairy tale.  I mean, come on - all the enzymes involved, and all.’     

‘So, do you think that you’re going to find your answers in the Bible?’

‘I don’t know.  But I’m going to find that out….Hey.  Rachel.  I don’t want to bore you with my story.  This is going to be a long ride; and I see that you have a book with you.  And I’ve been a bit..stressed out lately, and I’m going to let the clickety-clack of the train wheels on the track lull me to some much-needed sleep.  Catch you later.’    

‘Well - this is where I get off.  See you, Rachel.  Well.  You know.’

‘I’ll get off with you.  We can have a cup of coffee.’

‘ - Uh.  Well.  Okay.’



’So, what are you going to do, next.’

‘I’ve been thinking of renting a car and spending some time at the beach and having some downtime there, before heading for home and  ‘facing the music’ with my mother.  I mean, I have dropped out of school, and the opportunity to go on into Medical School, and all.  

‘And you?  Are you going to finish your education next year?’

‘Oh yes.  Well.  Why not.’

’So.  This is goodbye, then.’

‘If you say so.


‘Why do you think that Mel steered you to my train car.’


‘…I’m sorry, Rachel.  This is liable to be a long and lonely trip.  I won’t be able to take it with anybody.   

‘Good luck on your own journey in life.  But this is where I get off.


And adieu.

Until we meet again.

(Whatever your true name was, this time around.)

On Feeling A Little 'Iffy'

On the heels of last night’s, or rather earlier this morning’s, contribution to these pages, I have woken up feeling a little iffy about an online petition that I signed earlier in the evening.  From one of the various environmental outfits whose email newsletters I take - to keep an eye on that area of Life In Our Times - it had to do with support in general of various environmental issues, including support for the rolling back of pollution of and in our air and waters.  If that were all that were involved in these things, that would be one, and a good, thing.  But unfortunately, it is not.  As other sites tell me/the public - and via snail mail as well - ‘we’ are up against dedicated ‘watermelons’ - i.e., green on the outside, but red on the inside.  And decidedly so, often.  To the point of these activists, with their hugely ideological bent of mind, wanting, not just to keep much of our countryside free from environmental polluters and open to the public for hiking and fishing and canoeing and camping and whatnot - enjoying nature from the inside, as it were.  But keeping said environment free from human ‘polluting’ - including presence -  altogether.

What rot.

This extreme manifestation of ‘environmentalism’ also includes the notion that there are too many of us humans on this planet for its carrying capacity, and our numbers need to be culled; to the point of destroying the production of food from the likes of my home state of California, in order - ostensibly - to ’save the smelt’ - a two-inch fish whose breeding cycle is, presumably, irrevocably disrupted by inland waters being siphoned off to irrigate the great food-growing area of its Central Valley.  Which ‘environmental’ constrictions have put many farmers out of business, and thereby threatened the food supply not only to this state’s residents, but of the entire U.S.  But not to worry.  The smelt is, apparently, doing just fine, as a result.

You get my point.

My further point in and for this blog:

We have a Creator Source, of which we are facets, fractals.  As someone has described that state of affairs: we humans are ‘creator energy individualized’.  Meaning, we have the creative capacity of our Creator, just stepped down a little.  We don’t have to be controlled to within an inch of our lives, by erstwhile masters, imbued by the idea of Power Over Others, wishing to fasten a global totalitarian state on the world, bending us all to their will.  We can face life situations, and come up with ideas and innovations to overcome their challenges.  Nikola Tesla was one such ‘improvisor’.  We can manufacture energy out of the air by the use of windmills turning cranks?  Heck - we can manufacture energy out of the air period.       

And food.  And other things.  Because why?

Because we are creators.  By our natures.  As the children - the offspring - of a Creator Source.

Not on our own, as simply a high primate, spawned on the ladder of evolution.  

Like a water ladder for fish to take to get to their spawning grounds.

I am saying that we can, now, move beyond the Age of Oil, and its polluting nature.  And move into a, the, New World of free energy devices, and replicators, and teleportation, and so on, and on.  Because

the sky is not the limit.  To what we can do.  Positively.

