With my landlord/lady raising the rent again, for the second time in six years (I guess that’s fair enough), and living, in my retirement years, on the basic S.S. as I am, with a modest nest egg of savings to spare (for my potential medical needs, and end-of-life care. Presumably), I have had to cut off completely now my financial contributions to a multitude of worthy causes. (I never KNEW there were so many ‘worthy causes’ going on in my home country, let alone in the world at large.) So I have been spending quite a bit of time lately going through my daily ‘dig’ of snail mail, checking out whether or not they have enclosed a postage-paid return envelope, and writing a brief note to those who have, ending with the request for them to take me off their mailing list.1 It has all reminded me of my down-and-out days in New York City, lo, those many years ago now…
After a ‘spiritual experience’ I had one evening I dropped out of university - in northern California; upstate from my home town here in Southern California (we, being a people unto ourselves, capitalize both words. It is not just a matter of geography. It is a matter of identity) - in the beginning of The Summer of '55, and headed for where I had figured there would be ‘the biggest public library in the Western world’: New York City. Until my meager ‘income’ - a monthly payment from the will of my recently-deceased father;2 to be used for my ‘education’. And it was doing so; just in another context than school - ran out and I had to get a job, I spent the little money I had, besides on a very cheap hotel room - just off Times Square (in the ragged and rugged heart of the City; on the West Side of its chest, near the seedy artery of 42nd Street) - on an occasional movie, when I wasn’t over at the Main Public Library, deeply engrossed in my search for Answers to Life. All the world religions; History;3 philosophy; Theosophy; Spiritualism (ghosts); ESP/Edgar Cayce; even UFOs - you name it, I read it, circa mid-’50s. And another break from my ‘studies’ was to go down to The Battery - at the southernmost tip of Manhattan - and take the ferry over to Staten Island and back. At 25 cents a pop, and with the (somewhat) fresh salt air in my face standing in the bow of the boat, and the view of the Statue of Liberty lighting my way, I learned how to appreciate the little things in life.4
Not that being poor is some sort of badge of honor. But to have been there, is worth the price of admission. As they say…
But not to worry - the GCR/RV is just about to kick in. Or so they say. (And have been saying for quite a while, now.) And so everything - presumably - will change in a major way, on old Planet Earth.
Have you heard of that? It stands for Global Currency Reset/ReVal(uation). According to The Story, the world is going to go off the Central Bank/fiat money system, and go back to currencies pegged to precious metals, esp, gold, and/or to a basket of currencies based on their nation’s resources. Presumably, people who have invested in a number of foreign paper currencies - Zimbabwe, Iraq, Vietnam among them - are going to see their investments pay off very handsomely indeed, with some becoming trillionaires, or more. We will, of course, see. That; or they can always stoke their fireplaces with it, or use it for wallpaper.
What do I actually think about all this?? I actually think it’s a good idea. It makes sense for a nation’s currency to reflect its resources, both physically and in its citizens’ resource-fulness. And it definitely does not make sense for a nation to go to a fiat currency system, wherein and whereby it is based purely on ‘a promise to pay’ - in money that loses its value over time, with no check on its creation (out of thin air), so that it becomes worth less and worth less until it becomes worthless.5 So, we need - have needed - such a Resetting. And especially now that we are entering a New Era. In which we soon will need paper currency no longer; just an electronic system of credits and debits. When we can trust those who are in a position to operate the New System.
Which will require us to move consciously Up into said New Era, based on Truth. Falsehood no more. The Falsehood that life has no meaning beyond just in and for itself only.
In the meantime, I will have to stop financially supporting all these worthy causes that I have been involved in contributing to. A shame.
But hopefully,
it’s that
1 It has had to include those outfits who have sent me an unsolicited calendar for the new year. All of which - big and little cats, dogs, horses, donkeys, nature photos, ‘life’ photos, classic paintings, patriotic themes - have gone to a worthy cause of my own, in the form of the Main Public Library in town. Many of which pictures and photos have already been used for display purposes there. So, they have had a good, valuable ‘landing,’ after all.
2 no part of my growing-up, my mother having divorced him back when I was still in diapers. But trying to insinuate himself into my life (and that of my brother, three years older than I) periodically. Another story
3 In that area of investigation I ‘discovered’ how the Sumerians had indicated their Great Gods with a star over their image imprinted on their cuneiform tablets. That was particularly intriguing. Fortunately, ‘in our day’ that has become more clear.
4 The Staten island Ferry then was in its way much like the Free Shuttle buses in the downtown area of Long Beach today, that take people to the Queen Mary and tourist points in the harbor part of town (known as the Shoreline Village, with many tony shops and restaurants). As a tourist treat, it could be worse. Very accommodating. Oh - and a new feature of our downtown life (besides the rental bicycles found stationed all around the area; somewhat in competition with all the skateboarders in town) are electric scooters, scattered all over the place; available for a dollar minimum, that one. Not a bad town, this. Except for its being a Sanctuary City.
4 The Staten island Ferry then was in its way much like the Free Shuttle buses in the downtown area of Long Beach today, that take people to the Queen Mary and tourist points in the harbor part of town (known as the Shoreline Village, with many tony shops and restaurants). As a tourist treat, it could be worse. Very accommodating. Oh - and a new feature of our downtown life (besides the rental bicycles found stationed all around the area; somewhat in competition with all the skateboarders in town) are electric scooters, scattered all over the place; available for a dollar minimum, that one. Not a bad town, this. Except for its being a Sanctuary City.
But to continue.
5 Which is what has happened to the U.S. ‘dollar’. I understand that it is now ‘worth’ about 97% of what it was worth in 1913, when this whole heist began, with first the establishment of the - private - Federal Reserve, and then, right on its heels, the Income Tax Amendment to the Constitution, to pay for the resulting bonanza. For said private entities, and other bankers behind the scam.. But to continue.
But P.S. right here: I put the word ‘dollar’ in quote marks because it is not really a dollar. It is simply a piece of paper called a Federal Reserve note, with a promise to pay in itself. No longer in a certain amount of gold or silver. A true dollar has a legal definition, of being worth a certain amount of silver.
I found all this out back in the mid-‘70s, when I began investigating all this funny-money business, based on Pres. Nixon taking us off any system of gold backing to our currency left since FDR’s day, and discovered an ‘underground’ of people who had already done a lot of research on the matter, and were refusing to pay any Income tax, based on not having been paid in real U.S. dollars, and so not having real income to tax. Tit for tat. I was preparing my case for if/when I was taken to court for refusing to pay into the scheme’s account (having stamped my paychecks with a statement that I had not been paid in dollars pursuant to such-and-such a section of the U.S. Code), when Providence or whatever intervened, in the form of my finding out about a spiritual community in the north of Scotland that intrigued me sufficiently to go off there, and live there for the next chapter of my life. And, upon returning to my old home town olive out my retirement life in the sun, I have found my home country deep into the debt trap that was set for it at least back in 1913; though really well before then. But, as I say…
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