(I have been having major trouble with my computer and haven’t been able to access my blog site - and often, nor the Internet itself - since Thursday eve. (It’s like my machine has Alzheimer’s, strangely with periodically lucid moments. Very curious.) Somehow I made it through onto the Internet this evening, albeit hit-and-miss. Hence this late posting of a blog that I wrote for Thursday night. The info/perspective is still relevant:)
I see that the Congresspersons elected under such hazardous conditions in the 2016 elections were allowed to take their oaths of office today.
Hazardous. As in, for the life of the nation. Under which conditions of corruption, this nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, cannot long endure.
I refer of course to the reports of widespread voter and electoral fraud that took place; and much of which was reportedly monitored by the Trump administration. Why he hasn’t acted on that evidence, and made moves to counter the fraud (he has the constitutional power to do so), I don’t know. But he needs to act fast, to take this nation out of its tailspin into the mud. Or our golden chances will have passed us by, as the enemies of this country consolidate their power.
‘Us’: American patriots, on both sides the political aisle. Standing for the principles that this nation stands for.
Or at least, used to stand for.
Nowadays it appears to stand for corruption, and at the highest levels of its government.
Sow the wind. Reap the whirlwind.
And taking an oath of office? You’ve got to be kidding. That’s an act of mere lip service, under these sorts of conditions. Do anything. Say anything. Whatever It Takes. To accomplish your end.
In this case?
The taking down of a nation.
And not just any old nation.
But the main stumbling block, on your way to global hegemony.
A totalitarian state ruling over the whole world. With a whip.
The New World Order it is called.
I call it evil.
The precise opposite of ‘live’.
To live. As in under divine administration.
The Light winning out over its Shadow.
At long last.
But not the way that we are going, right now.
With seemingly timid souls at the helm of this ship of state.
Which description certainly doesn’t fit The Donald. So - question mark?
Maybe he’s getting bum advice.
Time to clean out his personal stable, too???
And thereby create a better day for democracy, than is being afforded it right at the moment.
The Voice of The People to be honored.
Living to their highest potential.
As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.
And right now, having a particularly hard time of it…
Come on, those of you who incarnated at this time for this purpose, and have awakened or are awakening to it.
Let’s see your best shot at the matter.
The matter
of our future on this golden planet.
Under new management.
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