And otherwise.

Get your priorities right, lads and lassies.

And we can get ourselves out of this mess that we got ourselves into.

By the same ability.

On Second Thought

i have been both grumbling to myself and despairing about all the illegal voting and other forms of cheating that has been going on already, via Early Voting and Absentee Ballots, and will be going on for the Midterms, castigating my countrymen for not doing enough about it all to head it off, when I got the sense, while finding it difficult to get to sleep in these early morning hours, that it is all part of The Plan: to help separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were.  How all those engaging in cheating are just signing their own ‘petition’ to be left behind, in the culling going on, as part of the Ascension process that we humans are engaged in.  So the message for me?  Is to relax, at least a little bit; and not buy into the dark side of things, and of this matter in particular.

I feel better now.

And then, after falling asleep, with the help of that little bit of release, I had a dream, that I understood after it, and which prompted me to get up from my couch bed and write this all down, for its relevancy, and insightfulness, and perhaps for others as well, on the same wavelength, as it were.  The dream:

I was outside when I sensed something like a storm coming on, and went inside my home or apartment - inside, at any rate, and was just about to lock the door when some people who had suddenly come up to my home/place of residence started to push it open.  I was able to push back enough to get it locked, whereupon a hand reached in from the slat window next to the door (my apartment has those kinds of windows) and tried to unlock it.  I was wondering what to do to stop this intrusion into my space (I could sense a ‘pushy’ - not menacing per se, but definitely unwelcoming - crowd out there) when the hand suddenly disappeared, and I was able to close the window slat.  Without resorting to violence.  Which, I sense now, was part of the answer to the situation.

A situation that I realize now, understand now was induced by the scenes of that ‘caravan’ of intending intruders coming up to this country from Central America. that I had been observing among my evening’s batch of emails and videos, shortly before calling it a night.

Giving us another test, in the culling process going on.

May that ‘hand’ dissolve without our having to resort to violence to make it go away.  And the whole matter be resolved in another way.

As we all move on.  In whichever direction.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

On Living By Truth

On Setting The Record Straight - I

We think we know a lot, in our day and more advanced age than even the recent past.  But do we really?

We don’t even know for a verifiable fact if there ever was a real, historical Jesus. At least not as portrayed in the so-called New Testament.  Which, it would appear, from a closer reading of said historical record, was a ticket to a secure and cushy future primarily for a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus, who became an adopted member of the imperial household of the emperor Vespasian, for ‘services rendered’ to him, and to his eldest son Titus, the scourge of the Jews of the time for his siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there; portrayed by Josephus (and possibly with the help of others in that royal household, learned patricians that they were) in said collection of writings as the Son of Man as prophesied in Jewish literature, only as a chastiser of the Jews for being so stiff-necked as not to ‘render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s’ and obey the authority of Rome over them. in recognition of the facts of life of the day.  As portrayed by Josephus in the material he (largely) wrote, under the name of his alter ego, Saul become Paul.  Safe in the household of the emperor; along with other members of the priestly line of Jews, whom he was able to convince Vespasian to allow him to bring into that safety with him.  In order for them to ‘live to fight another day,’ after the madness of the Jewish Revolt against the might of Rome.1  And who then became the first bishops of the new, human purpose-driven religion of Christianity; and even some of the popes, as time went on.2

I say “At least not as portrayed in the so-called New Testament” because there is some evidence that Josephus concocted his messianic ‘prefiguring’ figure out of elements of a real historical Jesus, who was a (militaristic) leader of the Jewish Revolt, for having been a prince and then king of a people in northern Syria, emanating from its capital city of Edessa.  All as dealt with in the series of works on the subject of a remarkable research scholar by the name of Ralph Ellis; and especially as ‘wrapped up’ in his most recent book in the series, entitled ‘Jesus, King of Edessa’.   

Is this all the final word on the subject?  Don’t know.  All I know is that it pays to keep digging in the archeological and anthropological storehouses of our past, for the truth - and Truth - of the matter.  The matter, of our history on this planet.

