Sunday, 21 October 2018

On Living By Truth

On Setting The Record Straight - I

We think we know a lot, in our day and more advanced age than even the recent past.  But do we really?

We don’t even know for a verifiable fact if there ever was a real, historical Jesus. At least not as portrayed in the so-called New Testament.  Which, it would appear, from a closer reading of said historical record, was a ticket to a secure and cushy future primarily for a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus, who became an adopted member of the imperial household of the emperor Vespasian, for ‘services rendered’ to him, and to his eldest son Titus, the scourge of the Jews of the time for his siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there; portrayed by Josephus (and possibly with the help of others in that royal household, learned patricians that they were) in said collection of writings as the Son of Man as prophesied in Jewish literature, only as a chastiser of the Jews for being so stiff-necked as not to ‘render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s’ and obey the authority of Rome over them. in recognition of the facts of life of the day.  As portrayed by Josephus in the material he (largely) wrote, under the name of his alter ego, Saul become Paul.  Safe in the household of the emperor; along with other members of the priestly line of Jews, whom he was able to convince Vespasian to allow him to bring into that safety with him.  In order for them to ‘live to fight another day,’ after the madness of the Jewish Revolt against the might of Rome.1  And who then became the first bishops of the new, human purpose-driven religion of Christianity; and even some of the popes, as time went on.2

I say “At least not as portrayed in the so-called New Testament” because there is some evidence that Josephus concocted his messianic ‘prefiguring’ figure out of elements of a real historical Jesus, who was a (militaristic) leader of the Jewish Revolt, for having been a prince and then king of a people in northern Syria, emanating from its capital city of Edessa.  All as dealt with in the series of works on the subject of a remarkable research scholar by the name of Ralph Ellis; and especially as ‘wrapped up’ in his most recent book in the series, entitled ‘Jesus, King of Edessa’.   

Is this all the final word on the subject?  Don’t know.  All I know is that it pays to keep digging in the archeological and anthropological storehouses of our past, for the truth - and Truth - of the matter.  The matter, of our history on this planet.

And beyond.        

In any event: My advice is to read all the material referenced above.  And be appalled; especially you Christians.  And then own up to the very real possibility of the matter.  Of your religion being apocryphal.  

And then, get on with your lives.  In the Light of a, this, New Day.  Where Truth reigns on Earth, as it does in Heaven.  To say, in the higher realms, aka dimensions.  Of a creation far more elaborate than has been ‘dreamt of’ - portrayed - in your religious philosophy.   

And be wary of the cries to consider this all the work of ‘the anti-Christ’. That could be your last test.

Of whether you opt for fiction.

Or for Truth.  

As always:

Your choice.


1 a) There are an amazingly number of correlations between the historical experiences of Josephus and those assigned to his alter ego Paul, down to ’them’ both having been in a shipwreck, and being in Rome at the same time; and b) Josephus’s writings as the historian that he was were a clever complement to the story that he (and, as I say, possibly others of the imperial household) concocted, about a mild messianic figure back at the beginning of the generation that saw the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by Titus, which story was designed to admonish the Jews for being so unruly; an attitude fueled for the most part by their belief in a militaristic Messiah who would lead them to victory over their enemies (or ‘persecutors,’ depending on which side of the situation one takes).
Josephus was, then, just being realistic.  

2 Which is why the bishop of Rome become paramount: So that they could retain control over the  new religion.  And maintain it, by instituting the principle of chastity for the Church high authorities: So that authority would not become hereditary, would remain in their hands.
   (For all this, read: ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill, and ‘The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero.)
   (N.B The youngest son, Domitian, when he ascended to the throne, tried to carry on with the same idea, of being a/the Son of God (Vespasian).  But by then the religion had taken on a life of its own.  And the rest is history.  
   So to speak.) 


On Setting The Record Straight - II

I’m not sure why anybody is still going by the Constitution regarding any of its statutes these days.  It has been a dead letter (or wet noodle; take your pick) ever since the candidacy for and occupancy of the Oval Office of Barry - excuse me; of Barack Hussein Obama.  Why continue to go by it for anything??

His candidacy was a fraud and a farce.  Just like elections in general in this country.

‘If that is so about Obama, why didn’t the Republicans make something of it, huh?  Huh??’

I can hear how the meeting went now:

‘I have been instructed to tell you that we won’t say anything about your candidate if you won’t say anything about any of the er, similar candidates that we might put up for that office.’

‘Like, say, Arnold?’

‘We don’t want to get into specifics.  Is it a deal?’


And so it was. 

(Time passes…)

‘We can’t rock the boat now.  Can you imagine what would happen in the inner cities all over the country if we blew the whistle now?’

Ladies and gentlemen of the Establishment in this country:

I am here to tell you that I don’t care if the candidate for or past occupant of that office is black, brown, red, green or blue: If he - or she -  is ineligible for that particular office, that is the fact.  Period.  

Their candidacy, or term(s)?:


For, we will live by the rule of law in this country.  Or we will die by suicide.

Take your pick.

Me?  I take not only the complete cancellation of the two terms of office of the Usurper.  (Which includes all of the legislation that he illegally signed into law, and all of the E.O.s and P.D.s that he illegally issued, and all of the appointments that he illegally made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts.)  But the bringing to trial - in a real, American Common Law court of law; no longer the Admiralty Law that has been in use in this country surreptitiously - of both major political parties, for obvious collusion in the illegal candidacy for and subsequent occupancy of the Oval Office by the non-natural born BHO; and, upon conviction, the jailing of their officials, the fining of the political parties, and their dissolving, under RICO statutes, as being criminal enterprises;  

the dissolving of the U.S. Congress itself, for being fatally corrupt, including failing to exercise its responsibility in reining in an out-of-Constitutional control executive;

and the wholesale setting to rights of the political processes in this country, including a major clean of the Electoral processes, and with new elections to be held within 120 days of the establishment of this

New Order of Things.

End of story.

Beginning of another.

Under the banner - the unalterable banner - 

of Truth.

It may take some getting used to living by Truth.  But since it is part of our, er, constitution, we can do it.

Some of us.

The rest of us??  Well -

Hasta la vista, baby!

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