When I was in my mid-30s, back in the late ‘60s, I was at one point employed as s delivery truck driver (and solicitor of business) delivering straightened and rechromed bumpers to auto body repair shops in the Valley area of Southern California. Those were the days of ‘proper’ bumpers, which could be very expensive if needing to be replaced new, which opened a business opportunity for industrious types to offer to S&R the damaged ones instead. It also opened up an economic area for competition between such businesses. Which brought me in touch personally with an area of life that I found very distasteful.(1) It turned out that part of my job was to be a bag man, delivering - discreetly, of course - such a ‘bag’ monthly to the line manager of one such repair shop (of a major car dealership) who had agreed to send business the way of my employer as long as he made a cut on the sales.
I didn’t like doing this. I felt sullied by it. But it turned out to be part of the job.(2)
I ended up quitting that job, for other reasons specifically; and nearly ten years later I ended up living in a spiritual community, in the north of Scotland, far away from such a world, I thought. Where one fine day, after many years of living in that healthy and peaceful environment, and going to a dentist in town for some work or other, his Receptionist - a nice young woman - presented me with an insurance form to sign to cover part of my bill. (The UK’s NHS doesn’t cover dental work completely.) Which I noticed was blank.
I asked her about that little detail.
She replied innocently enough that that was how they did things there, that the ‘doctor’ would fill the details in later when he had the time.
I hesitated. And then made my decision:
Never. Again. Dammit. This world’s ways of doing things was not going to be my way. I wasn’t going to have anything more to do with doing ‘business’ that sort of way. This world needed to change - to be changed - and fast. For me, and the likes of me, to be able even to live here. To have to put up with such corruption.
That was - let’s see; about when was that?
That was long enough ago, now.
And I have now returned to my home country, and town, in my retirement years. Having done my dash in life. Not needing to prove anything, anymore. If I ever did. Except one thing.
I will not tolerate corruption in my Father’s house.
I will be damned if i’m going to tolerate any of that sort of thing anymore. I am talking now about two things in particular, that have confronted me upon my return:
1) The rampant voter fraud going on in this country; and
2) The disgusting treatment accorded to the country’s Constitution.
Both, for many years. Now to stop. If I have anything to say or do about it.
And I aim to.
With Thomas Jefferson, I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. And ‘you’ want me to pretend that Obama was a legally sitting president of the United States?? And that a huge amount of other such criminal balderdash going on in the U.S. - that has crept in over the years, like a sinister creature cunningly creeping in and making itself at home here - is legal according to the Constitution, when it is demonstrably NOT???
Hear me, O America:
The United States government, as James Madison made CRYSTAL clear in a number of places in his writings,(3) is a government of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in his precise words. Is “a limited one, possessing enumerated powers”. Not “an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions”.(4) Is, therefore, not a centralized form of government; which is easier to take over, than a federal one.
It will become a centralized one.
When the right ‘party’ takes over.
And we are rid of corruption on this planet once and for all.
For having moved into a, the
kingdom of heaven.
Under the rule of Truth.
Falsehood no longer.
In all areas of life.
And you can take that to the bank.
Just a different one from the kind we have today.
Because it's time for
the Big Change to come through.
At long last.
For me, personally.
And for the planet.
Or hadn't you noticed.
P.S. One aspect of which is how this country is some $21 trillion - that's trillion. With a T - in debt, and counting. With a 'goodly' amount of that being just the interest on the debt. Owing to whom? Ah. I see. People - certain families in particular - that want to take over this country, and make of it merely part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order. And the owners of a 'goodly' amount of our 'paper' itself? Ah. I see. The Chinese. 'But they would never call us on it because then they wouldn't get their money back'? But then they would own our assets. Including our resources...
Remind me not to hire any of our representatives to the federal government who got us into this mess, and are keeping us in it. If I were ever in charge of this country.
But then, who am I to talk. Right? Being a man of sin, and all.
But at least, having some sense of honor.
P.S. One aspect of which is how this country is some $21 trillion - that's trillion. With a T - in debt, and counting. With a 'goodly' amount of that being just the interest on the debt. Owing to whom? Ah. I see. People - certain families in particular - that want to take over this country, and make of it merely part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order. And the owners of a 'goodly' amount of our 'paper' itself? Ah. I see. The Chinese. 'But they would never call us on it because then they wouldn't get their money back'? But then they would own our assets. Including our resources...
Remind me not to hire any of our representatives to the federal government who got us into this mess, and are keeping us in it. If I were ever in charge of this country.
But then, who am I to talk. Right? Being a man of sin, and all.
But at least, having some sense of honor.
(1) Not ‘competition’ per se. Though this was at a time when I was waiting patiently for a/the Change in the monetary and financial system of the world to come through, that I had sensed back at the beginning of that decade, and which I have talked about previously in these pages. In late 1961 I gave The Change about thirty years to filter down through to the human level. So, patience being a virtue, I was well within the realm of a virtuous soul at the time that I am referring to in this particular rendering of my journey through life.
(But still, it was a drag. There we were, still pitting ourselves against one another, when we - to my reckoning of What It Was All About - should be working with one another. Cooperation. Not competition.
Just not the way that the communists were attempting. The Way of Force.)
(2) It wasn’t, at first. I didn’t know that it was going on. But apparently when my boss figured that he could trust me to be discreet about the matter, he turned it over to me, from apparently having been running the errand himself.
Ah. So this is what they call a kickback, I thought, in my innocence about such matters.
(3) That’s James Madison? As in the Father of the Constitution?? You may have heard of him??? On the other hand, you may well not have, given the quality of education on U.S. History & Government that has been going on in this country. For long enough.
(4) In a letter dated January 21, 1792.
For other references, see The Federalist Papers, nos. 14, 39 and 45. And I could go on. But you get the point.
The nation has already been hijacked.
The nation has already been hijacked.
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