And beyond.        

In any event: My advice is to read all the material referenced above.  And be appalled; especially you Christians.  And then own up to the very real possibility of the matter.  Of your religion being apocryphal.  

And then, get on with your lives.  In the Light of a, this, New Day.  Where Truth reigns on Earth, as it does in Heaven.  To say, in the higher realms, aka dimensions.  Of a creation far more elaborate than has been ‘dreamt of’ - portrayed - in your religious philosophy.   

And be wary of the cries to consider this all the work of ‘the anti-Christ’. That could be your last test.

Of whether you opt for fiction.

Or for Truth.  

As always:

Your choice.


1 a) There are an amazingly number of correlations between the historical experiences of Josephus and those assigned to his alter ego Paul, down to ’them’ both having been in a shipwreck, and being in Rome at the same time; and b) Josephus’s writings as the historian that he was were a clever complement to the story that he (and, as I say, possibly others of the imperial household) concocted, about a mild messianic figure back at the beginning of the generation that saw the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by Titus, which story was designed to admonish the Jews for being so unruly; an attitude fueled for the most part by their belief in a militaristic Messiah who would lead them to victory over their enemies (or ‘persecutors,’ depending on which side of the situation one takes).
Josephus was, then, just being realistic.  

2 Which is why the bishop of Rome become paramount: So that they could retain control over the  new religion.  And maintain it, by instituting the principle of chastity for the Church high authorities: So that authority would not become hereditary, would remain in their hands.
   (For all this, read: ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill, and ‘The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero.)
   (N.B The youngest son, Domitian, when he ascended to the throne, tried to carry on with the same idea, of being a/the Son of God (Vespasian).  But by then the religion had taken on a life of its own.  And the rest is history.  
   So to speak.) 


On Setting The Record Straight - II

I’m not sure why anybody is still going by the Constitution regarding any of its statutes these days.  It has been a dead letter (or wet noodle; take your pick) ever since the candidacy for and occupancy of the Oval Office of Barry - excuse me; of Barack Hussein Obama.  Why continue to go by it for anything??

His candidacy was a fraud and a farce.  Just like elections in general in this country.

‘If that is so about Obama, why didn’t the Republicans make something of it, huh?  Huh??’

I can hear how the meeting went now:

‘I have been instructed to tell you that we won’t say anything about your candidate if you won’t say anything about any of the er, similar candidates that we might put up for that office.’

‘Like, say, Arnold?’

‘We don’t want to get into specifics.  Is it a deal?’


And so it was. 

(Time passes…)

‘We can’t rock the boat now.  Can you imagine what would happen in the inner cities all over the country if we blew the whistle now?’

Ladies and gentlemen of the Establishment in this country:

I am here to tell you that I don’t care if the candidate for or past occupant of that office is black, brown, red, green or blue: If he - or she -  is ineligible for that particular office, that is the fact.  Period.  

Their candidacy, or term(s)?:


For, we will live by the rule of law in this country.  Or we will die by suicide.

Take your pick.

Me?  I take not only the complete cancellation of the two terms of office of the Usurper.  (Which includes all of the legislation that he illegally signed into law, and all of the E.O.s and P.D.s that he illegally issued, and all of the appointments that he illegally made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts.)  But the bringing to trial - in a real, American Common Law court of law; no longer the Admiralty Law that has been in use in this country surreptitiously - of both major political parties, for obvious collusion in the illegal candidacy for and subsequent occupancy of the Oval Office by the non-natural born BHO; and, upon conviction, the jailing of their officials, the fining of the political parties, and their dissolving, under RICO statutes, as being criminal enterprises;  

the dissolving of the U.S. Congress itself, for being fatally corrupt, including failing to exercise its responsibility in reining in an out-of-Constitutional control executive;

and the wholesale setting to rights of the political processes in this country, including a major clean of the Electoral processes, and with new elections to be held within 120 days of the establishment of this

New Order of Things.

