Saturday, 20 October 2018

On The Accusation Of Being "Biased'

I woke up today incensed.  In a state of inchoate incandescence.  It was like having experienced the loss of my voice.  

Part of this sense of outrage has to do with the current censoring of ‘conservative’ thought going on on our social media by its arrogant overlords; and with the near-monopoly of the far Left over our Mainstream Media.  But it was due to more than that.  It was due, I am certain, to finally owning how angry I am to have been deprived of one thing in particular, dear to a sovereign human being.

To have my vote have any meaningful difference in the scheme of things.

Especially in my county of Los Angeles, I have been deprived of a vote of any real meaning, from the tsunami of illegal aliens and other non-citizens into this county and state, urged by the Democrat-controlled legislature and governor to get out of the shadows and VOTE.

Besides just my personal sense of having been disenfranchised - of having lost my voice in matters of life impinging on me -  it is all an insult to all the American men and women who have bled and died for this country over the whole of its history, as a republic functioning under the rule of law - its Constitution.  Which has become, in the hands of political termites, just as meaningless as my personal vote, and voice.

What kicked this whole thing, this whole train of thinking, off?  For I have existed in this space of feeling a sense of helplessness, as regards the voting issue, for some time now.  Ah:

got it.

I have been accused of being “biased” when I rose to the defense of Pres. Trump against the artful and mostly knowingly cynical application of various demonizing words employed incessantly against him by those who are trying to bring him and his administration down ‘by any means possible,’ because he and it stand in the way of the erection of their totalitarian New World Order.  

Yes, I admit: I am biased, alright.  I am biased towards the truth of things.  And against the employment of the Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ ‘principles’ of the likes of By Any Means Necessary.  Whatever It Takes.  To accomplish your ends.  Lie, cheat, steal. Kill, even.  To accomplish your goal.  Because there are no absolutes.  Everything is relative.  And so, it is all relative to your cause.  In this case, the establishment on the ruins of the former U.S.A. of a clone of Communist China.  Complete with surveillance-state techniques, for the detection of palpable and potential insurrection, and the elimination of ‘dissension’ in general.  Dissenters to the, er, absolute rule of the State over them.  But not before relieving them of their useful organs.  

The only ‘organs’ to be allowed to exist being those dutifully dedicated to the service of the Almighty.  State, that is to say.  

I say Bah.        

And I say further: Not here.  Not in this country; and not in place of this country, you don’t. 

A country which at its best (and what sense does it make to throw the baby out with the bathwater??) is a ‘shining city on a hill’ - is a beacon of light to the world, standing for the dignity of the individual, as over and against the power of the state to run roughshod over the individual.

Take your boot off my neck.  Or I will bite your ankle, until you do so.*  For, I am a child of God.  And I will be heard, in all things that our erstwhile masters have created, in their incessant pursuit of Power.  Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.

Got it, you rebels to your Creator?  Your day in the sun 

is done.  Finished.  Over.  It’s time - and Time - for Truth to take over, on this poorly put-upon planet.  As we, its inhabitants, move Up (with it) a notch, in consciousness.  Closer.  To Home

again.  The richer - in the Point of it all: Consciousness-raising - for the experience.  

And the long wait for that payoff now over.  As long as we adhere to the Truth of things.  Not untruth.

And so, Yes, indeed: I am biased.  And I am going to make something of it.  In concert with like-minded others:

a New World.  More fitting than its Dark, reverse image, contemplated by the Rebels.

One as an expression of our gratitude to our Creator, for life with meaning.  With, that is to say, a Point to it all.  Back.  Into a state of Oneness, alright.  But  

the Right Way.       

* This rather expressive imagery is from Gary Allen, author of a number of excellent books on the NWO crowd (’None Dare Call It Conspiracy,’ ’The Rockefeller File,’ etc.).  He was, not so incidentally, a schoolmate of mine, at Stanford, in the class two years behind mine.  I didn’t know it at the time, finding this out many years later, when I attended a lecture of his, in Oakland.  As he told the story (not then; in one of his books): He was challenged one day at school by a classmate to look into reports reaching the public by then of a Cabal of big movers and shakers behind so much of what was and is and has been going on in the world for so long, and one thing led to another for him - and us - in his production of a number of important books on the matter.
   He found and used his voice well.
   Well done, Gary.
   (And I see, via Wikipedia, that you died here in my home town of Long Beach, in 1986.
   May I, in my somewhat smaller way, pick up the baton.)


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