A mailing from an outfit wanting to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day next summer has brought back memories. As a ten-year-old lad living in Southern California, I distinctly remember following the course of the invasion of Europe by the Allies from their landing at Normandy across the large map of Europe spread out daily on my front room carpet to final victory on V-E Day almost precisely a year later. And then how I happened to be up in the Bay Area the next month, spending the summer at my (long-absent, via parental divorce) father’s, and sat on the curb on the main street in San Francisco watching the parade of national potentates going to the meeting to create the UN, and hopefully thereby end war for all time. Yeah, right…
War wilt not end until two conditions are met, by humanity. One: Until we acknowledge - really grok - that We Are All One, in our essence. Chips off the same block. And that wilt not happen until we stop competing with one another in our various nations, and start cooperating with one another, in common pursuit of creating a One World Order. Just not the one long planned for us by our erstwhile masters. (Where everybody is equal, except some are more equal than others.) They have had the general idea. Just the reverse image of
the Real Thing.
Which process is how these things unfold.
And which brings up the second condition. Which is
The system thereof. Of exchange. Of sharing goods and services with one another, on this lovely planet, not doing so well right now by its inhabitants. Because of one idea, one concept, above all others:
Profit. And the making thereof.
I have recently finished reading a remarkable novel by a remarkable woman with a prodigious talent, Taylor Caldwell(1) - title of ‘Captains And The Kings’ - in which she had one of her (more realist) characters say:
“(P)rofits are what make civilization possible.”
Well; yes. To some extent. That system has, indeed, built the civilization that we are in right now. But it is but one way of ‘creating civilization’. As the socialists and communists have attempted to get humanity to look at. (With the idea of ‘producing for use and not for profit’.) But they have gone about ‘the matter’ the wrong way. Or at least, a wrong way. The way of Force. Terror. Of Power Over Others. (POO for short.) Rather than of Power With, and Within.
But that figures. Because atheistic communism/collectivism/statism/Technocracy is not the ultimate way of the future. It is - was - but part of The Process. Of unfolding us to where we are now:
on the verge of Abundance (and therefore Game Change). Why? Because there is far more gold in the world than we have been led to believe; enough for everyone in the world to live a comfortable life. As we get on with building our New World. Based, not on the concept of 'profit'. But on a higher motive for human activity (and ingenuity):
Gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Based on, in a word:
Gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Based on, in a word:
Which brings me to my final point for this particular post.
Our erstwhile masters - the New World Order crowd - initiated the flooding into ‘the West’ of refugees (and immigrants in general), in particular Muslims, on purpose. That being, to break down the established order of the West. Western Civilization itself. Which is basically Judeo-Christian in character, and principles. And they have used Islam as a battering ram for that purpose. (And plan to take over the resulting Chaos from them later on.) So, we have been, and are, up against, not just atheists. (Actually: Satanists. But that’s another subject in itself.) But believers in a religion. And very ‘true believers’ at that. Who are totalitarians in nature. And would force everyone to toe their line. Or be beheaded, and otherwise subjected to their rule.(2)
Which is simply another form of ‘the problem’. Not part of the solution.
The solution, to where we are now on planet Earth, is to go Up. In knowledge. And awareness. (To say, in a word: Consciousness.)
Which is also known as Ascension.
Which requires, not religion.
But spirituality.
In a word:
In a word:
Be Prepared. Your life - and the lives of all of us - depends on it.
(1) She wrote a novel at the age of twelve that was far beyond a ’normal’ twelve-year-old’s ability. It set up the later fact that she has had intimations of past lives. We are talking the subject of reincarnation. Which figures into this whole subject area.
But to continue, with the thread from where I was unfolding it.
(2) As a mailing that I have just received, from an outfit called Secure Freedom, pus it, in summary:
* “Many people are not aware that adherents to Islam’s Sharia are not like the faithful of other religions. After all, Sharia requires its followers to engage in Jihad (holy war) to force the whole world to submit to their dictates.
* “Even those we would consider to be ‘good’ Muslims - namley peaceful, law-abiding ones who are loyal to our Constitution - are subjected to intense coercion by dangerous groups like the Muslim Brotherhood to join them in conforming to Sharia and its supremacist dictates.
* “Such Islamists are cleverly using our own 1st Amendment rights to establish and proliferate so-called ‘Islamic Societies’ and ‘Islamic Centers’ here in our country, that in reality are Muslim Brotherhood-dominated, Sharia-adherent mosques that stealthily advance ‘Jihad’ against America.
* “In a tradition dating back to Mohammed’s time, such mosques have even provided facilities for recruiting, indoctrinating and training terrorists willing to kill themselves as well as others in the Sharia-mandated quest for world dominance and power…” (Emphases in original)
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