Sunday, 28 October 2018

On Getting To A Different Kind Of Centrism

On reading further in an article in the Oct. 8 issue of The New American magazine on ‘Criticisms of Kavanaugh,’ highlighting all the questions about his judicial record, and the Court going ‘right’ or ‘left’ or ‘moderate,’ I found myself shaking my head more and more about what is going on in this country at this time, even if I understand the larger context.

I am talking about the Truth of things.  Or Untruth.  And about the difference between ends and means.

Let’s be clear.  The Democrats - let’s use the identifying label of ‘’the Left,’ since there are some decent Dems left - is trying to block any nominations by Pres. Trump to the SCOTUS, because they might and most probably would return the nation to the rule of law.  That is to say, be constitutional - or at least, more like it - in their approach to the law/to the interpretation of the law.  This situation would be sad if it were not despicable.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Left (or however you prefer to be hailed):

The Constitution, contrary to a lot of the brainwashing that is and has been going on in this country (for LONG ENOUGH), is not a wet noodle.  It is a contract, between the several States and the federal government that they created, in this nation’s federal form of government.  A constitutionally contracted form of government, full of checks and balances, because “men are not angels,” as one of this nation’s leading Founding Fathers put it, rather succinctly.   

However, we have come to a time in history - and not just the history of this nation - that we ‘men’ need to own up to our essential natures, as angels.  Of a particular kind.  A kind that took on matter - has been given a crack at matter - in the context of Free Will; to grow from the experience.  Or not.  Our individual - individuated - choice.  And now, here we are.  At a major - major - crossroads.

Whither goest thou??
But, at such a crucial time - in the life of this nation, and in the ‘life’ on the planet in general - it boggles the mind - my mind, at any rate -  why, in heaven’s name (as it were), the Right has left the Midterms up to the chance that the Left would cheat, and in a ‘yuge’ way, with so much at stake?  Why was there no demand for a major clean of the voter registration rolls all throughout the country??  We know that the Left has gotten as many illegal aliens and other ineligible persons onto those rolls as they could muster.  And then there are the electronic voting machines - still, after all the info that has come out abut how vulnerable they are to be hacked, both within them, in their programming, and via the electronic transmission to a central place for accumulation tally, and susceptible to a hack along the way.  And with all the opportunity for chicanery and deceit afforded via Early Voting (‘Vote Early And Vote Often’); and with Absentee Ballots, via dirty Voter Registration rolls???…

It is madness to count on the Electoral System as is to give us a decent read on true voter sentiment.  And in my case, in my home state of California, it is simply a crime to vote; as I wrote late last night in the Comments section of an article on the subject, and posted in these pages…

I am not all that hopeful for a decent, to say honest, outcome in this crucial midterm election.  But let’s see.

And, it’s the last of its kind, anyway.

And a bigger test (or call it an exam) than most people appear to understand.

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