Saturday, 27 October 2018

The New Order Of Things

The Left has gone absolutely bonkers over the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the highest judicial bench in the land, and especially its female contingent.  They have been led to believe - and even to fear - that he and the newly-configured SCOTUS will overturn Roe.  

Let’s look at that.

It all comes down, now, to the issue of precedent, ‘settled law’ — ak legalistically as stare decisis.  The majority decision in Roe set a precedent, for decisions based, not on the ‘rule of law’ - that is, our courts making decisions based on an interpretation of the intent of the Constitution’s declarations (as with a contract)  - but on a glaring example of ‘judicial activism’ - decisions based on the majority judges’ personal socio-political proclivities, in considering the Constitution as merely a guideline, a - to quote these judicial activists and their citizen cohorts, and to reference their attitude towards it, as a  - ‘living document’.1

What rot.  That opens a nation up to 'the rule  of men'.  Aka arbitrary law.  Aka tyranny. 

The bottom line:

The Left is and has been functioning under the ‘principle’ that the end justifies the means.  (Any and all means.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Even kill. To accomplish your end.  Right, Hillary??)  This philosophy is corrupt to its core.  It may be ‘Realpolitik’ to some.  But it is corruption to most; and to all right-thinking persons.  And it wilt not stand, in the Light of Truth, and the New Order of Things.

So, let’s look at Roe in that light.  

First of all, Roe was unconstitutional, in making a decision that correctly, in our federal form of government and under its Constitution, resides in the several states.  (See the 9th and 10th Amendments for crystal clarity on the issues.)  It was no rightful business of the federal government to get involved in such matters.  Under the ‘due process clause’ of the 14th Amendment - which was the basis for that decision - a state cannot be arbitrary in its dealings with its citizens, must deal with them all equally under their laws (including the newly franchised blacks).  That is all that it says, or was meant to say.2 

Next; if you want to look at the subject from a centrist point of view:   

1) No female should have to bear to term the baby of her rapist (or a terribly deformed fetus).  No female should have to bear that indignity, after violence has been visited upon her.  But as for the mentality of a simple case of abortion out of inconvenience??  No female with that level of consciousness will be in the New Order of Things anyway.  And the same for any male who would think to engage in rape.  (Or rapine, for that matter.)  So the subject is a non-issue.            

2) And to clarify: There will be no federal form of government in the New Order of Things.  The so-called kingdom of Heaven - the next level up in consciousness, and all of the levels succeeding it - is of a piece.

And that is what we are about to inherit.

Those of us who are ready to graduate, step over that threshold. 

As for the rest of us: They will have their place, to continue with the reality - the fact - that life has meaning, beyond just in and for itself only.  And that that life is a school, the purpose of which is to graduate.  With their graduation, out of the lowest, 3D, grade, having to wait.  

With it all depending on them. 

So: Their choice.  While the rest of us - via graduation - get on with the work at hand:

of filling our new classroom with Love in Action.


1 Judge Kavanaugh has said that he respects precedent; but he has also come out in support of a ruling in1997 whereby the SCOTUS, under its Chief Justice at the time, William Rehnquist, came up with a ruling that - 
   well, I will let Judge Kavanaugh tell his take on it in his own words (this, from the October 8 issue of The New American biweekly magazine, and a speech that the judge made to the American Enterprise Institute):    
   “[In the1997 decision, CJ Rehnquist] was successful in stemming the general tide of free willing [this has to be “free wheeling’] judicial creation of unenumerated rights that were not rooted in the nation’s history and tradition.  [The 1997 case] stands to this day as an important precedent, limiting the Court’s role in the realm of social policy and helping to ensure that the Court operates more as a court of law and less as an institution of social policy.” 
   Oh, horrors! say the Left…

2 The 14th absolutely did not say, in effect, ‘The rights and powers formerly reserved to the States or to the people shall now reside in the federal government.’  Except as centralists would try to make it say..
   And if our schools had done a better job of teaching our young about our form of government, such miscreants would never have gotten away with their chicanery in this terribly important matter - terribly important, to a nation of laws.
   And learning to live by Law.


.PS. As to lagal questions (in the meantime); this:

from ‘ Every Single Vote In California Should Be Rendered Invalid Because Of This’ - Tim Brown - October 26-7
(An excellent article on the legal issues regarding voting in this country, and pointing out how San Fran is now officially allowing illegal aliens and other non-citizens to vote in their school board elections.)

PurpleRocket - October 28

Thanks for this article, Tim.  When I returned to my home state of CA after living abroad for many years, I was appalled that they didn't require me to prove who I was at the polling place (even when photo ID cards are easily obtainable here, via the Motor Vehicles offices).  The more I looked into the matter here, the madder I got.  They don't clean the voter reg rolls because "people commit perjury if they are ineligible" - as if that alone is enough of a deterrent, and esp. when the state govt. goes out of its way to entice illegal aliens to get on the voter reg rolls, by automatically registering them when they obtain or renew a driver's license, and now they have even made it specifically legal for illegal aliens to obtain one.  

To vote in this state is to commit a crime.  More specifically, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting here is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce; a delusion, an illusion.  I am waiting for the federal govt. to come into this state and CLEAN HOUSE.  Impound  all the Voter Reg Rolls and submit them all to the scrutiny of a team of CPAs, and arrest the Sec of State and the Governor, with whom the buck stops.  And I MEAN IT.

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