Tuesday, 23 October 2018

On Feeling A Little 'Iffy'

On the heels of last night’s, or rather earlier this morning’s, contribution to these pages, I have woken up feeling a little iffy about an online petition that I signed earlier in the evening.  From one of the various environmental outfits whose email newsletters I take - to keep an eye on that area of Life In Our Times - it had to do with support in general of various environmental issues, including support for the rolling back of pollution of and in our air and waters.  If that were all that were involved in these things, that would be one, and a good, thing.  But unfortunately, it is not.  As other sites tell me/the public - and via snail mail as well - ‘we’ are up against dedicated ‘watermelons’ - i.e., green on the outside, but red on the inside.  And decidedly so, often.  To the point of these activists, with their hugely ideological bent of mind, wanting, not just to keep much of our countryside free from environmental polluters and open to the public for hiking and fishing and canoeing and camping and whatnot - enjoying nature from the inside, as it were.  But keeping said environment free from human ‘polluting’ - including presence -  altogether.

What rot.

This extreme manifestation of ‘environmentalism’ also includes the notion that there are too many of us humans on this planet for its carrying capacity, and our numbers need to be culled; to the point of destroying the production of food from the likes of my home state of California, in order - ostensibly - to ’save the smelt’ - a two-inch fish whose breeding cycle is, presumably, irrevocably disrupted by inland waters being siphoned off to irrigate the great food-growing area of its Central Valley.  Which ‘environmental’ constrictions have put many farmers out of business, and thereby threatened the food supply not only to this state’s residents, but of the entire U.S.  But not to worry.  The smelt is, apparently, doing just fine, as a result.

You get my point.

My further point in and for this blog:

We have a Creator Source, of which we are facets, fractals.  As someone has described that state of affairs: we humans are ‘creator energy individualized’.  Meaning, we have the creative capacity of our Creator, just stepped down a little.  We don’t have to be controlled to within an inch of our lives, by erstwhile masters, imbued by the idea of Power Over Others, wishing to fasten a global totalitarian state on the world, bending us all to their will.  We can face life situations, and come up with ideas and innovations to overcome their challenges.  Nikola Tesla was one such ‘improvisor’.  We can manufacture energy out of the air by the use of windmills turning cranks?  Heck - we can manufacture energy out of the air period.       

And food.  And other things.  Because why?

Because we are creators.  By our natures.  As the children - the offspring - of a Creator Source.

Not on our own, as simply a high primate, spawned on the ladder of evolution.  

Like a water ladder for fish to take to get to their spawning grounds.

I am saying that we can, now, move beyond the Age of Oil, and its polluting nature.  And move into a, the, New World of free energy devices, and replicators, and teleportation, and so on, and on.  Because

the sky is not the limit.  To what we can do.  Positively.

And otherwise.

Get your priorities right, lads and lassies.

And we can get ourselves out of this mess that we got ourselves into.

By the same ability.

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