At the end of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ the leading player steps somewhat out of character and delivers an epilogue to the audience. It goes with The Bard’s observation elsewhere in his works (‘As You Like It’) that ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…’
I was thinking of this today when I came across a couple of articles buried amongst my plethora of daily emails. (I like to keep up with as much of what is going on as possible. Or try to, at least.) One(1) was an article regarding the mysterious disappearance of a Saudi Arabian ‘dissident’ journalist in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. A case is being made that he was murdered by the Saudis for his criticisms of the Saudi ruling regime (which they are vehemently denying). But this article took a ‘deeper’ - more introspective - look at the matter, and proposed that this could very well be a sort of ‘white’ false flag, whereby the Saudis are being set up by Trump & Co. to gain leverage over them. But (my thinking coming in here) which could end up in a reaction by the Saudis that could well lead to war; which would satisfy the Cabal. (To replenish their reserves, and maintain wartime control over the people, and - hopefully, to them - lead to WWIII, and their ultimate takeover thereby of the planet.) Or ‘simply’ to a breakdown of the monetary status quo, which would satisfy the Alliance…
The other article is by a fairly knowledgeable gal - knowledgeable about U.S. political affairs(2) - who has made a similar case - that is, a deeper look at a matter than the ‘presenting’ face - regarding the investigation by former FBI chief Robert Mueller into allegations by President Trump’s (Deep State) enemies that his campaign team, and by extension, he himself, were involved in a ‘Russian collusion’ affair, to attempt to affect the 2016 elections. Her point: Mueller met with newly-elected Pres. Trump for some time prior to being appointed by FBI Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein as a Special Counsel to look into said allegation. The MSM were told, and dutifully reported, that the meeting was about Trump considering Mueller for the job of head of the FBI. But that doesn’t jibe with the fact that he wasn’t eligible for that job, having already filled it to his maximum time allowed by law (and even two yeas more, under Obama, by the authorization of the Senate). The gal is guessing that we have all been set up by Trump for a big sting - that Mueller was assigned the job of taking the investigation into possible intervention in U.S. elections by the Trump campaign team, behind that remit, into investigation of Hillary Clinton’s dealings (along with her campaign team, in particular John Podesta) with the Russians, in particular as regards the business of her signing off on a deal whereby Russia gained control of 20% of the U.S.’s uranium deposits. (But others signed off on that deal as well? But they didn’t get $435 million paid into their Pay for Play foundation for it, like Hillary did. In addition to the $500,000 that hubby Bill got for an hour’s speech in Moscow. Nice work, if you can get it…)
What am I getting at, in this particular blog. I’m getting at the idea that - and together with all the other false flag ops that we have been subjected to, and for, really, long enough, now - I think it’s at the place in the script where the Director calls
‘Cut!...And It’s a wrap.’
Because it’s time for
The Real Thing
as we go
a notch, or two. On our way
again. The better -
or worse -
for the experience.
Our choice.
Call it, then,
a Choice Cut.
(1) article titled ‘Is Saudi Journalist’s Disappearance & Allegations Of Murder A ‘White’ False Flag?’ ‘ at Collective Evolution, by Richard Enos
(2) Liz Crokin. (Article carried on Starship Earth: The Big Picture. Article entitled ‘How Mueller & President Trump are Pulling the Biggest Sting in History’.)
P,S. Richard Enos in his article asks::
“What will it take for deception to end and truth to reign in our world?”
Very good question. And the article goes on, after some intelligent speculation as to what could be behind the whole caper, to an excellently perceived conclusion:
“Eventually, as our consciousness grows, all lies and deception will become transparent to us, and the truth will reign.”
Just so, Richard.
Just bloody so.
P.P.S. And to keep all this in some sort of perspective, there is this also today. From (which I am told is a satire site; so discretion advised):
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Shortly after Elizabeth Warren released a DNA test that may or may not show that she is 1/1024th Native American, failed presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed the results of a recent DNA test that conclusively proved she is only 50% Reptilian.
“The test, conducted by a renowned DNA expert, showed that only 50% of her blood comes from reptilian humanoids from space bent on destroying humanity. Many Washington insiders had claimed she was 100% reptile, but these claims are now known to be a hoax.
“‘I’m happy to announce that I'm only half reptile,’ she said on an interview Sunday evening. ‘I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that's only half true. I'm only part lizard person, thank you very much.’
“But she was quick to point out that whether or not she's an earth-conquering reptile is irrelevant, quipping, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
At publishing time, Clinton had admitted the remainder of her DNA was that of a Cylon.”
You can’t make this stuff up…
Or -
Yes you can.
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