Friday, 26 October 2018

'Western Civ - Ugh.'??

We hear a lot from the youngsters amongst us, fresh from their indoctrination in so many of our colleges and universities, and for many years thereafter, so successful has been said indoctrination, about that ‘evil’ Western Civilization.  Come again?  What can that be about??  Besides said civilization having been crafted and built largely by white males, labeled these revolutionary days ‘white male supremacists’ as part of, but not the whole of, the story.

As near as I understand the Western Civ term (particularly from back when I was in university, and the subject was a prerequisite for incoming freshmen.  Alas, no longer.  Curious, that.  And also obviously part of this story.  But to continue), ‘Western civilization’ is essentially about Liberty - the primacy of the individual.  The freedom of the individual from the oppressive power of the state to control him to within an inch of his life, and if he were to misbehave, simply to have the state take his life, no questions asked, or entertained.1  Because why?  

Because the state has become God.  (Nature abhorring a vacuum, and all.)  In the absence of God.  Or to say, more precisely: In the contrived absence of God.  In the ignoring of God.

By individuals - apprentice gods; in the likeness of God; gods in the making - who don’t want to have to ’earn their wings,’ want simply to jump ahead to the graduation ceremony and declaim ‘I am God!  Obey me!’  To all who are willing, or not, to make the mistake of doing so.

As do totalitarian statists, and their relatively mindless subjects.

Sometimes whole peoples can make that mistake.  Take the Jews.  Please.  (As one of their tribe, an excellent violinist and comedian, was wont to say, as part of his shtick.)  

I will make something completely clear, here at the outset of my essay on this subject. 

A lot can be forgiven the Jews with the likes of J.D. Salinger amongst their numbers.  And all the Nobel Prize winners; far more than their percentile in the population would account for, strictly on the ‘merit’ of such percentages.  (Question: Should Nobel Prize awardees be ‘assigned’ based strictly on population percentile??  What say you, you erstwhile people controllers???)  And, as not all blacks are communists, neither are all Jews.  But ‘the Jews’ are present in the numbers of communists far above their percentile in and of the population at large accounts for.  Precisely as occurred in the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, amongst the Bolsheviks.  Who won the day; and then proceeded, in the following years, to ‘consolidate their gains' - i.e., to kill off their enemies. The latter being what could have been considered in those days ‘white supremacists’.  All, for the sake of ‘international socialism’.  With the Jews at the top of the pecking order  Until they weren’t.2.     
And speaking of the Bolsheviks…

Ever wonder why so many Jews were involved in the demonstrations against the Vietnam War?  Because the U.S. was on the wrong side of that war.  To them  Many of them being outright Communists, and others definitely fellow travelers to that ‘cause’.3  

This is all by way of preparation of the American public for what many of them already know (courtesy of the Alternative Media): that behind 9/11 was not Osama bin Laden with 19 Arabs armed with boxcutters. But mostly Mossad; and American NeoCons (in the Bush W. administration), who are mostly (dual-citizen) Jews, wanting an America strong militarily in order to aid Israel in its desire for hegemony in the Middle East (and its dream of an Eretz israel - a Greater Israel), but not so strong as to be able to overcome a pincer move on the continental U.S., not only via landings on its coasts and invasion from both its southern and northern borders (designed to split the ‘continent’ in two, at the Mississippi); but insurrection and sabotage from within, both by foreign implants (think ISIS.  Many of whom are actually Israelis, or at least mercenaries thereof) and domestic ‘irregulars’ - traitors.  Some of them from minority groups radicalized largely by the Jews, but some of them outright members of ‘the Tribe’.

Why?  For control, not just of this (former) nation (with its 'white supremacist Founding Fathers').  But the whole world.  By ‘communists’.  Who are the foot soldiers for the real Powers behind this scenario:

Off-world entities working through the faux Chosen People. The latter lusting after said power.  Finally to do in their enemies, in a big way.  In a final way.

Their own Final Solution.

And thus their attempts not to be identified with ‘the whites,’ in the racial war that they have helped to foment, and with the ‘white supremacists’ running things in Western civilization.  And having a hard time with that little wrinkle in their best-laid plans, for their home country’s treatment of the Palestinians, and getting called on it, from their own ranks..  But not to worry.  That’s just a ‘detail’ that they have figured to work out later.  After The Revolution.

Um - excuse me.  Hello?  We’ve already had a revolution in, and for, this country.  Thanks all the same.  If it’s all the same to you, we’ll get on with our lives in this free country.  Now, I understand that ‘freedom’ - the concept of essential liberty - can be a bit rough going sometimes.  But that’’s free will for you.  It will all work out in the end.  

It really will.  Trust The Plan.  Because, you see, 

a) there is a Plan; because      

b) there is a God.  

Just not the one that you believe in.  Apparently.  For the quality of your dealings with others.  By and large.  In any event; and in the meantime - for your coming around to the real Plan for humanity - 

take your boot off my neck.

Or I will bite your ankle.   

Oh - and as you do:  

Stop with the likes of the Talmud-condoning of pedophilia.

There will be none of that sort of childhood-robbing behavior going on in the New World a’borning.

As we speak. 


For now.  

And as for the drinking of terrorized-children’s blood:



1 Ah - and now, in our day, as pioneered by the Communist China such state, to harvest their organs first.  Clever, these Orientals.
   And while I’m on the subject of political incorrectness (on purpose), a word about my use of the term ‘his’ in denoting the individual: It is not simply for simplicity of expression.  But to poke the Politically Correct behemoth in the eye, and especially in the context of this blog.  
   Deal with it.  You are always, of course, free to not read this offering.  So far, at least, in this nation under attack, by the statists amongst us.  
   And infiltrating us as we speak. 

2 To clarify: Most Western Jews are not Jews by blood but by conversion, of the Middle Ages’ state of Khazaria (roughly where Ukraine is today) en masse by their king, under pressure by their neighbors, both east and west, to stop their corrupt behavior, particularly involving travelers trying to go through their area without being robbed, and worse.  Their neighbors wanted them to ‘get ahold of yourselves,’ and, to do so, asked them - instructed them - to pick one of the religions of The Book  and start behaving in a civilized manner.  Their king picked Judaism - and lo, a People was born.  (Aka Ashkenazim.)  
   It is not known if the king chose that religion of the ones ‘offered’ them because of the Jewish belief in being God’s Chosen People, and thus capable of being interpreted as not to be denied whatever they wanted.  But it certainly fit their mentality of the time.  And ours.
   And now, here we are, in our even more civilized time (ahem), with a prominent Christian ‘ministry’ to the Jews declaiming in their donation-requesting literature ‘Israel is being pressured to give up even more of the land promised to her in the Bible.  Enough is enough..’

3 Remember, or recall reading about, the Kent State shooting of anti-war ’students’?  And how that was played up big by the media (even of that time), as ‘They’re killing our own children!’??  How many of you ever heard about the little fact that those ‘students’ in that pod (causing mayhem so bad that the National Guard soldiers finally had had enough, unfortunately) were all Jews??  And not even from that college.  But outsiders, bused in, to help foment disruption.
   That’s what they do.  As part of their attempts to take over.  Chaos bringing Opportunty.  (And remember Rahm Emanuel’s quote on camera, about how ‘You never want to let a good crisis go to waste’??…)    
   Welcome to (part of) the Deep State  Controlled by what has been called the Khazarian mafia.  Aka Rothschild Zionists.  Not true, Orthodox Jews.  There is a difference.

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