Saturday, 13 October 2018

If At First You Don't Succeed...

from ‘The Left’s Ugly Methods of Waging Revolution’ - Larry Klayman - October 12 - orig. posted at WND
(‘Larry Klayman blasts dirty weapons of sex, race, violence’,,,”The nation is being torn apart by the vicious onslaught of the left, led by radical feminists, black activists and others, where false allegations of sexual abuse and racism are leveled against anyone and anything that stands in their path to a total takeover of our body politic…”)   

kibitzer - Oct. 13

Well said, Larry.

We should never have let the Left set the narrative in many areas. This PC business needs to be challenged, vigorously. Nobody tells me what to say, or how to say it. That's up to me to determine.

Ironically, WND - a good conservative site; with a great monthly magazine called Whistleblower - wouldn’t let me post this comment the first few times that I tried.  Some sort of bummer of an electronic process at that site.  (Not the first time that I have had trouble trying to post there.  Somebody trying to stifle comments to them???…)  

So, while I’m spouting off my perspective on things and it has difficulty in going anywhere, I might as well throw out some more of my feelings regarding various subjects into the ethers.

* The Federal Reserve - over and done with. Its time finished.  Including the Income Tax; which was part of the scheme/scam from the git-go: to get The People to fund the debt that the banks and their bought-off front people in government would generate, making a pile for themselves in the process.  And make it a wholesale sweep: Out with interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking, and in with living as One, on this lovely planet, deserving better from us than we have been giving her.

As for the planet:

* Get hold of the miscreants who are playing with the joystick manipulating the weather (and including the Chemtrail jockeys), and give them a good thrashing for a change.1
   Not to say that there isn’t some un-weaponized severe weather.  But there has been far too much of the created and manipulated kind, for long enough.
   He who controls the weather controls the food.  He who controls the food controls the people.  

Other salient points, of The Change:

* A total cleaning-up of the Electoral process in the entire nation.  (Clean Elections Or No Elections.)  And as for Illegal Aliens (who are voting in droves, courtesy of their Dem sponsors):2

* Out.  Say, thirty days to make arrangements to return to their home countries.
   If they wish to return - and have no criminal record, other than having broken into our home in the first place - they can apply to come back in.  The front door this time.
   And in this subject regard: All employers of IAs to be fined and even jailed in the greater instances; and the word to go out from here:
   No.  More.

There’s more.  But you get the idea.  Sort of like:

There’s a new Sheriff in town.   

If I had my way.  


1 Major case in point: Hurricane Michael, which thrashed a major Republican section of Florida just recently, with serious consideration that it was steered that way, to do just that, just prior to the Midterms, so that those people - killed and otherwise rendered incapacitated, from having to clean up from that major damage - could not vote in those major elections (including for the governorship of the State), and thus hand the state to the Dems, for the Big Prize in 2018.
   See State Of The Union for the story.  (It has to do not just with HAARP technology, but with moisture generators floating on the water - radar platforms, to seed clouds with moisture.  All, outrageous stuff.  In the wrong hands.)  

2 So are other ineligible voters, including dead voters, duplicate voters, and non-citizens.  The states not having fulfilled their responsibilities under the NVRA of 1993 to clean their Voter Registration rolls.  Needing to do so NOW.  Or their votes will not count.
   The American citizens in those states failing to uphold their responsibilities in this regard no longer to be effectively disenfranchised, their votes diluted beyond any decent recognition by the swamp of scammy votes.
   And no more (highly rigged and riggable) electronic voting machines.  Only paper ballots, with a legitimate paper trail all the way.
   And photo ID to be required in all states.  Period.
   There is nothing - nothing - more important to a country like ours, where the government is of, by, and for The People, than a voting process that can be trusted.

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