Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Close - But No Cigar

I see that Judicial Watch's honcho Tom Fitton has come out with a YT video titled 'L.A. County Agrees to Remove Up To 1.5 Million Inactive Voters From Voter Rolls,' and is hailing that a success.

Hey Tom - It's not the Inactive voters you should have been going after.  (I am one of them, for the reason behind all this 'Election Integrity' stuff.)  It's the illegal voters - illegal aliens and other non-citizens voting, dead voters, duplicate voters - all of whose names are on the rolls illegally, and under whose names votes are cast.  But at least this move is a start to clean the Voter Reg Rolls in this state.  And, hopefully, others following (law) suit.

For information's sake: It is a crime to vote in this state.  More precisely: It is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting in this state is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce.  A delusion; an illusion.  When I called the L.A. County Voters Registration Office a few years ago to inquire as to what they do regarding cleaning their Voter Reg rolls (because I was not asked for any ID when I went in to vote, and refused to vote under those crime-inducing conditions), they told me they don't.  Come again?  The reason given to me over the phone: Because "People commit perjury if they sign up to vote and are not eligible."* And it.  The word is out, in this county, and the state proper: 'Go vote, Illegals, because they won't check up on you.  We're in charge of the operation.'

Let's see what difference this judicial ruling makes, that JW was able to get through the courts.  But I'm not holding my breath.

A bigger cleanup than this is undoubtedly going to be required.  For, as it has been said (to paraphrase): 'We are up against principalities and powers, dark forces in high places...'

And speaking of buds but not yet flowers:

I also see that the 9/11 truth movement has succeeded in getting the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to convene a grand jury to look into all the evidence that the likes of ae911truth have compiled proving that the official take on that atrocity is false, and with evidence pointing, if not to the perps themselves, at least to precisely just what did happen that day, at all three sites.  But a district in New York state???...Again: no breath-holding to go on regarding this one, either.  But at least it's a start, in uncovering the whole truth regarding that geopolitical caper.    

And to close; back with JW:

I see that Tom is also out with a report on info they have uncovered, via FOIA requests and lawsuits, that proves that both Obama and Hillary knew the truth about the Benghazi affair, and hid it because it would implicate them in the sending of arms to jihadists in Syria.

Oh, but they were just insurgents against the Assad regime?  Hey - in the first place, we had no business getting involved in the Syrian situation, with the duly elected government of Assad, one.  And two: They were not just 'the political opposition,' and fanatical totalitarian jihadists, but mercenaries - and mercenaries paid for by the U.S. and other Western intel agencies.  Under the direction of the likes of John McCain.  And Hillary.  And Barry.

Book 'em, Danno.

The whole damn lot of them.


The Deep State.  The Cabal.  The Illuminati.  The Establishment.  The Insiders.  The Shadow Government.  The globalists.  The New World Order crowd.

Crooks and thieves, by any other name.

With no room for them in the world that is to be.

In our time.


* We have the Motor Voter Law whereby anybody who applies for or renews a driver's license is automatically signed up to vote, unless they specifically decline to.  And not only are they given hints that they won't be checked up on, but a year or so ago Gove. Brown signed into law a bill that specifically made it legal for Illegal Aliens to get a driver's license.
   'Hell-o.  Neon Sign Flashing.  NOW will you get out and vote??  And of course, you know who to vote for.'
   Right.  The people who gave us not only a bunch of Sanctuary Cities. But a Sanctuary State itself.

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