Wednesday, 17 October 2018

The Long Haul

A friend has emailed me of his marveling at the ‘info’ - or rather, say hypothesizing - that is contained in a book(1) calling into question our (‘long’) history on this planet, as preparing us for a condensed time of timelessness in a state of Singularity.  (A la Terence McKenna, under the influence of having had his mind opened by the use of various psychedelics, not contained in Time as we know it, Jim.)  My response (just off the top of my relatively more screwed-on head):

“’…we are actually collapsing in on ourselves (like so-called black holes) ultimately to a 'singularity' of infinite density, opening the door to timelessness…’

“This is all very intriguing.  My take on things has been that a) We are in a matrix, a hologram,[2] a device by which to give us the illusion of free will, that we may grow from the experience and specifically our experiences in it; b) We are approaching a Turning Point, a Completion of our Time in it, and will move (those of us who have earned, by the lifting of our consciousness, the graduation) out of 3/4D and up to 5D to start with - closer to our true reality - as we experience a Singularity Event, and move from being 'at effect' to being 'at cause,' in the expression of Werner Erhard (est), in moving into a field of timelessness; and c) That those who don't make the grade - as evidenced by their auras, and its information grid - will end up somewhere else, to continue the experience in 3D until they do make the grade, while we continue our journey back Home on Gaia, Who/which? is ascending as well, as a sentient being in Her/Its own right. Ascension taking place in heart experiences of expansion, and then ultimately by explosion.  Or something like that.

“Anyway: Keep me posted on what you find out from this very interesting-sounding book, and your ruminations on it all.  (I remember hearing about it, that the author found some parallels in 'history' that seemed peculiar to him, and began to deduce that they were repeats.  But then, we repeat 'history’ anyway, as we keep learning from the same experiences...)



(1) ‘New Chronology’ by  Anatoly Fomenko

(2) ‘The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality’ by Michael Talbot; etc.


As to all of this…

         The Long Haul

When we are ready to own our legacy
As the children of our God, then
We will really start getting somewhere
On this blessed planet, needing from us now
                      our best, 
No longer having to endure
                      our worst
While we wend our way
          back Home
From cur long journey
                        to test us
       the long haul
In administering Justice

As for the Illusion bit
        the equation:
You don’t really think that our Father
Would give the keys to the car
To a six-year-old, now do you?
That would be unfair to
All concerned.  No.  
When we are ready
The Keys will come.
Not before.
        But ready or not
        for you, here
        they come.

Hold on to your hats.
  This is liable to be 
   A rather wild ride
       For a time
         in Time


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