Friday, 5 October 2018

From Somewhere Else

‘“And so that’s why I say that it’s time for a change.  A big change.  You kids just have to wake up and smell the coffee, as they say.”


(a bit tiredly) “Yes?  What is it now?”  (titters in the class)  

“You say, that it’s not right that we here live so much better than the rest of the world, - “

“So much ‘higher on the hog,’ yes, that’s what I said, and meant.  And so?”

“ - and so, we have to be cut down to their level??”

“Yes.  To be only fair  - Well, no.  So that we can all live better.  Than.  They are.  Now.”

“I just don’t see how - “

“Young white male, I am sure that you ‘just don’t see how’ a lot of things work.’” (more titters)

“Well. Take, for example, Venezuela.”

“Yes?  What about Venezuela?”

“Well - it would seem…obvious.  That something like what you’re saying didn’t work out there.”

“So, to take your hypothetical.  The answer would appear to be obvious.  To…most people.”  (some titters)  

“..Which is…”

(an angry note creeping in) “Which is,,.that the middle-class capitalists fled when the going got tough on them. too.  Didn’t stay to help build the New Order.”

“…And so…”

‘And so, young man, they were traitors to the cause.”

“The cause…”

“Yes.  The cause, of a better, more fair, world.”

“Run by….”

“What?  Run by?  Run by those who care about a better world.”  

“Our rightful masters.”

“Yes! - Wait - what?? No no!  By those trained for the job!  I don’t - that wasn’t - that must have come"

from somewhere else.

Discuss.  In the light of, oh, say, Red China’s tracking of its citizenry’s online habits; and if they stray too far afield from the accepted norm, or demonstrate some animosity towards their ‘rightful masters’ - even if just in questioning some policy or other - they can:-

be dropped from their schooling or lose their job and housing (all having been provided them by The State; and so ‘it’s only fair,’ you understand), and even be deprived of a few organs - for at least their value to The State - and then continued on their way into outright execution.  And to note how Google is now advising that State as to how to track even better such potential rebels to ‘the cause’.

The same way that it is doing in this country.  And including taking down outright any ‘offensive’ sites.

To save the citizenry from even exercising their free will to begin with.

He said, who has been deprived of his access to a particular site, of major educational value, via its having been summarily taken down.  On false pretenses.  And is mad as hell about it.

And is not going to take it any longer.

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