I received my monthly copy of the Media Research Center’s ‘Watchdog’ newsletter today. It was about all I could take. The lead article was full of vile, reprehensible things that the MSM has said about Pres. Trump, from the very beginning - and when he fights back, and calls them on their ’fake news,’ they get all indignantly hot under the collar, and accuse him of the likes of creating “dangerous consequences” for their, er, reporters.1
They can attack him - unmercifully - but he can’t fight back??
Bull. Shit.
And how is it that CNN is still in business, anyway? I remember distinctly when their war correspondent pretended to be reporting from a housetop in Tel Aviv under Scud missile attack during the first Gulf War, to the point of hurriedly donning a gas mask when a warning alert sounded off-camera, causing a stagehand at the same time to hand a metal helmet to the guy whom their correspondent was interviewing at the time, before the All-Clear sounded. A close one, that…all the way over to a sound stage in Florida or Georgia, I forget which it was that the story finally came out about. And they have engaged in other, similar con jobs since then. How much of this sort of phony news - news as entertainment - is the public supposed to take, before it stops watching the nefarious likes of CNN???
And it’s all much like this current Judge Kavanaugh thing. I don’t happen to support him for the SCOTUS. He has too much of a leaning towards ‘settled law ‘ - stare decisis - and for an ‘imperial executive’ (allowing Pres. George W. his so-called Patriot Act) to my taste.2 But something is going on here, that I will not support even more. He can be attacked, to the detriment of his reputation and his family, but if he decides to fight back, for it all having gone too far, he is then attacked by these same jackals for not having a proper ‘judicial demeanor’??
As I say…
Let’s get real, folks. This country is under attack, by homegrown terrorists, in the form of the MSM, much of our education institution (there’s that ‘the long march through the institutions’ thing), and of our political arena, both elected representatives and bureaucracy, and including those players in this drama who have insinuated themselves - and been insinuated - into positions of responsibility over our electoral systems. And ‘they’ were so close to victory, with their witch (literally) Hillary, they could taste it - before The Donald came along and rained on their parade into their totalitarian New World Order. Because if our erstwhile masters can arrange economic matters sufficiently, and indoctrinate our youth sufficiently, to seduce enough people into being dependent on the government for their food and rent and health care, they’ve gotcha.
And that would not be a pretty sight to see. Much like the aftermath of the Bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917. It’s called - with good reason - The Terror.
And I’m not about to see that happen to this, my home country.
And I urge you, dear Reader, to make the same claim to this country, too.
The land of the free, and the home of the brave.
Well. We’ll see about that. Won’t we.
And any day now.
1 And “Not to be outdone, MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch lectured that Trump displays ‘so many of the traits of a sociopath,’ people who are ‘professional liars.’” Right. Like that habitual, if not outright compulsive, if not downright pathological, liar and serial criminal, Hillary Clinton.
But not so’s the MSM has noticed. Funny, that.
2 His thinking on the Patriot Act business - giving the 'unitary' executive imperial authority - is presumably based on the fact that the country is under ‘a state of national emergency’ because of 9/11. But that situation should have been revisited - instead of being built on, with the so-called War on Terror - and the country coming out from under said state of being.
To build on it - with one ‘thing’ leading to another - is not only to make a fundamental error, federal constitutional republic-wise. But is to play right into the hands of those vermin who were behind the 9/11 atrocity, and so much else, that is leading this nation into their trap. For it. And for All good men and women, who desperately, now, need to come to the aid of their country.
P.S. from goldenageofgaia.com: ‘Crackers on Graham?’ - Steve Beckow - October 3
(A few days ago, Steve B., the ‘honcho’ of this site, came out, amazingly I thought, in support of Sen. Graham’s rousing defense of Judge Kavanaugh, in questioning Prof. Ford’s testimony and background (he knew at that point that she had some connection with the CIA, and figured that they were up to tricks, in attempting to block the judge’s nomination to the SCOTUS for their devious purposes). As a result, he was roundly criticized by many of his ‘spiritual’ audience, who have blithely taken Prof. Ford’s side in the matter, because of wanting to support sexual-assault victims, etc. etc. (the liberal pov, down the line). He basically apologized, but mostly to acknowledge that he didn’t have all the info, about the two in the ring and Sen. Graham, and thanked his audience for letting him know more. But - good for him - he still stuck with his concerns regarding Prof. Ford’s relationship with the CIA.
I threw a comment in, here at the end, just to give him some support. More people need to wake up as to what is REALLY going on in this troubled old world. Getting read for
The New.)
The New.)
Dear Steve:
Briefly: Just to let you know that I appreciated your willingness to go against the tide and realize that there was something 'wrong' with Prof. (not Dr.) Ford's testimony. Many of those who posted to you in anger, etc. have apparently not kept up with all that is coming out regarding Prof. Ford's testimony, and her background. (Selective vision?) I realize that you are staying out of the 'arena' now, but I just wanted you to know that you do not really have anything to apologize for, although you have a good point about staying out of a 'fight' if you are not willing to engage in it all the way. But definitely; as they say: Watch this space.
And keep up the good work.
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