Wednesday, 24 October 2018

The Awakening

Amidst all the play-acting going on on the national and global stages, I see a world shortly at peace and in love.  How do we get there?   It's simple, basically.

All we have to do is act in alignment with the principle of Oneness, not the illusion of Separation.  Thus: As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.

1) We are aspects of One Mind, experiencing Itself through us, Its parts.  The Whole growing in consciousness by the Process.

2) 'Life runs by Laws.  One such  - and a very key one - is (what we already know, or at least have heard of) the Law of Karma.  Briefly:

If you kill someone, you will have to at-one for it in some way, and usually in your next life, after you have had your Life Review, and accepted what has to happen to you, to balance the scales of Justice.  (It may come about in the form of that soul killing you in your next incarnations; but there are many ways to balance the scales.  And move on.  Not to get stuck in the reincarnational merry-go-round.  And there is also the possible application of Grace, by the soul that you have done unfairly to.  Thus increasing the Love quotient of the mutual experience's outcome.)

3) We have been mesmerized by those who have chosen to tarry in 3D 'life' (as much as life in a school can be characterized by the word) by mindlessly buying into their concept of what is called usury - i.e., interest-bearing money (and its particularly pernicious form as fiat money, i.e, money not backed by anything but itself) - and its partner in crime, fractional-reserve banking.  This concept is keeping us separated from one another, and pitting us against one another; and thus exacerbating the illusory concept of Separation.

We Are All One.  In our essence.  As 'spiritual beings having a human experience' . And to move into that state of consciousness, of awareness, we will now have our 'economies' hydrated with sufficient monies to move Up a notch or two in our spiritual evolution.  But this New World cannot come about without our waking up to our true identities.

The 'Left' has tried to inculcate such values, but in the perverted fashion of a malevolent monarch, aka 'The People' - governed by a ruling class ruling with an iron fist, via the pernicious concept of Power Over Others.  (Or POO for short.)

It's time for our true Oneness to be made manifest on Earth.  As it is in Heaven.  Or to say, more accurately, the Heavens - the higher dimensions.

And just in time, it would appear.        

So, let's be about our better outcome  Just waiting for us to inherit it.

Once we wake up from the dream that we have been in, and taken for reality.

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