The operator of one of the ‘spiritual’ sites that I follow - its name being The Golden Age of Gaia - has announced a potential feature allowing his followers to share their ideas on the site as to what is going on, and the way to a better world - the better world, just waiting for us humans to inherit it. (He calls it Nova Gaia.) Here are my initial thoughts on the subject.
First things first. First, we need to ask ourselves: Is there a God or is there not. If there is no God - that is to say, something more than Man - then nothing really matters anyway, and one might just as well live one’s life purely for oneself, independent of the effect of that pursuit on others, as not; for, the end of the closed system of life can, then, as easily be seen as that as anything else, a presumed evolutionary advantage in some degree of cooperation with others, or whatever. ff there is a God, however, then certain things follow. It follows, for one thing, that there is Plan in and Purpose to life - to the universe. That life has Purpose, beyond just in and for itself only. And primarily, it follows that we should be living as though there were, indeed, a God, and not as though there were not, as we are doing, largely, at present.
Oh, there are religions. But they are, largely, based merely on belief systems. What do we actually know, about such matters? Well, we in our time have the benefit of knowing some things, for sure. We have the benefit, from Near Death Experiences, and all the reports, in books and videos and from studies, of Past Life Experiences, to know - know - that a) there is something beyond our five-sense reality, and b) it ‘makes sense’ - has congruency about it. A sense of Plan and Purpose.
That we come back - over and over again; now as a prince, now as a pauper; now a male, now a female (or something in between; another subject); now of one race or religion or nationality, now of another - to do what. Obviously: to learn from the experiences. to grow from them. Life, then, being a school; and the purpose being
to graduate.
To return from whence we came, the ‘better’ for the experience. Better, in the sense of the higher degree of consciousness that we have individually (and collectively) gained from the experience. The higher awareness.
Of what?
Primarily, of the fact that we are gods in the making. Pieces of the continent, parts of the main. Awakening to our true potential.
Oh, we have the potential not to ‘make the grade’ as well. Which is what a realm of free will - as we currently inhabit, in our 3D state of being - would, then, be all about. Part of the ‘school’ aspect of the whole Enterprise. But the main potential - the true potential - is to become as God.
As our Creator Source. Because we are ’as’ that, in our essence.
Chips off the old block, as it were. Finding - earning - our way back
Let me cut to the chase, in this summary of my thinking on the subject, after a rather full - at the age of 84 - lifetime of thinking, and experiencing, on the subject.1
This business of life is not a left-vs.-right thing in its essence; it is part of a political evolutionary process, much - in my opinion, and ‘grasp’ - like the ‘dialectic’ that F. Hegel intuited: with a ‘thesis’ - a position, of social development - generating an ‘antithesis’ - a reaction to it, resulting in a ‘synthesis’ out of the experience, which, until The Process is complete/comes to its ultimate conclusion, just becomes the ’thesis’ to another degree of unfoldment. And lo - here we are: at the stage of The Process where a global atheistic behemoth based on and running by Force is - evolutionarily obviously - evoking the culminating ‘Synthesis’ reaction to it. In a phrase:
the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Nova Gaia. Based on Love.2
And why a Synthesis?
Because there are elements of both sides of the ’equation’ in the resulting answer. The ’left’ has positive elements in it - a concern for the environment; an emphasis on cooperation vs. competition; coming out from under the dogma of mere religions; etc. To be combined with positive elements of the ‘right’ - a championing of the rights of the individual, as over and against the coercive power of the State; a belief, via various religions, of the life experience being part of a larger Whole; etc. Voila:
the New World. A Synthesis of the best of the parts of
The Process.
Here, at its end.
At long last.
Which becomes the Beginning
of our next stage of operation. Engaged in
in alignment with the Will of
our larger
Wherein, and whereby,
We Are One Another.
And consequently: As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves - literally. For, We Are All One. And All IS
the End
The Process.
And the Beginning of
The Real Thing.
1 With attitudes and awarenesses that haven't changed much since I dedicatedly set out on my search for Truth in 1955. Because they were, and are, based on facts. Not on speculation.
I can't tell you how many dimensions there are, e.g. All I can tell you, as a matter of fact, is that there are more than the 3D one that we are 'living' in. And you can take that to the bank.
As long as they continue to exist. Which...well.
Another - though allied - subject.
1 With attitudes and awarenesses that haven't changed much since I dedicatedly set out on my search for Truth in 1955. Because they were, and are, based on facts. Not on speculation.
I can't tell you how many dimensions there are, e.g. All I can tell you, as a matter of fact, is that there are more than the 3D one that we are 'living' in. And you can take that to the bank.
As long as they continue to exist. Which...well.
Another - though allied - subject.
2 With competition giving way to cooperation. As reflected in the new monetary system about to be born. (Out of Necessity. As I say: Another subject.) No more interest-bearing money, and fractional-reserve banking; all of which results in a debt-baed system, with some big winners and many losers. Rather, sharing our goods end services with one another - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than that of making a ‘profit’. Out of the highest motive that there could ever be:
Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Out of, in a word: Love.
Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Out of, in a word: Love.
But to continue.
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