End of story.

Beginning of another.

Under the banner - the unalterable banner - 

of Truth.

It may take some getting used to living by Truth.  But since it is part of our, er, constitution, we can do it.

Some of us.

The rest of us??  Well -

Hasta la vista, baby!

Let's Hear It For Baseball

(A friend with whom I don’t always agree politically has told me via email of a personal love for baseball.  And this person is not even a born American.  But A Link is Born in such a sharing…
My first response:) 

Although I have tuned out sports in general, I consider it my great good fortune in life to have seen 'The Splendid Splinter' Ted Williams in live action, and to a lesser extent, Mickey Mantle, in a game between the Red Sox and the Yankees at Yankee Stadium in NYC.  This was in '55 or '56, I forget which, when I was living in NYC, in My Year In Manhattan, when I first started out in earnest on my search for Truth.  Ted got 1 for 4 that day, as I recall; but it was a treat, watching even the great Yankees having to go into 'the Ted Williams switch,' with the shortstop moving over between first and second base when The Great One was at bat.  I also 'met' him out here in Long Beach one time, well before then, when I was at our biggest local recreation park, for something or other, and they were having some fly-casting championships competition there, of which Ted was one as well; and I was standing there, all unaware, when someone murmured to me, "that's Ted Williams," about a tall guy standing nearby.  Possibly having overheard the comment, he looked straight at me, then.  I was too starstruck to do anything about it.  

The only guy ever to hit over .400 to win the batting championship one year.   And who [was] also a Marine fighter pilot...He was a real man's man.

I understand that he paid to be in put in cryogenics? is that the word? Put in suspended animation? - when he died, in hopes that science would at some point come up with the technology to bring him/people back to life.  I always thought that that was a bit of a conceit.  But hey - if anyone had the 'right' to want to come back as them[selves], Ted Williams would.

Better than reincarnating as a crotchety old woman, who never amounted to anything in life but a pain in the caudal exterior to those around her...or as a child in Africa, dead before the age of three...or as a thief, looked down on by everybody...or......or.....or..........            

As I think I said: I am impressed with your love of baseball.  That's the epitome of Americana.  Anybody who loves baseball is a friend of mine.

😊 Stan


(My follow-up response, shortly later:)

Pardon - that was known as 'the Ted Williams shift' - not switch.  The years, they take their toll...

...and I remember that he was rather er, unhappy when he was called up during the Korean War to have to become a Marine jet fighter pilot in action again; letting all and sundry know that he was, er, unhappy that he had to be called out of retirement to do that, that it was for the younger guys to 'step up to the plate,' as it were.  

I couldn't tell you who the baseball heroes of today are.  But I do know, that they would have to really stretch (as in 'the 7th inning stretch') to make it into the same league as the great, the one and only, Ted Williams.

And I hope that that they still sell CrackerJacks at ball games these days.  Some things should never change.



I used to cut out of the Sunday paper’s Sports Section the week’s compilation of the batting averages of the players of both major leagues and post it on my bedroom wall, and compare their progress.  That is an indication of how I remember well that one year, even though Ted Williams was out injured for a fair portion of the season, he was still up at bat enough times to qualify for the title, and in a major way.  .406.  Unbelievable.

Stan ‘The Man’ Musial.  ‘Rapid Robert’ (or conversely, ‘Bullet Bob’) Feller.  Harry ‘The Cat’ Brecheen.  And my hometown duo, of reliable 20-game-winner pitcher Bob Lemon and shortstop Vern Stephens, of the Boston Red Sox.  And I continued keeping an eye on Major League baseball down into the days of the great, very tight nighttime duels between the Dodgers’ (then firmly ensconced in L.A.) Sandy Koufax and the SF Giants’ Juan Marichal.  And of course, there was always the ever-reliable, gentle presence of the voice of the Dodgers, Vin Scully, reporting on it all…I understand that he ‘lasted’ down until just a couple of years ago, when he finally hung up the microphone.

Well done, Vinny.  It was good knowing you, too.